Author Topic: Is There A Comprehensive List Rating PS3 vs 360 Ports?  (Read 2727 times)

Is There A Comprehensive List Rating PS3 vs 360 Ports?
« on: February 19, 2020, 06:39:34 am »

I've been recently looking into getting more 360 titles and wondering what titles surpass the PS3 versions I may have - Obviously there is the benefit of Backwards Compatibility & Enhancements on the Xbox One but I am looking for detail in regards to purely running games on their native consoles.

For example, It's pretty well known that Bayonetta is a disaster on the PS3 & the 360 version was superior but for Final Fantasy XIII the PS3 was the place to be!

So if anyone knows where I can find a comprehensive list where these Multi-platform titles face off, please let me know - Or we can maybe start one here :)


Re: Is There A Comprehensive List Rating PS3 vs 360 Ports?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2020, 12:58:30 pm »
I often heard during the 7th gen, that a lot of PS3 ports suffered in comparison with frame rate issues and glitches due to lazy one-size-fits-all mentality in porting games over, especially during the early days.

Re: Is There A Comprehensive List Rating PS3 vs 360 Ports?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2020, 01:30:37 pm »
For the most part, PS3 versions looked better, but the 360 versions ran better.

I don't think there's a definitive list of version comparisons, but back in that era, IGN, Xbox Achievements/Playstation Trophies, and True Achievements/True Trophies pumped out a lot of comparison videos, which can probably be found on the game's individual pages on the various sites.


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Re: Is There A Comprehensive List Rating PS3 vs 360 Ports?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2020, 03:02:57 am »
Digital Foundry

Re: Is There A Comprehensive List Rating PS3 vs 360 Ports?
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2020, 07:00:16 am »
Thanks for the suggestions - DF obviously goes into depth in their vidoes but I was kind of hoping there would be a list online so I can comb through the titles I want to replace. But DF is a starting point, looking on their website they don't seem to have many that cover last gen:

There is plenty of comparisons on YouTube I see:
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 07:14:20 am by vivigamer »

Re: Is There A Comprehensive List Rating PS3 vs 360 Ports?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2020, 09:58:49 pm »
Seems like for the most part games before 2010 go with 360 and then 2010 and on PS3.


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Re: Is There A Comprehensive List Rating PS3 vs 360 Ports?
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2020, 03:31:44 am »
This is a topic I'm pretty passionate about. I also suggest Digital Foundry, but a comprehensive list would be great to have. Perhaps we can put one together as a team.

It's really on a per-game basis, and is hard to generalize.  For the most part, 360 leads the PS3 version, but there are those rare instances where the PS3 version comes out on top. Some titles off the top of my head are Oblivion, which came out much later on PS3 and had more time to refine the game, and Mass Effect 2 which has DLC included on disc which the 360 version does not.

- Retro

« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 07:38:21 am by retromangia »