Author Topic: Xbox One Compatible? - Triple Pack: Outland, From Dust, Beyond Good & Evil HD  (Read 1605 times)

I'm interested to know if this is backwards compatible - mostly for Beyond Good & Evil. I can't find out much about it & don't want to buy it then find out it isn't. I gather that the digital version of BG&E is but I'm not sure about this set with all 3 games on disc.

Triple Pack: Outland, From Dust, Beyond Good & Evil HD -
« Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 08:55:18 am by vivigamer »


From what I've read online From Dust isn't backwards compatible but the other two games will install.
Motel ... Motel... Motel ... broken neon arabesque

How strange that it would do that! It's sort of like my PS3 Assassin's Creed Heritage Collection in that it has the games on the disc which you install from the main console menu (XMB):

Still it is only BG&E I really want so I will take a chance on it! Thanks for the response :)

There is a video on Youtube that shows the interface for the game selection:
« Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 11:39:43 am by vivigamer »

How strange that it would do that! It's sort of like my PS3 Assassin's Creed Heritage Collection in that it has the games on the disc which you install from the main console menu (XMB):

Not quite. Nothing's actually installed from the disc. Instead, it downloads a compatible version of the games from Xbox live. The CD is then just used as a key in order to be able to play them.


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Hope it works! BG&E is one of my all time favorite games, I play through it every couple of years.

I managed to test it, I can confirm all 3 games are downloaded separately and work fine!