Author Topic: Question About (Wired) Controller Lag When Playing Any Halo/FPS Game On Xbox360  (Read 1583 times)


please read the whole post if you think you can help. with a reply many people are having this issue even when using wired USB controllers on the Xbox One As Well.

I can't find any solutions or pin points anywhere online so far. (edit) They worked fine for a short time,

I have a 2 possible broken (wired) Xbox360 controllers. my first one keeps disconnecting from the console at random and both my 1st and 2nd wired Xbox360 controller is severely lagging on the right joystick movement. only on all first person shooters

I need to know on my 2nd one especially. if this is a software? Or Xbox driver issue? or is this a controller problem? I just got a replacement controller today, but I am worried that this controller will have (the same) issues as well.

I can't find any solutions over the internet, people even complained about even the Xbox One wired controllers are giving lag on (right joystick) with first person shooters like the Halo: Master Chief Collection, (there does not seem to be a solution anywhere I am looking on the Internet. for both the Xbox360 problems OR the Xbox One issues with the wired USB controllers.

I need to know if I should trash both of my controllers? even though they work fine on all other genres (except) first person shooters?

I noticed this started to happen soon after, with my 1st replacement controller. That my right analog stick started to squeak. I worked fine for a little while, but now it constantly lags. According to the internet this could be due to a corrupted software driver problem? when happening on a Windows PC, but how do I fix the driver on an xbox360?

I lost 2 of these controllers already from the same problems. Should I try my new controller or will I have this issue again? because if this is a software issue and not a controller problem then I won't be able to play any FPS on my Xbox360 until I find out

When I mean lag I mean the game no longer has precise character turning. When I move the right joystick left to right, the screen turns slow and jagged, making controlling left to right act like an older PC Computer with not enough RAM. yet my left analog joystick working fine I can move forward and backwards no problem but I can not turn without issues.

My first one however worked fine for a long time until the console could not detect the controller and would shut off after about a 15 minutes to a half hour or less at random.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 02:13:44 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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It sounds like the sticks are dirty and there is nothing wrong with the controllers. The right analog stick is the most programmed analog stick in videogames, with the left stick getting lesser use. So naturally, with heavy play, they wear out faster.  Have you tried taking all these controllers apart down to the last screw and washing them and lubricating the sticks?  I never plug a used controller in until I clean it.


It sounds like the sticks are dirty and there is nothing wrong with the controllers. The right analog stick is the most programmed analog stick in videogames, with the left stick getting lesser use. So naturally, with heavy play, they wear out faster.  Have you tried taking all these controllers apart down to the last screw and washing them and lubricating the sticks?  I never plug a used controller in until I clean it.

I don't really know how to repair things

The controllers don't seem dirty and both of these controllers were purchased new. they could be worn out but I've don't think I ever got much usage out of the 2 that I tried already,

The USB ports are fine on my Xbox 360 and all the controllers I've tried so far seems to even register on the PC but I have not tested any gameplay on my PC yet.

thanks for the suggestion @seberhusky really appreciate it.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 01:30:30 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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Well looks like you will need to learn how to repair things or have someone look at it for you at this point.

Your issue sounds more mechanical than software.
The controller analog sticks could be is dirty/dusty as mentioned by the previous reply.  The analogs could be worn or have debri that puts them outside their range tolerances
Either way, take it apart, clean the analogs to start, re lubricate them as well with lithium grease if needed.

If the controller starts getting disconnected and/or button/dpad inputs start to fail completely or lag then possibly the wires are frayed and shorting at the flex joint at the top of the controller.... This usually happens when people would wrap the wires tightly over time AROUND the controller, instead of bundling up the wires separately and having the controller rest next to the wires. You see this a lot on the OG xbox..... about 70% of the original xbox controllers that 'dont work' this is the issue.

Strip, take apart and inspect the flex joint, bore out the flex joint to give it more more room, resolder and heat shrink the wires, reassemble it and give it another try.