Author Topic: The Quiet Man  (Read 1501 times)

The Quiet Man
« on: April 06, 2020, 03:31:40 pm »
So i finished The Quiet Man not too long ago, and then did a second playthrough with sound, and am now currently going for the last trophy i need to 100% the game called 'Win At Life'.

For those of you who don't know what the game is, here's rundown:

The Quiet Man was developed by Human Head Studio and published by Square Enix.
It got shown off at E3 to not very much fanfare, but i got super interested in the premise.
The main character is deaf, and as such you play the game as Dane as he views the world i.e. no sound at all. So the game has no music, SFX, voices or anything.

Unfortunately this pissed as lot of people off as the narrative of the game was completely unfollowable, very confusing and made no sense without context or dialogue.
Initially Square Enix were going to release a patch to give the game sound later on (a month or so), so that a second playthrough with a few extra scenes thrown in would make the narrative work and people could understand what the hell was going on.
They instead had to release the patch after a week because of all the backlash, and it didn't really help matter because even though the story now makes sense, it didn't help the atrocious gameplay.

The gameplay goes as such:
10 minute live action cutscene
Brawler gameplay
5 minute cgi cutscene
Brawler gameplay
Another cutscene
rinse and repeat forever.

Which would be fine if the actual gameplay segments weren't broken, poorly designed fights in tiny rooms with a camera that has a mind of its own, enemies that phase into existence through walls, punches that connect when/if they want to, among many, MANY more issues.

I'm currently streaming The Quiet Man going after the elusive trophy that's currently sitting on PSN at a whopping 0.1% called 'Win At Life', whereby you have to play the entire game......WITHOUT GETTING HIT!

Needless to say going for this trophy is driving me a little batty. Save backups are a must, but you have to play through an entire chapter before the game will save, so sometimes you're having to do 10 fights or so in a row before you can back up the save. Again this wouldn't be much of an issue getting this trophy, if the game played fair, didn't glitch and didn't have flashbacks during fights so that you can't even see the enemies that you're fighting.

I had to tell someone about this damn game, because i feel it flew so damn far under the radar, that it resides somewhere in the earth's crust.
Has anyone else here played it?

I personally liked the story (when it had sound), but the gameplay is absolutely unforgivable. It should have just been a short movie, or even a point and click. Being a brawler type game does not suite it at all, and it definitely didn't seem to suite the programmers who worked on it.

My handle on here is the same as my PSN ID and my twitch so if you wanna see me suffer, you can do since i put the camera on as well.
Just be prepared to see a very haggered, tired woman in her PJ's sighing and swearing an awful lot  XD

Re: The Quiet Man
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2020, 06:37:03 pm »
Not gonna lie, with amount of coverage this game received on alot of youtubers worst of videos for whatever year it came out, I was intrigued to see how bad this game truly was. Unfortunately, I never pulled the trigger despite many times over the last year where the game was on sale. In concept, it looks like something I would like to try but unless I get my hands on how it plays, I wont truly know. Good luck getting that trophy.

Re: The Quiet Man
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2020, 06:37:07 am »
Not gonna lie, with amount of coverage this game received on alot of youtubers worst of videos for whatever year it came out, I was intrigued to see how bad this game truly was. Unfortunately, I never pulled the trigger despite many times over the last year where the game was on sale. In concept, it looks like something I would like to try but unless I get my hands on how it plays, I wont truly know. Good luck getting that trophy.

The concept was what sold me on wanting it in the first place.
Like i said, the live action scenes are well acted and the story itself isn't half bad either.

It's just a shame it's let down by terrible gameplay. It's so incredibly janky that you won't get a true feel as to how janky it is without playing it  XD

If you really wanna play it and aren't interested in the trophies the game is incredibly easy, even with the awful controls.
However it wouldn't be something i'd recommend you buy, just watch someone else do a playthrough the 2nd time round with the sound and dialogue on. Watch it as a film, don't play it as a game.

Re: The Quiet Man
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2020, 02:27:08 pm »
Not gonna lie, with amount of coverage this game received on alot of youtubers worst of videos for whatever year it came out, I was intrigued to see how bad this game truly was. Unfortunately, I never pulled the trigger despite many times over the last year where the game was on sale. In concept, it looks like something I would like to try but unless I get my hands on how it plays, I wont truly know. Good luck getting that trophy.

The concept was what sold me on wanting it in the first place.
Like i said, the live action scenes are well acted and the story itself isn't half bad either.

It's just a shame it's let down by terrible gameplay. It's so incredibly janky that you won't get a true feel as to how janky it is without playing it  XD

If you really wanna play it and aren't interested in the trophies the game is incredibly easy, even with the awful controls.
However it wouldn't be something i'd recommend you buy, just watch someone else do a playthrough the 2nd time round with the sound and dialogue on. Watch it as a film, don't play it as a game.

I'm all for jank. Not every game I play has to be an 8 or higher but I can see where you are coming from with the watch aspect. The fact that in order to get to hear whats going on you have to finish the game the first time without sound is a bit out there. That said, it would have to be super low on price or a freebie whether its PS+, Games with Gold or even Game Pass for me to even consider playing it. With that said, I'll take your suggestion and watching it.