Author Topic: What's your breaking point with a video game?  (Read 4594 times)


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Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2020, 01:20:48 pm »
If I'm just not feeling it, it's pretty easy for me just to be done.  Sometimes it takes 10 minutes, sometimes several hours.  Hard to quantify. Usually it's if I am having "fun" or enjoying myself, but sometimes a game is not necessarily "fun", but still engaging, and I'll keep playing.  Or maybe the mechanics are tricky, but I want to give the game a chance because once I figure it out, maybe I'll start enjoying the game. 

For older games, usually the first 5 minutes tell you everything you need to know on whether you should keep playing or not.  For newer more complex games, sometimes it takes many hours to uncover all the various game mechanics. 

Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2020, 04:17:19 pm »
Pokemon.  I spend hours leveling up every little critter as high as I can, until I get fed up and quit because I haven't even made it to the first gym yet.  I know, I do it to myself.  It's the curse of having OCD.  Pokemon isn't meant for us.


Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2020, 01:49:07 am »
I don't drop a lot of games in the middle generally. I'm usually very picky and make absolutely certain I'm going to enjoy a game before purchase. That being said there are cases where I've tried to give a game a shot and it just wasn't working so I dropped it as soon as possible. Like Kingdom Hearts 2 for example. I loved Kingdom Hearts 1 a lot but I just could not get sucked into Kingdom Hearts 2 because the pacing was terrible and story uninteresting imo. So I guess my answer is that if I'm not actively enjoying a game it's getting dropped immediately.

Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2020, 11:30:43 pm »
I usually play up until the time that the clock jumps off of the wall and whispers in my ear,  it's cold black plastic arms wrapped around my spine.   the whispers turn into SCREAMS....   "time doesn't exist, it's a mental construct created by modern man"  and then the world melts around me.   And i'm sitting in a chair just holding the melted clock in my hands.   Pink panther theme song plays.  And I am alone with all that really exists in the universe.  my own thoughts....    Hideo Kojima....   and pain.    Only pain.     Napalm rain.    Ocean eyes.

Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2020, 10:54:57 am »
I usually play up until the time that the clock jumps off of the wall and whispers in my ear,  it's cold black plastic arms wrapped around my spine.   the whispers turn into SCREAMS....   "time doesn't exist, it's a mental construct created by modern man"  and then the world melts around me.   And i'm sitting in a chair just holding the melted clock in my hands.   Pink panther theme song plays.  And I am alone with all that really exists in the universe.  my own thoughts....    Hideo Kojima....   and pain.    Only pain.     Napalm rain.    Ocean eyes.

Apparently Death Stranding is weirder than I thought.


Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2020, 03:38:15 am »
Not being able to actually beat a boss, but that was moreso when I was younger.

Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2020, 02:48:45 am »
One of my primary
my breaking point is when you try 20 times in a row to beat a single mission and can't beat it for 1 reason or another. dukes of hazzard racing for home for the ps1 has a mission where you have to follow Black Jack Parel and I never could get to the end of the stage.

I'm usually the same way with my games, that is why I don't like movie based video games, or platformer's or RPG's for the most part.

My most recent breaking point was playing "Spiro: The Year Of The Dragon" for the PlayStation 1. on either the 2nd or 3rd skateboarding section, where you need to maneuver a Tony Hawk game like skate park. On a skateboard, with no way to slow down and stop the skateboard, and on top of that you need to do spinning trick on a bunch of half pipes without making a single mistake, one mistake you you need to do the whole thing over. this skate park is full of crap to run into, and mess your up

plus their is a timer AND you need to jump high and land all the while your moving on a skateboard without breaks to prevent you from crashing into the wall.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 02:50:28 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2020, 01:41:03 am »
I hate any game with the need to solve puzzles with that require a walkthrough or strategy guide in order to get past I ran across a few in some PC games I've played.

I can't stand most platforming video games. Because most of them have a chance limit and if you use all up your chances or lives or continues you need to start the entire game over. If you're lucky, some games will let your start from a level through a save point. or even better, a checkpoint, or even better a save state!!

I also cuss and swear at games that require fast reflexes, or games that back me into a corner and don't give me a chance to fight back
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2020, 08:42:40 am »
I don't think that I have a time frame for a breaking point with a game. Hell, if the Uncharted 2/3 servers were back up or if the PS4 collection had the multiplayer, I'd still be playing those after hundreds of hours.

My breaking point is when I discover that I'm not having fun and won't have fun. I get rid of it at that point, but I'll give it a second chance after a break. Best example of this would be Zelda Skyward Sword. The motion controls were just absolutely horrible for me. I got to the first "boss" fight and couldn't beat him. I took about a year long break after mass frustration. Came back to it and beat the guy. I got a few more dungeons in and stopped caring about the game. I wasn't having fun and didn't care to finish it. The game essentially ruined me on Nintendo for the rest of the Wii's lifespan and the entire Wii-U lifespan.

Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2020, 12:25:13 pm »
I don't think that I have a time frame for a breaking point with a game. Hell, if the Uncharted 2/3 servers were back up or if the PS4 collection had the multiplayer, I'd still be playing those after hundreds of hours.

My breaking point is when I discover that I'm not having fun and won't have fun. I get rid of it at that point, but I'll give it a second chance after a break. Best example of this would be Zelda Skyward Sword. The motion controls were just absolutely horrible for me. I got to the first "boss" fight and couldn't beat him. I took about a year long break after mass frustration. Came back to it and beat the guy. I got a few more dungeons in and stopped caring about the game. I wasn't having fun and didn't care to finish it. The game essentially ruined me on Nintendo for the rest of the Wii's lifespan and the entire Wii-U lifespan.

yea sometimes for me too! when I come back to a game with a hard section of a game after I have time to think up a strategy in the back of my mind. I can beat that part of a game when I come back to it, usually. Sometimes we all need to stop playing a video game that is frustrating us and go back to it later. :)

That will save some of us money on a new controller or console :P
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: What's your breaking point with a video game?
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2020, 12:01:44 am »
Generally I know pretty quick.  I have had some "UNO reverse cards" on a couple and one which I just wouldn't let it get the better of me.  Yet it ultimately did.

Two games I didn't like right off the bat was Valkyrie Profile and Final Fantasy Tactics.  I borrowed FFT off a school buddy put five hours into it that evening, gave it back the next day.  On a whim borrowed it again month later and loved it, still do. 
Another friend brought VP by the house raving about it.  I played a coupe of hours of it, didn't like it.  Was at a mutual friends house who had borrowed it and watched him play it for three hours, still didn't care for it.
I bought it for $20 at a Gamestop because I had money burning a hole in my pocket.  Brought it home put it on the shelf for months.  Took it down because it was one I hadn't played to death, or at all.  It's among my top 5 Playstation games.  :-\

Games that I have put several hours into and haven't looked back, Grand Theft Auto III, I haven't played any of them since.  I only own GTA V by chance.  It came with the Xbox One I bought.  I haven't even bothered to install it. 
Unlimited Saga.  Played it for 30 minutes and decided that was more than enough.  Parasite Eve 2.  I loved the first one, was looking forward to the sequel.  Parasite Evil 2, more like.  Too much like RE for my blood.  I love RE but it just didn't feel right here.

The one I kept throwing myself at again and again was Saga Frontier II.  I thought at first I just didn't understand it.  Nope, I just didn't like it.  I wasn't going to let it beat me though.  It did, repeatedly.  So I got one of those cheat adapters and maxed out my parties stats, bull dozed my way to what I presumed to be the final boss.  Just to have it after a couple of turns pull some AoE wave attack that one shot my entire party.  It wasn't a fluke.  It done it regularly.  I quit at that point.  I traded it two days later.  I was done.