Author Topic: Selling your collection for Flash Carts/ODEs  (Read 3660 times)


Re: Selling your collection for Flash Carts/ODEs
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2020, 06:19:50 pm »
As it stands, I own everdrives for the following: NES, SNES, GEN and N64. Now when I bought these I bought them for purpose of having them for my systems because I liked the idea of being able to play games on the hardware using one cart which by in large has been cool especially since it allows you to play some rom hacks. It wasnt until maybe a year or 2 ago that the idea taking the fat out my collection and sticking to the games I have a connection to be it childhood or otherwise in my collection. As it stands, I got rid of those games and stuck with everdrives. Now whether or not I will offload the remainder of my games down the line is a possibility. For me its just a matter of when.

I have never been the type to want the entire library of one console and I reached a point last year where I wanted condense what I have so everdrives have helped resist buying what I would otherwise would get just because its there. It also helps that I bought these carts during Black Friday rather than just on a whim so as to save some money.

Re: Selling your collection for Flash Carts/ODEs
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2020, 11:09:27 pm »
As it stands, I own everdrives for the following: NES, SNES, GEN and N64. Now when I bought these I bought them for purpose of having them for my systems because I liked the idea of being able to play games on the hardware using one cart which by in large has been cool especially since it allows you to play some rom hacks. It wasnt until maybe a year or 2 ago that the idea taking the fat out my collection and sticking to the games I have a connection to be it childhood or otherwise in my collection. As it stands, I got rid of those games and stuck with everdrives. Now whether or not I will offload the remainder of my games down the line is a possibility. For me its just a matter of when.

I have never been the type to want the entire library of one console and I reached a point last year where I wanted condense what I have so everdrives have helped resist buying what I would otherwise would get just because its there. It also helps that I bought these carts during Black Friday rather than just on a whim so as to save some money.

This pretty much described me exactly at the moment. I've become mostly disenchanted by collecting games, and honestly care way more about playing as many of them as possible now rather than accumulating them. I've owned the super rare, expensive games; I've owned over 2000 games on dozens of consoles. I feel like I've done and experienced most of what I've ever wanted in terms of collecting and now I'm seriously exploring a new way to enjoy video games.

There are certainly a large chunk of my games I wouldn't miss at all if I sold, but there are certain games I'm not about. I'll likely hold onto those games as well as the games I know I want to keep. I know I'll barley touch my Dreamcast and N64 collections, but the rest are fair game. At least in terms of retro I really want to give flashcarts a try. I'm putting serious thought into getting the MegaSD as my first. I actually plan on keeping most of my Genesis games (downsized it years ago), but I want it since I'd like to be able to play the entire Genesis library from one cart, as well as the entire Sega CD library. I gave up on Sega CD collecting years ago given how unreliable the console is now, and how ridiculous prices have become on many of its games. It seems like a bargain all things considered.

Once the MODEs are restocked and it gets glowing reviews (I hope), I plan on getting one for Saturn. If I'm in love with it, then the Super SD System 3 for the TG16, and also other flash carts as well. I'm jumping the gun here, but I have high hopes for flash carts and ODEs as being the future of retro gaming.


Re: Selling your collection for Flash Carts/ODEs
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2020, 12:34:43 am »
As it stands, I own everdrives for the following: NES, SNES, GEN and N64. Now when I bought these I bought them for purpose of having them for my systems because I liked the idea of being able to play games on the hardware using one cart which by in large has been cool especially since it allows you to play some rom hacks. It wasnt until maybe a year or 2 ago that the idea taking the fat out my collection and sticking to the games I have a connection to be it childhood or otherwise in my collection. As it stands, I got rid of those games and stuck with everdrives. Now whether or not I will offload the remainder of my games down the line is a possibility. For me its just a matter of when.

I have never been the type to want the entire library of one console and I reached a point last year where I wanted condense what I have so everdrives have helped resist buying what I would otherwise would get just because its there. It also helps that I bought these carts during Black Friday rather than just on a whim so as to save some money.

This pretty much described me exactly at the moment. I've become mostly disenchanted by collecting games, and honestly care way more about playing as many of them as possible now rather than accumulating them. I've owned the super rare, expensive games; I've owned over 2000 games on dozens of consoles. I feel like I've done and experienced most of what I've ever wanted in terms of collecting and now I'm seriously exploring a new way to enjoy video games.

There are certainly a large chunk of my games I wouldn't miss at all if I sold, but there are certain games I'm not about. I'll likely hold onto those games as well as the games I know I want to keep. I know I'll barley touch my Dreamcast and N64 collections, but the rest are fair game. At least in terms of retro I really want to give flashcarts a try. I'm putting serious thought into getting the MegaSD as my first. I actually plan on keeping most of my Genesis games (downsized it years ago), but I want it since I'd like to be able to play the entire Genesis library from one cart, as well as the entire Sega CD library. I gave up on Sega CD collecting years ago given how unreliable the console is now, and how ridiculous prices have become on many of its games. It seems like a bargain all things considered.

Once the MODEs are restocked and it gets glowing reviews (I hope), I plan on getting one for Saturn. If I'm in love with it, then the Super SD System 3 for the TG16, and also other flash carts as well. I'm jumping the gun here, but I have high hopes for flash carts and ODEs as being the future of retro gaming.

I forgot about the MegaSD until you brought it up. That is something I would like to get in the future as I have myself a Sega CD however theres not alot a whole lot I would get as I have games I like with Sonic CD and Mortal Kombat. Otherwise, I couldnt really think of what I would want for it that doesnt require me to spend a huge chunk of money plus with the benefit of the MegaSD being all on one cart, it saves the space from having to connect the CD to the Genesis with separate cables and power adapters. Add the 32X to it and let me say that is overkill.

I have Saturn as well and with how insane prices are for their top tier games, I dont see myself collecting much for it. What keeps me from selling it is I have CIB copies of MK2 and UMK3 and I love the MK franchise so its something I would like to own. Same can be said with Dreamcast for me but I wont get into detail at this moment but the point stands.


Re: Selling your collection for Flash Carts/ODEs
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2020, 07:24:00 am »
Flash carts the future of retro gaming, more like it's already happening for years if where talking original console experience, there is not enough original stuff to go around even cart only let alone cib. same for cd based games. considering that most 8 and 16 bit speedruns allow emulation on same leaderboards you could pretty much say there is no difference.

Since if where talking 16 bit emulation on pc, heck even in early gba days a ton of those emulators have the same names and they worked fine back than.

Still, I can't see myself ever collecting japanese exclusives hardcore, you pretty much forced to import them and the good stuff can be pricy as hell. yet with emulation easy acces and perfect emulation on original consoles aside from the cd consoles atm wich also are making progress and are pretty playable to near perfect for a ton of games.

Not to mention translation patches making the experience more enjoyable or certain games actually playable.

Western releases I'll never emulate since I have plenty atm not that much missing let alone the time, but I'll use my flash carts plenty for them japanese exclusive games wich I would probably never get anyway.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 07:31:02 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Selling your collection for Flash Carts/ODEs
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2020, 08:23:26 am »
Space is a premium in many people's homes. Games and game consoles take up lots of space. I decided to keep the Game Gear and Genesis from my childhood, the PS2 to keep playing my PS1 and PS2 games and then have the PS4 and PSV. I'd have sold the PSV had Uncharted Golden Abyss been in the PS4's Uncharted collection. I've used the PS4 to condense my favorite PS3 games into the library; buying most of my favorites as remasters. All other systems were sold as my favorites were brought to this gen. An example being the Shenmue HD collection coming to PS4. I sold my Dreamcast once it was announced.

All my older systems are now condensed onto a Raspberry Pi that looks like a mini SNES. NES, SNES, Sega CD, 32X, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, Atari, N64... etc... etc... Everything condensed into 3" x 4" x 1.5" space. It's a smaller footprint almost any of the systems by themselves. Eventually, if there are updated Raspberry Pi systems that have Saturn (for some reason not emulated on it), PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast, and up to 360, PS3 and Wii, I'll buy that Raspberry Pi as well as it will grant me access to favorites in a condensed space. It's incredible when you think about it.


Re: Selling your collection for Flash Carts/ODEs
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2020, 12:58:51 pm »
Flash carts are the shit! Don't overthink it and invest in them. Replacing and selling your collection for them would be overkill, though. My opinion, of course.

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