Author Topic: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A  (Read 12286 times)

I'll be posting all my newest uploads, updates and anything else having to do with my Youtube channel in this thread.

Wiggles Youtube Channel

« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 02:33:24 pm by bikingjahuty »

« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 07:09:19 pm by bikingjahuty »

Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2020, 09:25:58 pm »


Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2020, 08:14:28 am »
Another great video!  :)
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2020, 08:41:29 pm »
Another great video!  :)

Thank you so much! I'm working on my first review currently. I hope to have it up by next weekend :)


Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2020, 08:55:22 am »
Top 5 Video Game Magazines (5/15/20)

I've watched all three of these and I do realize that these are your personal Top 5's but on some of them I'm kinda surprised. For the magazines video you had...

5. Sega Visions - Okay, I'm with you there. I LOVED this magazine back in the day being the YANG to Nintendo Power's YIN.

4. Off. Sega Dreamcast Magazine - More Sega goodness. I'm pretty sure I have a few issues of this in my menagerie downstairs but I'd have to look. Were these slightly oversized? I can't remember.  :P

3. Game Informer - Okay you started to lose me here. I absolutely get what you're saying about OLD Game Informer magazine, they were/are great and just as entertaining to read as their mainstream counterpart magazines. Where you lost me though is when you heaped praise on Funcoland while making GS out to be the devil. I see this a lot on the internet where people have this rose-colored glasses view of FU Land and how "evil" GS ruined it. Well, I worked at both and I swear to you was literally the opposite! In the 2 years I worked at FU Land, it was CONSTANT pitching and upselling, threatened with loss of job if you didn't sell enough cleaning kits/subscriptions and all for a measly 10% discount. Then I jump ship to the newly opened GameStop and they have NONE of that, just ask customers if they need anything else like a controller or memory card (try and sell at least 2 things per transaction) and along with a chill environment you got a 25% employee discount (that stacked when they had employee appreciation weeks for an extra 10% off so you'd get 35%  ;D). When GS merged with FU Land they absorbed all that stuff you hate about GS now and by the time I left the discount was almost back to FU Land's.  :P

2. Nintendo Power - I figured this would have been numero uno...

1. GamePro - OOF. Now, I can totally see how kids could get into this magazine but it never clicked for me. I dunno...I just felt it could never hold a candle to the likes of EGM or Diehard Gamefan. Maybe because the latter two had more focus on stuff from Japan and GamePro favored the homegrown stuff (by that I mean focusing more on domestic product and little if any import coverage). Also, and this might ruffle some feathers, but I never cared for the art style of their in-house artist. That was a huge turn off for me personally and why I have so few GamePros compared to other magazines.

I do realize this comes across as crapping on your choices and it's not intended to be that. I mean there's 3 solid choices out of the 5 and I'd even say 4 out of 5 if you counted only the classic Game Informers (I think the quality started going downhill when they did the resizing from standard magazine to oversized format). I just could never get into GamePro given the other choices available.  ;)

Top 5 Pinball Machines (5/22/20)

Nice video, nice choices. I'm kind of surprised The Addams Family didn't break that Top 5 but I'm assuming it's sitting off-screen at #6.  ;) Then again, I have a bit of a bias towards it as it's my favorite game. Not real surprised Medieval Madness is your number one. EVERY pinball person I know holds it in high regard. I never had much of a chance to play it in the wild and only at pinball/arcade shows (and it's usually got a hella long line).

Top 5 Arcade Exclusive Shmups (5/28/20)

Nice list. I've played/heard of most of these. When I worked at an arcade, we had a back corner with older machines and I remember a few that I don't recall ever got ported. Ever heard of Turbo Force (not the TG16/Duo magazine)? There was another one I played a lot and can swear it was made by Konami. All I can remember from it was there's this cutscene where there's a volcano and this fire dragon pops out and pulls your ship into the volcano? I MIGHT be misremembering that but I do remember it was a schmup.  :P

Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2020, 10:54:03 am »

I appreciate the feedback and thank you :)

Regarding the Top 5 Video Games Magazines video, or really any of the videos, my lists are going to be a mix of my own subjective opinions combined with some objectivity as to why they're on the list. I don't believe there's such thing as being 100% objective when evaluating what game, magazine, pinball machine, or whatever is better than than another, although you can certainly use certain aspects about the thing in question to make a good argument as to why it's better then the others. With that said, I'd say I try and be about 50% Objective and 50% subjective with my picks. At the end of the day they are my picks, and they're going to look different than someone else's picks based off personal experiences, biases, and preferences towards certain things that may or may not align with someone else's.

With that said, yeah, people are going to have different opinions as to which gaming magazines are the best out there. Concerning Game Informer I felt it fair to evaluate this Magazine as it was during its prime since that's how I was evaluating all the other video game magazines on my list. Sure, it's the only one still around, but its quality has certainly dipped especially over the last decade. The same could be said for Nintendo Power as well in its last few years of publication, but the dip in quality didn't seem as pronounced. And despite what I said about Gamestop I don't actually hate them and I'm certainly not one of those people that goes to bed at night fantasizing about them going out of business. My jabs at them in that video are a mix of sarcasm and seriousness. Sure, I'm upset that their buyout of their competition in the early 2000s really homogenized the video game retail landscape, and some of their store policies are shit, but overall it's a place I would miss terribly if they ever went under. But yeah, don't read too much into my Gamestop bashing in that video, it's only meant to be taken half serious.

As for Gamepro, I had a hard time placing any other magazine higher, even when stacked up against NP. There was just so much content in each issue, the reviews and previews were excellent, and it just everything anyone could ever want from a gaming magazine back then. Funny enough most of all my friends back in the late 90s subbed to Gamepro, and me and one other kid I hung out with also the only Nintendo Power subs at the time. It was the gaming magazine back in the day for my inner circle of friends, and even looking back on all the old gaming magazines I still have issues for its the one i get the most satisfaction out of reading, and still find the most insight into how many retro games were perceived when they were brand new. Again, there is absolutely subjectivity in this choice, but also from an objective point of view I feel like it would be hard to argue that any of the other magazines on my list is better.

Pinball Vid: I feel like Adam's Family would probably be around 6 or 7 yeah. There are a few machines that give it a run for its money like Indiana Jones and Tales of Arabian Nights, but yeah it would sit somewhere near the border on this list. That's why I had to inject the Caddyshack meme mentioning it because I'm sure there are going to be people wondering the same thing you were lol.

SHMUP Vid: I've actually never heard of Turbo Force, no. I found most of the games on the list and the 4 or 5 other games that didn't make it from digging on the shmups.system11 boards as well as just looking at games some of the big SHMUP devs have made and finding out which ones have never received some sort of console/PC port. I must have missed that one, which I was certain I would some, but I figured if people aren't talking about it and I can't find a mention of the game, it's likely one that faded deep into obscurity for a reason. Still, I'd love to play it eventually and make up my own mind on it.


Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2020, 12:13:57 pm »
Here's a YouTube video for Turbo Force. It was made by Video Systems of Aero Fighters/Sonic Wings so it's got good parentage. It just kinda fell into the cracks of gaming abyss I guess...

Turbo Force

Now that I think about it, I would LOVE it if a compilation with the Aero/Sonic Wings and Turbo Force was available similar to the Psikyo ones on Switch. Hell they could even throw in Super Volleyball from the Genesis, that was decently fun for it's time.  ;D

As for the rest...

I bought/read GamePro issues for sure. I guess I just found it less...polished (?)...than say EGM or Diehard Gamefan. Make no mistake, I'm THRILLED that it was cherished by you and your friends.  ;D

As for GS...I really hate that it sounds like I'm defending them. The current state of the company has a bad reputation and the scorn of gamers/customers that is largely self-inflicted. In the early days before GS/Babbages merged with them was a freaking DREAM to work there. I imagine for customers, FU Land might've been idyllic and fondly remembered but I absolutely HATED the constant anxiety over having to always upsell cleaning kits and magazine subs. When I jumped ship to the newly created Gamestop in 1999/2000, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Then they merged and the crap I hated started to seep in.  >:(

Lastly, I didn't get into pinball until that "golden era" right around the time Addams Family came out. The arcade I worked at had it and I played it CONSTANTLY. I don't recall there being a Medieval Madness there as that would have been right up my alley. They did have a lot of Bally/Midway and Data East pins so most of my favorites are ones like Demolition Man, Twilight Zone, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Data East's Star Wars.  :)

Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2020, 01:05:20 am »
Here's a YouTube video for Turbo Force. It was made by Video Systems of Aero Fighters/Sonic Wings so it's got good parentage. It just kinda fell into the cracks of gaming abyss I guess...

Turbo Force

Now that I think about it, I would LOVE it if a compilation with the Aero/Sonic Wings and Turbo Force was available similar to the Psikyo ones on Switch. Hell they could even throw in Super Volleyball from the Genesis, that was decently fun for it's time.  ;D

As for the rest...

I bought/read GamePro issues for sure. I guess I just found it less...polished (?)...than say EGM or Diehard Gamefan. Make no mistake, I'm THRILLED that it was cherished by you and your friends.  ;D

As for GS...I really hate that it sounds like I'm defending them. The current state of the company has a bad reputation and the scorn of gamers/customers that is largely self-inflicted. In the early days before GS/Babbages merged with them was a freaking DREAM to work there. I imagine for customers, FU Land might've been idyllic and fondly remembered but I absolutely HATED the constant anxiety over having to always upsell cleaning kits and magazine subs. When I jumped ship to the newly created Gamestop in 1999/2000, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Then they merged and the crap I hated started to seep in.  >:(

Lastly, I didn't get into pinball until that "golden era" right around the time Addams Family came out. The arcade I worked at had it and I played it CONSTANTLY. I don't recall there being a Medieval Madness there as that would have been right up my alley. They did have a lot of Bally/Midway and Data East pins so most of my favorites are ones like Demolition Man, Twilight Zone, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Data East's Star Wars.  :)

My goto game store growing up was a Software Ect at the local mall and I literally spent hours in there just looking at games I wanted without actually buying anything. It is probably more awesome in my memories than it actually was, but I miss when stores like this were around to compete with each other. Most of the Gamestops in my area have great people working for them and I genuinely enjoy going there to show. Unfortunately it's still Gamestop and that does dampen my experience with those places, but it really isn't that bad.

I love all those pinball machines you mentioned. Luckily a few of them are on Pinball Arcade, but the rest I have to stumble upon to play. It's always awesome when I do though :)

Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2020, 01:06:09 am »

Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2020, 01:08:45 am »
There was supposed to be a new video up this weekend and fucking Audacity showed itself as a shit program by saving corrupt data over more corrupt data, and completely fucked four hours of recording and editing I did. Yeah I know it's free, but what the fuck!!!

New video isn't going up until next week now. Thanks Audacity you useless piece of shit.

Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2020, 11:20:15 pm »

Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2020, 01:33:27 pm »
New review for one of the most underrated N64 games ever made!

Sin and Punishment Review


Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2020, 02:08:13 pm »
Great video on Sin and Punishment! :) I've never heard of this game
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Wiggles (aka bikingjahuty) Youtube videos, updates, and Q&A
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2020, 10:13:36 pm »
Great video on Sin and Punishment! :) I've never heard of this game

Thank you so much! I was shocked at how good that game was when I first played it. It's criminally underrated.