Author Topic: Best and Worst Games of a Series  (Read 4008 times)

Re: Best and Worst Games of a Series
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2020, 07:49:16 am »
Resident Evil 2 Remake.  The greatest remake ever, maybe?  This game feels like a total thesis on how learn the right lessons from your previous games and combine them to make a greater whole.

Resident Evil 6.  The exact opposite.  They learned all the wrong lessons and put them into this game.

While RE6 is a bad RE in the traditional sense it makes for a fantastic Co-op action game - Arguably the best we've had in years. Also the RE6 Mercenaries mode is brilliant arcade fun. Yes the story is bombastic but I've certainly had a lot of fun playing it with friends over the years.

I agree with you on the RE2 Remake, though was VERY impressed with RE7 this gen, looking forward to seeing where they go with 8.

Resident Evil
BEST - RE2R (Brilliant re-imagining with tense 3d person combat and dark atmosphere)
WORST - RE Zero ( I liked the opening train section but that was it. Found the character switching mechanic beyond tedious - wish it was co-op like Outbreak)

REmake 2 is so good!  I was honestly surprised I picked it over 4, but that one is starting to show its age around the edges, so I just had to chose it.

And I can totally understand picking Zero over 6.  Something about 6 has just never sat quite right with me.

Mega Man 2 is kind of the perfect sequel.  It learned a ton of lessons of the previous game and refined the gameplay a ton.  While certain things aren't balanced (Metal Blade), the game is basically modular in that you can create your own difficulty at any time with weapon choice, boss order, etc.  The biggest flaw in the game is the wall boss, where it becomes possible to soft lock yourself if you run out of the Crash Bombs.

Oh man this is tough.  Gonna have to go with Mega Man 7


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Re: Best and Worst Games of a Series
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2020, 11:47:12 am »
Wow, didnt realize Twilight Princess was held in such regard as a series favorite. I didn't like it. The entire wolf-change thing felt super-gimmicky to me and not very Zelda-like. Turned me off from the game.


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Re: Best and Worst Games of a Series
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2020, 11:49:55 am »
Resident Evil 2 Remake.  The greatest remake ever, maybe?  This game feels like a total thesis on how learn the right lessons from your previous games and combine them to make a greater whole.

Resident Evil 6.  The exact opposite.  They learned all the wrong lessons and put them into this game.

While RE6 is a bad RE in the traditional sense it makes for a fantastic Co-op action game - Arguably the best we've had in years. Also the RE6 Mercenaries mode is brilliant arcade fun. Yes the story is bombastic but I've certainly had a lot of fun playing it with friends over the years.

I agree with you on the RE2 Remake, though was VERY impressed with RE7 this gen, looking forward to seeing where they go with 8.

Resident Evil
BEST - RE2R (Brilliant re-imagining with tense 3d person combat and dark atmosphere)
WORST - RE Zero ( I liked the opening train section but that was it. Found the character switching mechanic beyond tedious - wish it was co-op like Outbreak)

REmake 2 is so good!  I was honestly surprised I picked it over 4, but that one is starting to show its age around the edges, so I just had to chose it.

And I can totally understand picking Zero over 6.  Something about 6 has just never sat quite right with me.

Mega Man 2 is kind of the perfect sequel.  It learned a ton of lessons of the previous game and refined the gameplay a ton.  While certain things aren't balanced (Metal Blade), the game is basically modular in that you can create your own difficulty at any time with weapon choice, boss order, etc.  The biggest flaw in the game is the wall boss, where it becomes possible to soft lock yourself if you run out of the Crash Bombs.

Oh man this is tough.  Gonna have to go with Mega Man 7

No way the RE2 Remake is better than the original. I mean it's a great game, don't get me wrong. Mr. X was terrifying. And it's a very pretty game, fantastic graphics.

But it's missing half the game! The original RE2 tops it due to sheer content. The remake is missing the B scenarios. That's a huge loss, IMO.

Re: Best and Worst Games of a Series
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2020, 12:07:55 pm »
Resident Evil 2 Remake.  The greatest remake ever, maybe?  This game feels like a total thesis on how learn the right lessons from your previous games and combine them to make a greater whole.

Resident Evil 6.  The exact opposite.  They learned all the wrong lessons and put them into this game.

While RE6 is a bad RE in the traditional sense it makes for a fantastic Co-op action game - Arguably the best we've had in years. Also the RE6 Mercenaries mode is brilliant arcade fun. Yes the story is bombastic but I've certainly had a lot of fun playing it with friends over the years.

I agree with you on the RE2 Remake, though was VERY impressed with RE7 this gen, looking forward to seeing where they go with 8.

Resident Evil
BEST - RE2R (Brilliant re-imagining with tense 3d person combat and dark atmosphere)
WORST - RE Zero ( I liked the opening train section but that was it. Found the character switching mechanic beyond tedious - wish it was co-op like Outbreak)

REmake 2 is so good!  I was honestly surprised I picked it over 4, but that one is starting to show its age around the edges, so I just had to chose it.

And I can totally understand picking Zero over 6.  Something about 6 has just never sat quite right with me.

Mega Man 2 is kind of the perfect sequel.  It learned a ton of lessons of the previous game and refined the gameplay a ton.  While certain things aren't balanced (Metal Blade), the game is basically modular in that you can create your own difficulty at any time with weapon choice, boss order, etc.  The biggest flaw in the game is the wall boss, where it becomes possible to soft lock yourself if you run out of the Crash Bombs.

Oh man this is tough.  Gonna have to go with Mega Man 7

No way the RE2 Remake is better than the original. I mean it's a great game, don't get me wrong. Mr. X was terrifying. And it's a very pretty game, fantastic graphics.

But it's missing half the game! The original RE2 tops it due to sheer content. The remake is missing the B scenarios. That's a huge loss, IMO.
Wut.  RE2 Remake has the B scenarios.


PRO Supporter

Re: Best and Worst Games of a Series
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2020, 01:01:03 pm »
Resident Evil 2 Remake.  The greatest remake ever, maybe?  This game feels like a total thesis on how learn the right lessons from your previous games and combine them to make a greater whole.

Resident Evil 6.  The exact opposite.  They learned all the wrong lessons and put them into this game.

While RE6 is a bad RE in the traditional sense it makes for a fantastic Co-op action game - Arguably the best we've had in years. Also the RE6 Mercenaries mode is brilliant arcade fun. Yes the story is bombastic but I've certainly had a lot of fun playing it with friends over the years.

I agree with you on the RE2 Remake, though was VERY impressed with RE7 this gen, looking forward to seeing where they go with 8.

Resident Evil
BEST - RE2R (Brilliant re-imagining with tense 3d person combat and dark atmosphere)
WORST - RE Zero ( I liked the opening train section but that was it. Found the character switching mechanic beyond tedious - wish it was co-op like Outbreak)

REmake 2 is so good!  I was honestly surprised I picked it over 4, but that one is starting to show its age around the edges, so I just had to chose it.

And I can totally understand picking Zero over 6.  Something about 6 has just never sat quite right with me.

Mega Man 2 is kind of the perfect sequel.  It learned a ton of lessons of the previous game and refined the gameplay a ton.  While certain things aren't balanced (Metal Blade), the game is basically modular in that you can create your own difficulty at any time with weapon choice, boss order, etc.  The biggest flaw in the game is the wall boss, where it becomes possible to soft lock yourself if you run out of the Crash Bombs.

Oh man this is tough.  Gonna have to go with Mega Man 7

No way the RE2 Remake is better than the original. I mean it's a great game, don't get me wrong. Mr. X was terrifying. And it's a very pretty game, fantastic graphics.

But it's missing half the game! The original RE2 tops it due to sheer content. The remake is missing the B scenarios. That's a huge loss, IMO.
Wut.  RE2 Remake has the B scenarios.

It has one B scenario, no matter who you play as. It doesn't have two separate stories for each character. And your first play through doesn't effect your 2nd play through like it does in the original.

The original has a total of 4 separate stories to play through.


Re: Best and Worst Games of a Series
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2020, 03:09:18 pm »
Interesting thread topic. Kudos.


Best - Twilight Princess (GC). I really enjoyed the way it was built out like the N64 games but with better graphics. I felt that it was essentially the tech demo realized that was seen when Gamecube was announced. I liked the story. I liked the world. I like the look. It's my favorite.

Worst - Skyward Sword (Wii). This is the worst primarily due to the motion controls. I absolutely loathe the motion controls in this game and it ruined the experience for me. It essentially ruined me on Nintendo until the Switch came out.

Tomb Raider:

Best - 2013 reboot. I've enjoyed the series since it released in '96 but the reboot done in 2013 was absolutely fantastic. It was beyond what I thought it would be. Sad to see it's sequel take a nose dive but oh well. My next favorite would be TR Anniversary. A great remake of the original.

Worst - Angel of Darkness. I ate ramen for a month straight to be able to afford this game back when I was a broke college student. I got it home and it was horrid. Full of glitches and the gameplay was far from smooth. There was one point where I was shimmying across a ledge and Lara started to float up off the screen. I was so pissed that I returned the game.

Re: Best and Worst Games of a Series
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2020, 07:46:24 am »
No way the RE2 Remake is better than the original. I mean it's a great game, don't get me wrong. Mr. X was terrifying. And it's a very pretty game, fantastic graphics.

But it's missing half the game! The original RE2 tops it due to sheer content. The remake is missing the B scenarios. That's a huge loss, IMO.

If RE2 had gotten a remake 20 years ago in the style of REmake 1 I would agree with you 100%.  The roughness around the edges of the original become more prominent with each passing year, unfortunately, so the remake has supplanted it on my list.

Wut.  RE2 Remake has the B scenarios.

It has one B scenario, no matter who you play as. It doesn't have two separate stories for each character. And your first play through doesn't effect your 2nd play through like it does in the original.

The original has a total of 4 separate stories to play through.

This is basically correct.  While they are still differences on each side, that are almost imperceptibly noticeable, and do not exist because you A scenario directly affects your B scenario.  They are just tiny, tiny changes.