What about this item:
https://vgcollect.com/item/193843 (french version of Brain age)?
Here, on the front of the box, a space is unmistakably legible before both the colon and the question mark, which are both part of the title itself, and not separator added following vgcollect’s rules.
Isn’t not putting these in direct contradiction with the rule stating we must use the actual text on the item?
A space is a character as any other else, and the typography a title sports is fully part of the title, in my humble opinion.
Concerning capitalization for french title, section 11.27 of the Chicago manual, as outlined by dhaabi, is dedicated to the subject:
In general, Chicago recommends sentence-style capitalization (see 8.158), the rule followed by Grevisse, Le bon usage (see 11.6, 11.25).
Follows a list of examples with an exception for the newspaper Le Monde, which has me guess that following this rule, only the first letter of each proposition is capitalized, in addition to proper names (Apollon, Bellac, Goriot and Rougon-Macquart in the list being all first, last or location names).
Hence: « Baten Kaitos: Les ailes éternelles et l’océan perdu »
Alternatively, Chicago also supports the practice such that for titles starting with a definite article,
“the article and the first substantive (noun or noun form) and any intervening modifier are capitaziled (e.g., La Grande Illusion
).” That does not apply to titles starting with indefinite articles.
Hence: « Baten Kaitos: Les Ailes Éternelles et l’océan perdu »
But yet again, why fix here what isn’t broken, as it is readily legible on the box, meaning first letter capitalization in the example of Baten Kaitos?
French version of Brain Age, in small caps, clearly follows the same rule, by the way.