Author Topic: Do collector's baffle other gamers?  (Read 2632 times)


Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« on: October 05, 2020, 06:35:12 pm »
I am sure this topic may have been brought up before but this experience keeps happening.  There are a few younger gamers (in their 20s) at my job that bring their PS4s or Xbox's to work (I work graveyard at a youth facilty and we're allowed to have electronics at night).  A couple of them have the game cases made by GAEMS that they lug around.  I will sometimes bring my PS4 with an HD Monitor that can display up to 1440p.  I bought it instead of GAEMS case because I can hook up older systems to it (even my PS2 with an adapter).  Anyways, let me get to the point, they ask me what games I have (thinking I have maybe a handful or so I can rattle off), I say "its better if I show you but I own..." and I tell them how many.  They end up with their mouths agape, "How many??"

I consider myself a low level collector, (only have roughly 500 games or so on multiple systems), but I was wondering if any of you get this question and reaction as well?  LMK in the comments below
« Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 08:25:22 pm by shatterstar69 »
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Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2020, 09:01:40 pm »
Yeah. I tell people what I have and they think I’m some kind of basement dwelling shut-in.
It’s pretty shocking to a lot of people that we amass this stuff.


Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2020, 09:59:28 pm »
Yeah. I tell people what I have and they think I’m some kind of basement dwelling shut-in.
It’s pretty shocking to a lot of people that we amass this stuff.

to be honest with the people on here

I' am a basement dwelling shut in, and I don't care what people think, the reason is because I currently have increasing health problems mental and physically both. I mostly spend my days listening to music at home, I could have my own place and I did for 3 years but, my currently living space is the size of a small apartment. and it's actually nicer then an apartment because I'm not by myself, and I have the whole basement of a home to myself. which is bigger than most small apartments, and with a possible future of unused space for expansion.

My grandma needs my help also, she has trouble walking and paying bills, I help both her and my mom.

I had a roommate at my former living place but it was not fun, I like to live with my family, I don't trust anyone else, in my experience I only had 2 close friends in my life that did not take advantage of me. a lot of people will rob you especially crack heads and pot smokers and kleptomaniacs who steal your stuff in order to feed their habits.

 But I did have some  friends that smoked pot and possibly did other things and they never robbed me so, most of my hatred is on the Kleptomaniacs out there

The only issue I have with most people is that they will take your stuff when you are not looking. I think kleptomaniacs are words I can't describe. and I don't think that it has to do with an illness I beleve people should not stick up for them. If a some people see something they like and grab it when your not looking, they just want it for themselves and that's all

I know some people feel sorry for them, but if you had your Gameboy and Game Gear  and all your games stolen from you and could not replace it how would you feel?
« Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 10:04:34 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2020, 10:15:26 pm »
Yeah, there's usually some incredulity involved.  It's definitely made for one-sided conversations with (some) game store employees.  "Already got it.  That one, too.  Yup, and that."

Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2020, 12:21:30 am »
I feel that gamers tend to either be minimalist or maximalist when it comes to their collections, with very little middle ground. They either keep every game they can acquire, or they sell off every game once they are done with it.


Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2020, 03:08:24 am »
I feel that gamers tend to either be minimalist or maximalist when it comes to their collections, with very little middle ground. They either keep every game they can acquire, or they sell off every game once they are done with it.

what about the people who only collect what they like. don't like filler titles and such

Seems to me that the middle ground can be pretty big if where talking collectors.

Keeping every game that they collect are the people who go for either full sets or just want as many games as possible for good or cheap prices. The latter doesn't mind to keep the filler titles and might actually have a laugh with it if they ever get around to playing it.

I think the middle ground is pretty big. just as big if not bigger than the collector who keeps every game they can aquire.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2020, 03:22:33 am by sworddude »
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Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2020, 03:16:25 am »
It's always fun to show off the game room to friends. I'm moving in a few weeks and hoping to have a much more inviting area (maybe even room for a couch??) for playing games and also displaying my complete collection. I have about 60% out and it's crammed to the brim in my current game room. It's a bit intimidating and really only room for one. My non-collector friends probably don't understand why I like it so much- though they often enjoy looking through it.  It's nice to have collector friends that get it. Makes you feel a bit less like a weirdo.

Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2020, 03:49:16 am »

what about the people who only collect what they like. don't like filler titles and such

Even then, they'll still wind up with a much larger collection than the average gamer. For the average Joe, their entire collection would likely fit inside a single shoebox.


Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2020, 06:42:04 am »

what about the people who only collect what they like. don't like filler titles and such

Even then, they'll still wind up with a much larger collection than the average gamer. For the average Joe, their entire collection would likely fit inside a single shoebox.

to be fair even the collectors who have a collection that fits a shoebox is still middle of the road. it ain't the minimalist road yet.

Because like you said plenty of people that sell their games off after they are finished in wich the loss is minimal and they can buy something new.

Meaning a collection of 2 to 3 games at anytime being sold off whenever they are done with it
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2020, 07:35:57 am »

what about the people who only collect what they like. don't like filler titles and such

Even then, they'll still wind up with a much larger collection than the average gamer. For the average Joe, their entire collection would likely fit inside a single shoebox.

to be fair even the collectors who have a collection that fits a shoebox is still middle of the road. it ain't the minimalist road yet.

... how big are your feet for a middle of the road collector's titles to fit in shoebox?

Because like you said plenty of people that sell their games off after they are finished in wich the loss is minimal and they can buy something new.

Meaning a collection of 2 to 3 games at anytime being sold off whenever they are done with it

Which would fit in a shoebox.  That's the point.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2020, 07:38:35 am by Cartagia »


Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2020, 07:37:20 am »

what about the people who only collect what they like. don't like filler titles and such

Even then, they'll still wind up with a much larger collection than the average gamer. For the average Joe, their entire collection would likely fit inside a single shoebox.

to be fair even the collectors who have a collection that fits a shoebox is still middle of the road. it ain't the minimalist road yet.

... how big are your feet?

have you seen the size of most shoe boxes . could fit 10 to 20 dvd cased games such as ps2 xbox, ps3/4 only got smaller. and if where talking switch way more.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2020, 07:39:51 am by sworddude »
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Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2020, 09:48:21 pm »
I rarely talk video games with anybody most people I know aren't interested in them.Whenever I do though pepole don't believe me when I tell them what I have so I usually show them pictures. Even then I feel they doubt the validity of the pictures.


Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2020, 01:11:26 am »
In my experience, not really. I think it's not all that obscure of a thing for people to be into all sorts of funny little hobbies and game collecting is no shocker, especially since the nostalgia and retro scene has gone so mainstream. For younger kids, it might not click with them and they probably won't understand how collections like ours are even possible. "Wow are you super rich or something?!?!"

Most of my conversations about it pique the interest of normies who wanna know if I have their favorite classic game from back in the day. A lot of times, they hit me with something super obscure and after telling them I have thousands of games, I don't have a clue what they're on about. A Bally Arcade? How was I supposed to know what a Bally Arcade system was? Of all the crap out there that could have made up their childhood... a Bally Arcade. Yeah, I don't have that.

Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2020, 03:08:14 am »
have you seen the size of most shoe boxes . could fit 10 to 20 dvd cased games such as ps2 xbox, ps3/4 only got smaller. and if where talking switch way more.

Which still at that level, would not really be considered a collection. To them, it's not a collection, just some games they happen to own. Sure, it meets the definition, but to them, calling it a collection would be akin to saying you have a collection of pop in the fridge or a collection of pants in the dresser. It's not a part of them, just part of the ephemeral background of their home.


Re: Do collector's baffle other gamers?
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2020, 07:23:32 am »
have you seen the size of most shoe boxes . could fit 10 to 20 dvd cased games such as ps2 xbox, ps3/4 only got smaller. and if where talking switch way more.

Which still at that level, would not really be considered a collection. To them, it's not a collection, just some games they happen to own. Sure, it meets the definition, but to them, calling it a collection would be akin to saying you have a collection of pop in the fridge or a collection of pants in the dresser. It's not a part of them, just part of the ephemeral background of their home.

It's definitely on the minimalist side but not at the very end. people such as those actually have a shot to get into collecting. Didn't pretty much all collectors start with 10, 20 or maybe 30 games for quite a long time at some point I sure did. A true minimalist would just keep 2 or 3 games and would never get to a point in wich they own 10+ games, it's a waste of space and money than since to many games to play at once.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 07:30:40 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!