Author Topic: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?  (Read 1991 times)


Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« on: October 16, 2020, 08:15:18 am »
The last  online game I played was an original Doom Engine called Zandronum. It was a free online engine for PC that had a lot of players, and had almost no trolls that I could see, I used to host public games for strangers to log on and play with me, off my computer and running off a main universal monitored server from around the world. This was back in like 2012-2013. luckily the engine was great for hosting and playing online because it was actually hard to troll people other then the chat in which could easily be ignored. I mean I always checked the option in all of my games, that were coop to go through other players to prevent people from clogging the way, there was a ban switch in case I needed it, there was also a global ban list that included a list of all banned IP's from people that were caught doing something they shouldn't have been.

But I did encounter one nasty problem on my online journey with Zandronum it was in a live game I told other people I was using a gamepad, soon after that, the gamepad turned unresponsive and lagged till I could no longer enjoy my game. this was permanent and could not be resolved. and nobody said anything not even a lol or eat shit. It was just silent and then boom my controller was unresponsive. and even when I was offline it still appeared to be broken.

Another problem was someone put tons of bots in my server, but I played like every day and 99% of the time everything was fine. I also used other people servers too, but I loved making my own, and most of the time people seemed vary friendly and played the game instead of messing with things

My new question to this community is has anyone ever been trolled badly on an online video game, or maybe even to the point where it would effect the hardware or software of either a PC or modren console. I no longer play online games because from what I gather Zandronum is not as popular now than it was back in 2013- 2014                                                               
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 08:17:01 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2020, 09:51:43 am »
One time I was banned on my own Quake 3 server because I was "moving too fast"


Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2020, 10:18:40 am »
One time I was banned on my own Quake 3 server because I was "moving too fast"

maybe someone hacked your PING? it's only a guess though
Do you think it was something to do with your PING?  I think that normally that is not usually an issue when your the host itself. But a high PING can cause Lag and even other problems, maybe someone hacked your PING, it's only a guess though, I have a feeling  in my case scenario now that someone might have screwed up my USB driver in which cause the game controller, to suffer lag even when playing offline. I know that sometimes if someone somehow raises your PING sometimes you can get kicked off your server. I was kicked from my own server before but not banned, because the message said something about the PING? I don't remember correctly :-\
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 10:28:26 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2020, 10:28:45 am »
No it was because I know how to strafe jump.
Also I tend to play FPS with a high mouse sensitivity, and use optical mouse with no mouse pad. There is a trick with that type of mouse where you can aim faster than normal by using what I call "mouse tilt/lift" where you pick up the mouse slightly when moving. This is something you can do with an optical mouse when used on a flat but non-reflective surface. It does not happen when using a mouse pad. I do not know if it is a known trick or not.


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Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2020, 01:09:10 pm »
I got thrown out of a game for quoting Anchorman too much


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Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2020, 09:00:59 pm »
I got thrown out of a game for quoting Anchorman too much

Is there really something as "too much"?


Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2020, 10:05:00 am »
Back in the days of Diablo 1 on PC, you could randomly join people's battlenet sessions if they didn't password protect them. I think you could have about 4-5 people in at a time to go through the mains story. You did have the ability to go in, toggle your pvp controls, and kill players. At most you would get their ear as a trophy. It had little value other than bragging rights. While I never really did the whole pvp thing, I would go in and randomly mess with people. As long as you stayed in town, they couldn't attack you, so I would stay there and spout random babble and mouth at the players. I kept it all PG since it was funnier that way. One night, For a solid two hours that evening I kept logging into this one session as my main character, Rummy, and pestered the people playing. At first I was chill and conversation went fine, until I kept saying the dungeon smelled like poop. Then whenever they would tell me to shut up I would tell them something stupid like, "well your mother never speaks to me in such a way." Then would often tell them their mother "says hi, by the way." I eventually got kicked out and then kept joining. I can't remember if you could password protect a session if it had already started, so I kept joining and making poop comments. After getting kicked out for the 10th or so time, I logged in as an alt about 15 minutes later. By this time other had joined and I suppose they figured I had moved on. Sadly for them I lived in a small town and was 17 years old with nothing to do. I started out normal and was all nice and chatty, then said something like, "man, there's something about this session. I think it's because it" Once of them replied, "RUMMY!!!" then I was kicked. By this time I was in stitches since their reply felt like a Soap Opera betrayal scene, and I knew I was being a pest. A little bit later I created a new character named something like Your_mother_says_hi. I logged in and they immediately greet me with, "Hi Rummy." Feeling their defeat I bid them farewell and I would leave them alone. By this time it stopped being as funny and it was about 3am. The following day I went to log in and couldn't. At first I thought it might have been the internet, battlenet, or something else. After checking everything, I had my friend log in with his account and it worked just fine. Called another friend and his worked fine as well. I don't remember seeing any banned messages and I don't think you had your account tied to an email then. After about a week, I was able to log back in again. I can only assume I had a temporary ban for harassment. Though, I knew people who were way worse than I did. It was one of the few times I ever got in trouble and was possibly temp-banned.


Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2020, 12:18:57 pm »
Yes, the first Diablo it was a common tactic for PKers to put a town portal from somewhere in the PvM area, then just sit there and cast Nova when people came through the portal. Diablo had the same "Open" type mode as Diablo II, but did not have closed or ladder sections. This meant that (also like Diablo II Open) you could used hacked characters in multiplayer.


Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2020, 04:12:48 am »
Back in the days of Diablo 1 on PC, you could randomly join people's battlenet sessions if they didn't password protect them. I think you could have about 4-5 people in at a time to go through the mains story. You did have the ability to go in, toggle your pvp controls, and kill players. At most you would get their ear as a trophy. It had little value other than bragging rights. While I never really did the whole pvp thing, I would go in and randomly mess with people. As long as you stayed in town, they couldn't attack you, so I would stay there and spout random babble and mouth at the players. I kept it all PG since it was funnier that way. One night, For a solid two hours that evening I kept logging into this one session as my main character, Rummy, and pestered the people playing. At first I was chill and conversation went fine, until I kept saying the dungeon smelled like poop. Then whenever they would tell me to shut up I would tell them something stupid like, "well your mother never speaks to me in such a way." Then would often tell them their mother "says hi, by the way." I eventually got kicked out and then kept joining. I can't remember if you could password protect a session if it had already started, so I kept joining and making poop comments. After getting kicked out for the 10th or so time, I logged in as an alt about 15 minutes later. By this time other had joined and I suppose they figured I had moved on. Sadly for them I lived in a small town and was 17 years old with nothing to do. I started out normal and was all nice and chatty, then said something like, "man, there's something about this session. I think it's because it" Once of them replied, "RUMMY!!!" then I was kicked. By this time I was in stitches since their reply felt like a Soap Opera betrayal scene, and I knew I was being a pest. A little bit later I created a new character named something like Your_mother_says_hi. I logged in and they immediately greet me with, "Hi Rummy." Feeling their defeat I bid them farewell and I would leave them alone. By this time it stopped being as funny and it was about 3am. The following day I went to log in and couldn't. At first I thought it might have been the internet, battlenet, or something else. After checking everything, I had my friend log in with his account and it worked just fine. Called another friend and his worked fine as well. I don't remember seeing any banned messages and I don't think you had your account tied to an email then. After about a week, I was able to log back in again. I can only assume I had a temporary ban for harassment. Though, I knew people who were way worse than I did. It was one of the few times I ever got in trouble and was possibly temp-banned.

If it were my server you would not have been kicked and especially not banned, I would play along with you, what your were doing was funny, I did the same thing  couple of times on Zandronum. and when I was playing on someone else server, one time I said in the chat "PU monster", another person replied with 'yea smells like ass, then another time in a coop game we just killed another demon and I say in the chat "We killed the cow, Let's eat. then someone said FU and I think then logged out. I said that another time and I got a LOL response

In my personal opinion if they wanted to not have random people join their server they should have put a password on it. in my case, my server was open to anyone who wanted to play with me, about the only time I would kick someone off my server was when I closed it down.  and the one player was just sitting there for a long time doing nothing, my servers were not permanent, I just  opened my own server when I wanted to play some mod that nobody else was using. I had a blast :)

« Last Edit: October 21, 2020, 12:40:34 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
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Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2020, 10:16:00 am »
I got thrown out of a game for quoting Anchorman too much

Is there really something as "too much"?

"I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker."

Was seen as a threat


Re: Are There A Lot of Online Players That Will Mess Up Your Game?
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2020, 10:40:58 am »
That's funny.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!