Author Topic: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences  (Read 1704 times)


Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« on: November 03, 2022, 03:54:01 am »
which do you prefer 1st, 2nd, or 3rd top down or side person camera angles when playing any kind of shooting game or a game involving any kind of a gun period. Now some of you may wonder what a 2nd person angle game would be like and this YouTube video describes one theory but it is not a shooting video game.

but I'm sure someone on this forum can find what would be called a 2nd person shooter, but who's judging?

I personally like 1st person shooting video games best and 3rd person shooting video games the least. I like 1st person shooting video games the best because they I believe they put me in the game more. And I'm actually "In The Game" rather then watching the game from the sidelines. 3rd Person camera angles make me feel less in control of the actual game, due to my focus on the blood and gore rather then the animations of the game characters.

3rd Person camera angels is better aped for medieval or hand to hand combat and sword fighting video games rather than for shooting video games in my opinion, in many 3rd person shooting video games you can often find your character's ass gets in the way and you can't see to aim at your targets especially if they are flying or high up above you. meanwhile while the camera is zoomed into your character's ass your getting it kicked by one or many of your enemies in the game.

I don't like top down shooters that much either because I feel pretty much the same way about them as I do 3rd person shooters, like I said I feel like I'm watching the game from the sidelines instead of playing it at that angle, plus top down shooters remind me that I'm playing with toys instead of a video game.

I sorta like side scrolling shooters because, why not? I mean there are more probably more side scrolling video games more then any other kind of camera angle ever created right? If you don't like any side scrollers? than you must not like 66% of every single retro or indie game ever created in the History of video games period.

So?? this bears the question? what is your favorite camera angle when it comes to shooting video games?

updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2022, 04:19:14 am »
80% of the time, it's First Person for me.  Most shooters I play are built around that, your tactical or more faster paced games like Battlefield, Doom, etc...  The other 19% would be Third Person and that's playing stuff a little slower like Resident Evil 2 Remake, Dead Space, and so on.  There are exceptions here and there, like I'm cool with Fortnite in third person, I'm not even sure if I'd prefer it more in first person or not, but it's fine as it is for a more casual shooting experience, and for first person I enjoy Resident Evil 7 and 8 in first person.

I don't have any interest in top down or side scrolling shooter type stuff.  Like I don't hate it, but it's not something I'm normally going out of my way for.  Primarily first person, then third, and then whatever after that usually has to have some other hook in the game for me to like it.


Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2022, 08:22:27 am »
I'm a third person fan. Be it over the shoulder like Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remake, or fully zoomed out like Uncharted, 3rd person is where I enjoy gaming the most.

Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2022, 09:27:05 am »
I don't think 2nd person really exists.

That said, I thought about this a couple of days ago.  For a game to be second person, the camera would have to be the view point of another character in the story.  1st person if your view, 3rd person is the view of someone not in the story, so 2nd person would have to be the view point of a companion, enemy, or other bystander of the story.  In theory this could be accomplished via a potentially less-intrusive escort mission gameplay structure, a convoluted system where you only see your predator stalking you, or potentially something like Republique where technically speaking, the cameras that you are seeing from are the view point of another character.

One could argue that Super Mario 64 is a 2nd person 3D platformer as when you look in mirrors you can see you're actually seeing from the view point of a camera controlled by a lakitu.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2022, 09:28:51 am by ignition365 »


Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2022, 10:25:46 am »
I don't think 2nd person really exists.

Camera Perspective
- First person: camera is in you
- Second person: camera is in another character that exists in the world
- Third person: camera is outside of you

For Second person, the character may be any entity, such as a security camera. Often a situation where it may appear to be third person but the camera focus is only identified in-story. Such as if what you see in the game is supposed to be seen through a security camera.

To me, whether a first or third it usually ends up determining what controls I prefer. FPS means keyboards + mouse only and third person I would prefer to use a controller.

Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2022, 02:35:17 pm »
I think that game "Moss" on Playstation counts as "2nd Person" being that your view is outside of the character you control and the ingame character knows you are there and interacts with you.

Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2022, 12:38:15 am »
 I prefer 3rd person. FPS kinda makes me claustrophobic tho I like some FP games and FPS but I will choose TP over FP every time I have the options.

Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2022, 04:32:44 pm »
First person. I have never liked a third person shooter but If it's melee combat like swords or kingdom hearts I prefer third person. Full range of motion and better 360 peripheral vision :)


Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2022, 06:32:47 pm »
3rd person. I don't mind 1st person but if given the choice I'll always choose 3rd.