Author Topic: Does anyone track what game brought them to a "milestone" in their collections?  (Read 2645 times)

Today, I reached the 200th game in my overall game collection. It was Luigi's Mansion 3.

Since this site made me realize I was almost at 200 games, I feel like Luigi's Mansion 3 may be more special to me now.

Does anyone have a game they remember for a milestone they reached in their collection? Like what was the 500th game you ever got? What was your 50th (insert platform here) game? Were they legendary games or insignificant?

I don't keep track of how many games I have anymore, since a lot of my games I want to add to my collection on this site. Cannot be added, since a lot of them they are compilations and some knock off games. I got a lot of games not found anywhere in this database. One of the kinda unspoken rules on this site, is you are not suppose to add games to the database individually from 99% of all the compilations meaning an entire compilation of arcade port on one disc or cartridge games can only be listed as one game, for it's dedicated console or device.

however on the bright side buying compilations, and dedicated consoles is currently cheaper and compact. Than buying those a lot of those same games individually.

(edit) by looking at your collection in which is currently public I can see you have a ton of quality video games, I personally favor quantity and quality, my strategy is to pick up whatever is going to be the most fun for me and not going to break my bank
« Last Edit: June 22, 2020, 10:14:07 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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One of the kinda unspoken rules on this site, is you are not suppose to add games to the database individually from 99% of all the compilations meaning an entire compilation of arcade port on one disc or cartridge games can only be listed as one game, for it's dedicated console or device.

Dude, that's... how it should work.  :o Why on earth would each individual game on the Capcom Classics Collection for the PS2 be added as it's own entry in the db? It's one product.
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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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One of the kinda unspoken rules on this site, is you are not suppose to add games to the database individually from 99% of all the compilations meaning an entire compilation of arcade port on one disc or cartridge games can only be listed as one game, for it's dedicated console or device.

Dude, that's... how it should work.  :o Why on earth would each individual game on the Capcom Classics Collection for the PS2 be added as it's own entry in the db? It's one product.

I got over that a long time ago, and I understand why that is the rules. maybe their would be a way to add an item count tracker, like say a special buttion in the database to add a number instead of a new game? that should be easy but I'm not a programmer so.
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


One of the kinda unspoken rules on this site, is you are not suppose to add games to the database individually from 99% of all the compilations meaning an entire compilation of arcade port on one disc or cartridge games can only be listed as one game, for it's dedicated console or device.

Dude, that's... how it should work.  :o Why on earth would each individual game on the Capcom Classics Collection for the PS2 be added as it's own entry in the db? It's one product.

I got over that a long time ago, and I understand why that is the rules. maybe their would be a way to add an item count tracker, like say a special buttion in the database to add a number instead of a new game? that should be easy but I'm not a programmer so.

I mean you just made a topic about it in database discussion so I would wager that it's still a sticking point for you :P
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


One of the kinda unspoken rules on this site, is you are not suppose to add games to the database individually from 99% of all the compilations meaning an entire compilation of arcade port on one disc or cartridge games can only be listed as one game, for it's dedicated console or device.

Dude, that's... how it should work.  :o Why on earth would each individual game on the Capcom Classics Collection for the PS2 be added as it's own entry in the db? It's one product.

I got over that a long time ago, and I understand why that is the rules. maybe their would be a way to add an item count tracker, like say a special buttion in the database to add a number instead of a new game? that should be easy but I'm not a programmer so.

I mean you just made a topic about it in database discussion so I would wager that it's still a sticking point for you :P

A Google Doc would fix that problem instead of having the site kowtow to an odd request that probably can't be fulfilled. Then again that dastardly Google isn't to be trusted and doing so would just open a backdoor into his system to get HAXX0RZED!!!  :P


I honestly don't keep track of that...or have ever thought about it, really.

A Google Doc would fix that problem instead of having the site kowtow to an odd request that probably can't be fulfilled. Then again that dastardly Google isn't to be trusted and doing so would just open a backdoor into his system to get HAXX0RZED!!!  :P

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Dang!  I wish I would have.

One of the kinda unspoken rules on this site, is you are not suppose to add games to the database individually from 99% of all the compilations meaning an entire compilation of arcade port on one disc or cartridge games can only be listed as one game, for it's dedicated console or device.

Dude, that's... how it should work.  :o Why on earth would each individual game on the Capcom Classics Collection for the PS2 be added as it's own entry in the db? It's one product.

Yeah, I prefer quality over quantity, although my only real rules are
1. No sports games, unless that have an asset of imagination in them
2. No games based off of pre-existing media, such as TV, film, and books (unless it's YuGiOh) Though I can add a few games of a special case that fit this category (like Goldeneye or DuckTales)

So I can technically get bad games, as long as someone actually tried to build something unique. I am a player and collector in no particular order.

And yeah I agree with telly. It doesn't make sense to add a singular game that has a collection of titles, all as different entries. This would lead to people saying stuff like "I didn't play the original Sonic 2 on Genesis, I played it on GameCube." Not to mention that singular games in collections are still outfitted different in order to work with the newer hardware.

I partially do. I remember my 500th game was MUSHA; actually found it at a now defunct game store for $40 back in 2011 on my birthday of all days.

Also remember my 2000th game which was January of last year when I decided to jump back into US Saturn collecting. Bought Clockwork Knight 2 from a local collector.

I don't.  I know when I'm about to hit a milestone, I try to make the milestone game something worthwhile, but I definitely never remember what it was down the line.

I use to when my collection was much smaller. I enjoyed hitting the 25th mark (75, 100 etc.) on PlayStation games back in the day, though I didn’t keep track of which games they were.

No and if I did, I may have recognized but thats about it. Never made a big deal about it.


I have in the past. Still do some what.


I never have but I probably will after reading this, I pushing for 700 right now :)