Author Topic: Genesis Model 1 AC Adapter  (Read 9263 times)

Re: Genesis Model 1 AC Adapter
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2020, 05:41:51 am »
I am not sure why people are being so difficult and suggesting dumb things like cutting China pride cables and soldering new ends on them. It's no wonder why so many house fires happen and consoles blow their fuses.

The Sega MK-1602 power supply is what shipped with the model 1 Genesis.  Go on eBay and buy one. It takes 10 seconds. Do not use Amazon. Never use 3rd party or multi-format adapters. They are cheap junk and will burn out (or burn your house down).  I had a cheap NES one 10 years ago.  It melted and shorted out my power strip and would have started a fire if I wasn't sitting right there to smell and see the smoke.

I always use official OEM hardware and it never fails and always works. Having the original hardware also improves the value of the console when sold. There is absolutely no sense in using Chia pride junk with narrow low gauge wire and quality that will not last beyond a year. They are cheap for a reason.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 05:46:12 am by seberhusky »


Re: Genesis Model 1 AC Adapter
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2020, 11:54:03 am »
I am not sure why people are being so difficult and suggesting dumb things like cutting China pride cables and soldering new ends on them. It's no wonder why so many house fires happen and consoles blow their fuses.

The Sega MK-1602 power supply is what shipped with the model 1 Genesis.  Go on eBay and buy one. It takes 10 seconds. Do not use Amazon. Never use 3rd party or multi-format adapters. They are cheap junk and will burn out (or burn your house down).  I had a cheap NES one 10 years ago.  It melted and shorted out my power strip and would have started a fire if I wasn't sitting right there to smell and see the smoke.

I always use official OEM hardware and it never fails and always works. Having the original hardware also improves the value of the console when sold. There is absolutely no sense in using Chia pride junk with narrow low gauge wire and quality that will not last beyond a year. They are cheap for a reason.
Those 3 in 1 adapters are shit everybody here already knows that. You can find new high quality transformers and SMPS that would be incredibly more safer and reliable that a 30+ year old transformer that has god knows how many hours of operation on it. People never seem to think about how old and how much use this equipment has on it now and that it’s not going to last forever.

It’s perfectly safe to install your own connector tips on a power supply. The Genesis has a 7805 voltage regulator that drops any DC voltage you feed it between 8-16 volts down to 5V that the console actually runs on. As long as the adapter is between 8-16V DC and can supply at least 1 amp and you don’t get the polarity wrong it’s fine.


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Re: Genesis Model 1 AC Adapter
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2020, 10:48:14 am »
All good advice as far as sticking to original equipment as much as possible.  I recently ordered my second Sega 3025-1 adapter for my Famicom. The first one has that classic "only works when cord in certain position" issue.  Once I have a consistent known working one I will attempt to repair the first.  Don't get me wrong, generics work in a pinch.  In addition to image "warbling" I find that newer aftermarkets can also cause audio buzzing.

I did fix that first adapter by ordering a replacement cord from  Let me tell you those old adapters are tough to open!