Author Topic: Best Buy is selling the Playstation Hits Nioh for $9.99!  (Read 6088 times)

Best Buy is selling the Playstation Hits Nioh for $9.99!
« on: February 12, 2020, 12:59:01 am »
I follow the Cheap Ass Gamer Twitter page and saw that Best Buy is selling Nioh (Playstation Hits Edition) for $9.99.  With a $5 discount from my family's account I was able to get the game for $5!  I never experienced Nioh, but heard good things about it.  Haven't got the chance to open it and install the game yet, but I'm looking forward to checking it out!  This is quite a steal for the collection! Be sure to pick it up before stock runs out or the price goes back up!

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