Author Topic: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas  (Read 3421 times)

Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« on: October 28, 2020, 02:05:51 pm »
It's been a few years now since I've had a good gaming PC, up to now I've been using a laptop that doesn't have much power for anything to flashy.  I'm just looking for good recommendations.  Ideally I'd like to build one myself, but I'm not in a good position budget wise for that right now. 

So something fairly priced, and that has the potential to last awhile, i.e. won't need to be replaced in a few years.


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2020, 02:21:06 pm »
Check out PcPartPicker. They have pre-build guides based off budgets and what not. You can also mix and match parts there to your liking, they have a pretty good compatibility listing/notification feature. I'd definitely build yourself over buying a prebuilt, much more fun and cost effective.

Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2020, 10:36:08 am »
If you're in the market for a desktop (what I recommend for gaming anyway as you can more easily upgrade parts as you need) I would recommend NZXT.  I know this is going to sound like an advertisement but it's not.

My friend who does TAS's was looking for something to help speed up the process as he was using an old, slow laptop and he was looking for top of the line but didn't feel like building it this time around.  He got what we have both nicknamed "The Beast" and it's great.  His TAS work sped up at least 20x and he's also thinking about gaming too since it's all set up for it.

You can 100% build your own model or pick from a prefab one, looking at their site they have some "Starter PC Series" starting at $700.  I myself plan to buy a dedicated gaming PC from them as soon as I get a job *fingers crossing, it's rough where I live*.

I would definitely look into them.


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2020, 03:19:13 pm »
New Ryzen 5000 series is pretty incredible, the $300 5600x outperforms Intel's $650 10900k with better thermals and lower power consumption.  I'm going team red for my next build and I'd suggest anyone building a PC within the next 6 months to do the same.

Building your own will ALWAYS be cheaper than a pre-built, and you'll have more room for expandability/upgrades in the future as pre-builts will sometimes use proprietary parts which aren't modular.
If you give me a budget and a sample of what games you'd like to play and your target framerate/resolution for said games I'd be more than happy to put together a few parts lists for you.


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2020, 07:56:14 pm »
Micro Center is a good discount source for everything PC. including Build kits, cases, hardware and more. They should have everything you need and with lower prices also

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Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2021, 02:49:09 pm »
What kind of titles are you looking to play? You can break 100fps in a lot of games with a cheaper build.


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2021, 06:34:27 pm »
I was going to post a similar thread topic.

What kind of titles are you looking to play? You can break 100fps in a lot of games with a cheaper build.

I'm looking to play KOF XIV nothing too flashy, mostly 2.5D fighting games.


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2021, 11:40:26 pm »
Well, video card prices continue to be insane as well as stupidly scarce. Even mid to low-tier cards are not around (at least in my neck of the woods). I ended up burning my stimmy on a gaming laptop over the weekend as it was the only way I was going to get a decent card. I ended up going with this...

Currently been using a GT1030 (my old card) in the system I built over the the holiday last year but it's like having an Chevy Impala engine in a Ferrari chassis.  :P That laptop has a RTX 2070 Super which blows my PC's card out of the water. I just need to find a decent wireless mouse as gaming with a trackpad is NOT an option.  :o


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2021, 01:15:37 am »
Now is not the time to be building a gaming rig.  GPU scarcity and the resulting prices aren't going to make it worth your while.


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2021, 11:06:30 am »
Now is not the time to be building a gaming rig.  GPU scarcity and the resulting prices aren't going to make it worth your while.

I never thought to look. There is nothing even in the manufacturer I use. And looking on Ebay, the video card I currently use is selling on Ebay for more that I paid for it new and it is from 2017.  :o


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2021, 06:41:14 pm »
Now is not the time to be building a gaming rig.  GPU scarcity and the resulting prices aren't going to make it worth your while.

I never thought to look. There is nothing even in the manufacturer I use. And looking on Ebay, the video card I currently use is selling on Ebay for more that I paid for it new and it is from 2017.  :o

 :-\ Uh huh...  The GPU I bought for my wife was a MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ventus OC edition.  I gave around $300 for it, new in early 2020.  The only other one I have found since was $800.  The only GPU's I'm finding I'm not willing to pay the price for.
Just going to have to wait it out.


Re: Looking for Gaming PC Ideas
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2021, 10:27:51 am »
Fortunately, I don't have to wait for anything. I am already using the best possible card I can put into my build. Using anything newer would require a totally new system and there is nothing that I am playing or have on the slate that requires a new computer.