Author Topic: Bug: Bootstrap hides edit button and title under odd resolution/window size  (Read 1530 times)

So someone pointed this out to me, so I decided to replicate and screenshot

Under certain resolutions, the page's bootstrap gets a bit goofy and hides the title and edit button for an entry

Needs to be adjusted so it just does the ellipses.


Has been an issue since Submit New Item and Currently Playing are in the menu bar. I run the site at 90% zoom to get around this issue. Also I am not using a fullscreen browser. It isn't an issue at proper full screen on widescreen monitor.

Has been an issue since Submit New Item and Currently Playing are in the menu bar. I run the site at 90% zoom to get around this issue. Also I am not using a fullscreen browser. It isn't an issue at proper full screen on widescreen monitor.
A user reached out to me asking how to edit entries because they were having this issue.


Renamed the Submit New Item to "New Item"
Does this resolve your issues?


Renamed the Submit New Item to "New Item"
Does this resolve your issues?

While the issue may (or may not) be resolved, I can envision the newly-named submit button confusing new users by having them think that the "New Item" button directs to a more elaborate list of newly-submitted items to the database than the one already present on the home screen sidebar. If the solution calls for less text in that field, "Submit" may be a better alternative. At the same time, this doesn't address how the Currently Playing button also causes the problem at-hand, although I can't think of any quick solution to this part of the dilemma.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2021, 09:19:34 pm by dhaabi »

Nope.  I don't think the text is necessarily what needs to be corrected.  You just need to adjust the configuration for the bootstrap to be a bit more sensitive in deciding when to change to the ellipses.  The configuration for the bootstrap is probably still configured for when there were fewer text items.

You probably want to do this ^ any time the page is smaller than this v

Also, I agree with dhaabi, the Submit New Item text is more clear than just New Item.


Thanks for the feedback! I've updated the text to read "Submit New Item" again so it doesn't confuse new users. I've also sorta temporarily fixed a small subset of by adding some padding on top for smaller sizes. Doesn't fix all just yet, but should be a little better for some.