Author Topic: Lost the video game barcode help  (Read 1315 times)


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Lost the video game barcode help
« on: June 12, 2020, 01:33:14 pm »
Im not sure about this one,

The barcode is giving mixed hits on google. Its not on Gamefaq or moby this version. A few Dutch shop sites have it (im Dutch), but also several eastern European countrys gives hits. The box text is English. Now there is a UK version, so i put EU for now on it. The scans are from me, so they are good.

So now, where is it from?


Re: Lost the video game barcode help
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2020, 02:54:44 pm »
I see on the UK English the barcode is 3307210409393. On the back there is a "Watch LOST on Sky" logo, and a "ask about" logo. It also has UK address.

I find this one is missing those two logos, and found the matching barcode. It has France address.
Here is one with a Greek label, but I do not think it is an official label:

So you can choose what to do with the two. Keep the original as is and put [NL] onto the new one you made?
Or put [UK] on the old one and not have a TLD on the new entry?

It is likely that this 423 had import labels on the outer shrinkwrap of sealed copies that would be able to pinpoint specific releases. An un-sealed game like this can be difficult.


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Re: Lost the video game barcode help
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2020, 03:33:41 pm »
I forgot to tell that we cant do NL because there is a NL Version out, only not yet in the database.

And the one in the database looks correct for UK. 

I will search more tommorow.


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Re: Lost the video game barcode help
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2020, 01:08:50 pm »
Couldnt find anything that would help.

A dutch gaming site who list prices of shops has 3 Ean's listed

It includes mine, but this 3307210409256 one is the Dutch version


Re: Lost the video game barcode help
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2020, 08:15:19 am »
Are there any packaging differences between the 256 you own and the 423 in the database?


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Re: Lost the video game barcode help
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2020, 01:28:10 pm »
Taking a (good) look at the picture it is 3307210409430 for the Dutch version with Dutch and French text on the box.

3307210409423 is English text.
Has 'game and Manuel in english' on the back.
French adres on the back.

3307210409393 is English text.
Has a 'watch lost on sky' on the back.
Has logo 'ask about games .com' on the back
UK adres on the back