Vary old games used to have you accumulate points depending on how you perform usually. an arcade port of something, a scoring system, Do you care about getting a high score? or even bother to put in initials into your consoles save state, At A game over screen?
I don't see the appeal because it's only me looking at the system. but I'm thinking about actually caring about points in those games. I got nobody to show them to, so I'm kinda in the meh category, for the most part I really didn't care about getting a high score in most games I've played.
But I know some of those old 1980's and 1990's games give out continues and extra lives for getting the best score so, what is your opinion on this subject?
I could imagine it would be something special in a family or large gaming group that are vary close in relationship and friendship though. But not so good in the modern day isolation.