Author Topic: What's your thoughts on video game morals?  (Read 4157 times)


Re: What's your thoughts on video game morals?
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2020, 02:59:31 pm »
Personally IDGAF if the game is rated appropriately. It's an individual's choice to buy a game so unless there's something overtly offensive.

If you want to talk about restricted, Wolfenstein has a really hard time existing in current day Germany...

Never really understood censoring nudity anyway with characters like Ivy from Soul Calibur  or *insert scantily clad videogame character here*

Overall if the game is rated appropriately and has the appropriate "Game contains: Blood, Nudity, Violence" etc.


Re: What's your thoughts on video game morals?
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2020, 03:02:13 pm »
Do you think there should be any restrictions, censorship or outright banning on games?

Personally I wouldn't mind what someone would want to create without any restrictions holding it back.

With works involving intense violence, sexual content, and general hate speech, I feel as if required mental health and background checks would be beneficial before purchasing games with these themes—and perhaps not even offer these kinds of items in stores.

I played wolfenstein oh no im gonna bring down the third reich


Re: What's your thoughts on video game morals?
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2020, 05:43:20 pm »
Do you think there should be any restrictions, censorship or outright banning on games?

Personally I wouldn't mind what someone would want to create without any restrictions holding it back.

With works involving intense violence, sexual content, and general hate speech, I feel as if required mental health and background checks would be beneficial before purchasing games with these themes—and perhaps not even offer these kinds of items in stores.

I played wolfenstein oh no im gonna bring down the third reich

I'm going to go on a limb here and say that your definition of intense is mild.


Re: What's your thoughts on video game morals?
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2020, 05:47:34 pm »
Do you think there should be any restrictions, censorship or outright banning on games?

Personally I wouldn't mind what someone would want to create without any restrictions holding it back.

In how I view things, there are no restrictions. No one is stopping another from making a game with themes such as these. But, if a creator is wanting to market their game with the intention of selling it, the creator will need to comply with their local video game rating system's requirements.

However, if you're meaning to ask if restrictions toward games with the intention of being marketed should exist, then I would ultimately say no. Whether a product is good or bad, pure or corrupt, or moral or immoral, it is important to accept works for what they are and recognize when mistakes have been made and when boundaries have been broken, so that people can understand extremism on their own. With this mindset, I would only hope that video game rating boards such as ESRB and PEGI to be much more thorough in their descriptions and perhaps enforce tighter individual ratings guidelines. With works involving intense violence, sexual content, and general hate speech, I feel as if required mental health and background checks would be beneficial before purchasing games with these themes—and perhaps not even offer these kinds of items in stores.

Obviously, this is a difficult scenario full of what-ifs and maybes, and it's certainly not black-and-white. I know that allowing such games to be marketable only reaffirms to these audiences that what they're seeking is accepted. Nevertheless, in the end, if every game were allowed to be sold without restriction, a ridiculous amount of hoops should be needed to go through both to sell and purchase such items.

I agree that mental health checks should be a thing for people with seizers or Epilepsy, or people that get seizers from looking at flashing lights, the manuals and health and safety guides sold on the PS3  technically warn people to not let people that be allow to play who have or may have Epilepsy. Also manuals recommend people take a break from playing every hour or half hour to avoid health problems or seizers. But I don't think anyone does that, me included.

I have multiple mental illnesses and as afar as I can tell video games have no negative effect on me, mentally but most games do wear me down quite often. But I also take all my medicine.

Also speaking of restrictions My doctor told me that the reason some parents restrict their kids to all video games is because they want their kid to focus on learning instead. Some parents won't buy or allow playing of video games for children and teens because they are afraid they will become addicted, and not do their homework, so some parents raise their families on toys instead.
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Re: What's your thoughts on video game morals?
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2020, 12:00:10 am »
I think people can put what they want in a game while they obviously accept that it can absolutely backlash.

But I want to believe the people that put certain subjects in a few games are aware of it.

I want to believe people that created Postal absolutely knew what could happened when the game was released back then in the 90s and at least as I know, they took it fine.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.