Back in the days of Diablo 1 on PC, you could randomly join people's battlenet sessions if they didn't password protect them. I think you could have about 4-5 people in at a time to go through the mains story. You did have the ability to go in, toggle your pvp controls, and kill players. At most you would get their ear as a trophy. It had little value other than bragging rights. While I never really did the whole pvp thing, I would go in and randomly mess with people. As long as you stayed in town, they couldn't attack you, so I would stay there and spout random babble and mouth at the players. I kept it all PG since it was funnier that way. One night, For a solid two hours that evening I kept logging into this one session as my main character, Rummy, and pestered the people playing. At first I was chill and conversation went fine, until I kept saying the dungeon smelled like poop. Then whenever they would tell me to shut up I would tell them something stupid like, "well your mother never speaks to me in such a way." Then would often tell them their mother "says hi, by the way." I eventually got kicked out and then kept joining. I can't remember if you could password protect a session if it had already started, so I kept joining and making poop comments. After getting kicked out for the 10th or so time, I logged in as an alt about 15 minutes later. By this time other had joined and I suppose they figured I had moved on. Sadly for them I lived in a small town and was 17 years old with nothing to do. I started out normal and was all nice and chatty, then said something like, "man, there's something about this session. I think it's because it" Once of them replied, "RUMMY!!!" then I was kicked. By this time I was in stitches since their reply felt like a Soap Opera betrayal scene, and I knew I was being a pest. A little bit later I created a new character named something like Your_mother_says_hi. I logged in and they immediately greet me with, "Hi Rummy." Feeling their defeat I bid them farewell and I would leave them alone. By this time it stopped being as funny and it was about 3am. The following day I went to log in and couldn't. At first I thought it might have been the internet, battlenet, or something else. After checking everything, I had my friend log in with his account and it worked just fine. Called another friend and his worked fine as well. I don't remember seeing any banned messages and I don't think you had your account tied to an email then. After about a week, I was able to log back in again. I can only assume I had a temporary ban for harassment. Though, I knew people who were way worse than I did. It was one of the few times I ever got in trouble and was possibly temp-banned.