Author Topic: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions  (Read 4440 times)

2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« on: December 21, 2020, 10:49:47 am »
What are you new years resolutions is regards to gaming and collecting for 2021? Pretty much state what you hope to accomplish this next year as it relates to our beloved hobby.

Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2020, 11:07:51 am »
Here are mine.

1. Update my collection on here: My collection has been wildly inaccurate on here for easily over a year, and I even still find games on here that I purged 4-years ago. So one of these days when I have time I plan on going through my entire collection and updating things on here to accurately reflect what I do and don't own still, if for nothing else than to have an up to date catalog of my collection.

2. Complete the 52 Games Challenge: I seem to include this every year, but it's absolutely my favorite part of this site at this point and I find it satisfying to reduce my backlog each and every year, despite my acquisition of games certainly outpacing whatever I end up playing and beating. But regardless I will try and beat at least 52 games this year again.

3. Acquire at least 3 more Flashcarts/ODEs: I began working on future proofing my collection in 2020, but getting video upscalers, better video cables, and also flashcarts and drive emulators for my consoles so I can ensure my access to these many great games for years and years. This past year I bought an ODE for my Saturn, as well as a MegaSD for my Genesis (also supports Sega CD, 32X, and Master System) At the very least I'd like to purchase a Super SD System 3 (PC engine/PC engine CD), a Everdrive 64 (N64 and NES), and either another MODE for my Dreamcast or an Xstation for my PS1.

4. Downsize more of my collection: I know this is the antithesis of what this site is about, but I plan on reducing my collection at least a little this next year. Some of this is continuing to realize there are games in my collection I don't care that much for, but a lot of it presently has to do with goal #3. I started collecting in order to play games I thought looked interesting or I had some sort of personal attachment too. During my journey I bought A LOT of games that I wouldn't have necessarily bought if there was an equally viable way of playing them. Emulation was not satisfactory for a variety of reasons so that is why I continued to collect. However thanks to advances in flashcarts and drive emulators I don't have to compromise any of the gaming experience by playing something other than the authentic cart or disc. Still, I think realistically the reduction won't be any greater than 10% of my current collection, realistically it will probably be around 5%, but it will still be reduced some as I acquire more flash carts and ODEs.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2020, 12:47:52 am by bikingjahuty »

Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2020, 11:51:02 am »
My 2020 goals for reference

2020 goals
  • Participate in 52 game challenge - Success
    - Demolished this with 121 games so far.
  • Keep under 7000 games in collection - Failed
    - I assume this was items not games, I'm over 7300, so failure.
  • Play through Devil May Cry franchise - Success
    - Yup, did this and a few other franchise runs that I'll list.
  • Reinventory collection - Partial Success
    - I reinventoried a few platforms, but didn't get done what I wanted.
  • Make room for more PS1 and PS2 games - Success
    - Made a new shelving unit custom sized for PS1 jewel cases with a couple of shelves sized for longbox.  This made plenty of room for me, but I still need to reshift stuff because I have probably ~20 PS2 games not on shelves yet.

Also franchise ran Battlefield.  Made progress on a franchise run of Sonic (beating ~20 games).  Made more progress on Resident Evil franchise run, just have 7, CVX, and some spin off titles left.  Made more progress on Dragon Quest beating 8 and 11, just have 1-3 left.  Beat the last Uncharted game I had left to beat (Golden Abyss).  And currently working on Dark Souls III for the last Souls game.  Started my franchise run of the Persona series, but have stopped to take part in the discord game club for now... plus I've been reading books instead of playing handhelds.

Goals for 2021.

1. Stay under 7500 items in collection. - Failed
  - Oh gosh, Sitting at 7,499, gonna fail like in a couple of days.  No way I'm not failing at this point, just gonna call it.
2. Finish Resident Evil franchise run. - Failing
  - I've still made no additional progress on this.
3. Finish Sonic franchise run. - Failing
  - I've made some progress on this, but on hiatus due to Sonic Colors.  Sonic Colors got re-released and I'm still failing because of this game.
4. Reinventory games. - Failed
  - Started packing up games to move, so until we move, it ain't happening.  Between games being packed away and my injury, this isn't happening this year.
5. Beat 104 games. - Success
  - Way past this goal and almost at my secondary goal of 156 (sitting at 149)
6. Stream as much of my game challenge as I can. - Success
  - I've pretty much stopped streaming because of my injury, I streamed like 50 games this year, so I did good and I'm definitely going to continue once I'm healed, if that ever happens.
Will add more as I think about it.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 01:34:54 pm by ignition365 »

Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2020, 01:05:22 pm »
- Get my online game shop up and running
Already been buying up Lots on eBay, video games and collectible cards, for inventory.  I plan on expanding to board games and other swag stuff eventually!

- Expand my own collection even further, own at least 2000 games by the end of the year
I'm nowhere near this right now :(

- Build a Gaming PC.
It's seriously needed at this point

That's my top three for now.


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Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2020, 01:08:03 pm »
1. Reaching 225 unique PS2 games, furthermore replacing the platinum hits with Black Labels
Platinum Hits that need replacement:
Burnout 2: Point of Impact
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Dragon Quest - The Journey of the Cursed King
Eyetoy: Play 2
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
Lego Starwars: The Computer Game
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Medal of Honour European Assault
Medal of Honour: Rising Sun
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Need for Speed: Underground 2
Ratchet & Clank 2
Ratchet & Clank 3
Shrek 2
Sonic Heroes
Star Wars Battlefront II
Tekken 4

2. Selling duplicate consoles
- CD-I
- Black Gamecube
- Xbox console

3. Get new shelves for my games, the old ones are reaching their limits

4. Finally buying an Atari 2600 just for the heck of it

5. Not buying a Playstation 5
« Last Edit: January 03, 2021, 06:25:53 am by koemo1 »
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag

Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2020, 01:54:12 pm »
5. Not buying a Playstation 5

 ;D ;D
I honestly wish I could avoid getting one.  I'm intrigued enough by the games to pay the 100 million dollars, though.


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Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2020, 02:08:17 pm »
5. Not buying a Playstation 5

 ;D ;D
I honestly wish I could avoid getting one.  I'm intrigued enough by the games to pay the 100 million dollars, though.

Hahaha which one particular?
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2020, 02:14:09 pm »
Goals for 2021:
  • Expand my 16-bit library
  • Cut down my backlog (I only have 110 games I should probably beat some of them)
  • Not buy fifa 22 (I have a problem)
  • Be more open about my hobby (stop hiding away the fact I like to play ass old games)
  • Reshuffle my room to fit more shelves (I'm currently committing the game collectors sin of stacking most of my games and storing them in cupboards)

Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2020, 02:16:29 pm »
5. Not buying a Playstation 5

 ;D ;D
I honestly wish I could avoid getting one.  I'm intrigued enough by the games to pay the 100 million dollars, though.

Hahaha which one particular?

Final Fantasy and Demons Souls interest me the most.  Maybe Godfall, too.


Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2020, 03:34:40 pm »
Top 300 Konami games in my collection.
Maybe 50 Sonic games.
And buy more PS2 and PS1 games
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


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Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2020, 08:41:06 pm »
1.Would like to complete my n64 collection and Xbox 360 collection
2.collect more famicom games more retro games


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Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2020, 12:07:51 am »
Let's see how I did for 2020 Goals

Complete my PS1 Set- Yep! I only had 3 to go so that wasn't too bad- all done!

Participate in the 52 game challenge and shoot for at least 26.  I got 15... maybe 16 if I finish Ghost of Tsushima by the end of the year... shit- To be fair though, I did play a lot and I got through two Trails of Cold Steel games- both 150+ hours- so that's got to count for something. 

Add at least 20 CIB 3DO games and 10 CIB Atari Jaguar games.  (53) and (26).   On 3DO I did great- i'm at over 110 now- so that was a success- Jaguar was slower- only added 6 more titles but that's still pretty good

Also focus on Genesis and DS- At least 20 CIB titles for each- did this easily

Decide on whether I want to go for a full set on any other system- Yep- I'm now one away from a complete NTSC Dreamcast set and I decided I want a Saturn, Sega Cd, 3DO and Jaguar complete set someday. 

Play more current gen stuff next year- Yep- I played a lot of new titles this year and will continue that trend next year too.


Complete the Dreamcast set- this is easy- I just need one game- ECW Anarchy Rulz

Make good progress on 3DO, Jaguar, Sega CD and Saturn- (58), (26), (40) and (36)- titles I need for a NTSC set for each.  I don't expect to complete any of these sets next year but I'd like to get down to 50 3DO titles, 20 Jaguar titles, 30 Sega CD titles and 25 Saturn titles. 

Get my wishlist under 125 titles- this is my reach goal- I always get tempted to add more games but I want to make a conscious effort to go for games on the list as I like to deviate... Lots of great titles I still need to track down, though the list has gotten shorter and shorter as the years go by. 

Complete 20 games for the Game Challenge- I think this is actually possible- I will try again

Go to an expo- If 2021 allows for in person events, I hope to be able to attend an expo again. 

Finish my New Game room- It's like 80% done and everything is on shelves- I just need to alphabetize and bedazzle it- hoping to get some time while I'm on paternity leave.

I'm going to tamper down my expectations for this year.  I just bought a home and had my first child a couple days ago so I will be reducing my disposal spending on games considerably- this is ok as I have so many great titles to play but the collection growth will slow.

Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2020, 12:56:17 am »
My 2020 goals and how I did:

1. Participate and Complete the 52 games challenge: Check!

2. Continue to downsize my collection: I feel like I partially succeeded at this. On one hand I did get rid of a lot of games I can't see myself ever playing, but at the same time I bought a lot of new releases on the PS4 and Switch that probably evened everything out. Still, I purged a lot of superfluous PS2, PS3, and DS games I couldn't really see myself ever playing. I'll consider this one a minor success.

3. Work on my CIB SNES, Genesis, and N64 Collecting: I didn't acquire a ton of CIB games on these consoles, but did find some some, most notably Super Metroid, Star Fox 64, and Gunstar Heroes. It would have been nice to find more, but as we all know the cardboard is way rarer than the games themselves at this point, so I'll just stick to picking them up when I come across them. I'll consider this one a good I guess.

Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2020, 01:54:10 am »
Buy less on impulse: I feel like last year I was on the right track but I did catch myself buying an excess amount of stuff which I attribute to this pandemic and spending more time at home than I am used to. So while I wasn't walking around from shop to shop, I did do alot of online shopping. With that said, it's definitely not on the same level as it has been in years past.

Play more: At the beginning of the year, I was on a roll and especially in the early days of the pandemic but as the months went on my playing has been declining. So much so that last game I played to completion was in October. Tbf, I had to focus my attention on school as the semester was nearing its end and there has been some life stuff that was becoming my focus so gaming was the least of my worries for a time. For 2021, I want to play more especially since I am at the end of my studies with 3 classes left meaning I have on less thing to content with in life plus I would like to have one year where I complete the 52 game challenge. It's been years since I have been able to get numbers as high or higher than 52.

These 2 are just repeats of what I wrote last year but figured they would still apply in the coming year

Get rid of clutter: By clutter I don't just mean downsizing my collection of games but also a bunch of stuff that I have had in storage for a long time that I don't feel I need whether it be a ton of extra accessories, consoles and just general gaming stuff I have accumulated over the years. I have managed to sell off or trade in stuff this past year and I hope to continue doing so since it requires me to stay on stop of what I want out and not get lazy

Re: 2021 Video Games/Collecting Resolutions
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2020, 02:22:37 am »
Like others have already, I’m going to use my 2020 goals as a jumping off point.

Build the dedicated game room. Success. I have taken a spare bedroom with all the shelving I want/need for dedicated game storage. I’ve also taken back the utility of the projector/bar room (I finally beat out my wife’s hoarding tendencies to move out that fucking mattress that was just lying there, looking hideous and taking up key space) so I finally got what I wanted from my own house, lol.

“Complete” my DS and PSP collections. Success. Both are now well over 90% of what I want them to be.

Go all in on the GBA, and the cheap titles for all the other platforms I’m still on the hunt for. Failure. The GBA I might leave for last, it’s among the most expensive to collect for (that and GameCube). As for the cheap titles on other platforms, I’m going to reattempt this for 2021.

Find a way to get empty DS cases in bulk. Failure. I still gotta do this one.

Slow the eff down. Success. In 2020 I purchased only about 50% of what I purchased in 2019.... and 2019 itself was a 50% reduction compared to 2018. I don’t plan on cutting back any more for 2021.... the 2020 levels work just nicely for me.

So, in addition to addressing the above, for 2021, we have just one new goal, but it comprises of a LOT of smaller goals that all need to be achieved first. This is...

Build my own custom arcade cabinet. I have zero woodworking skills. Zero painting skills. Zero electrical skills. That’s not gonna stop me. I’ve been reading/watching/researching this topic relentlessly for months. I’m slowly getting familiar with the right tools, and I plan on doing smaller projects first (building an arcade stick, toy chest for my daughter, bar top Switch arcade cabinet) to get comfortable, but an FPGA (re: mister) equipped arcade cabinet for all my retro game desires is the ultimate goal.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2020, 02:24:44 am by bunnybear »
—Currently Playing—
Demon’s Souls (PS5)
Fights in Tight Places (NS)