So I managed to collect ALL star Wars Films, and I wanted to talk a little about Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, OBone and the fact that that Sith actually comes back in one of the new Star Wars Movies.
I am actually a big Star Wars Film Freak now I have all movies made up until whenever Solo came out, all are worth watching by the way in my own opinion.
I personally think that the Sith in the Star Wars Universe is most terrified of Obone, but does not show it too much, I think eventually in the Star Wars Universe the force is going to res·ur·rect ob1 Kenobi and he is going to Permanently kill the sith and keep him from coming back forever in the Star Wars Universe.
There was a tiny tiny hint of this ob1 kenobi and Sith paranoia in the movie Star Wars Episode III Revenge Of The Sith.
If you go back to General Grievous's Commandship in the beginning where Anakin Skywalker AKA Luke Skywalker's father later known in Star Wars universe as Darth Vader,
was on a mission to bring Count Dooku to justice and rescue the AHHHmm "The Sith"
In Episode III ob1 Kenobi fails to match the weight of Count Dooku's power Anakin Skywalker then single handedly defeats Count Dooku,
then short time after?
here is where I want you to pay attention to Darth Sithious's aka Senater Palpatine's face who actually is the Sith himself and he is Darth Sithious. Look at Senator Palpatine face when Anakin Decides to save ob1 Kenobi's life? he tells Anikin Skywalker to leave Ben behind to die on General Grevious's command ship.
and when Palpatine said those words it was too late Ankin was already saving OB1's life and look of terror on Palatines face at the sight and thought of of Anakin Skywalker picking up an unconscious Ob1. to rescue him
Now? I think that is a hint,
Later on in Star wars Episode III Anakin and the Sith aka Senator Palpatine were talking about how Darth Sithious could stop people from dying and how his apprentice betrayed him. I honestly think that the Sith knew the whole Star Wars plot ahead of time, that apprentice that betrayed Darth Sithious the Sith later turned out to be Darth Vader in 3 movies later Return Of The Jedi and Darth Vader was at first saved from death by Darth Sithous aka the sith aka Senator Palpatine.
Senator Palpatine was always the bad guy. in case you didn't figure it out to begin with.
He was the Sith the entire time ever since Star Wars episode I The Phantom Menace, and eventually became the head of the Intergalactic Empire at the end of Episode III and remained the leader of the entire Intergalactic Empire until defeated by Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in Episode VI Return Of The Jedi.
After that? I need to watch those files again and I'll keep you guys posted but Luke Skywalker
"out of filmset"
becomes a Jedi master like Master Yoda and trains Jedi Knights that then gets betrayed his own nephew by Han Solo and princess lala Son Ben Solo. Ben Solo joins the dark side of the force and takes Darth Vaders Place I need to watch those films again carefully though, Ben Solo eventually gets defeated by Luke Skywalker Adopted Daughter aka his Apprentice in the Rise Of Skywalker if I am not mistaken then somewhere the Sith comes back to life then it ends.
To sum up this post if the disney cannon continues to follow a similar to story line as to the George Lucas I persoanlly think there will be a showdown between The Sith aks Darth Sithious and Ob1 Kenobi and you probally already know who's gonna win right.
Point being that Darth Sithious knows the future or is possibly a time traveler from the future Star Wars Universe, in EP III the look on his face was pure terror just watch Episode III again to see what I mean?
But an evil coward like Emperor Sithious would never admit to being frighten of ob1 but I really really think he is terrified of him and the if Ob1 comes back into Star Wars like he told Darth Vader when Darth Vader Defeated Ob1 in Episode IV "Strike me down Darth" and I will become more powerful than you will even imagine.

Thanks for reading

Ob1 is like Jesus LOL not only does he look like him in various photos of the prequel trilogy but also I think if Ob1 really get ticked off he can probably due some serious Jedi butt kicking, I don't think Star Wars has seen the last of Ben how about you?
Nice Guy too nice but don't get on OB1's bad list