Author Topic: Favorite 2020 Movies  (Read 1617 times)

Favorite 2020 Movies
« on: December 30, 2020, 03:20:09 am »
What were the movies released in 2020 that you enjoyed? It was such a weird year, so much held back, or just got released online, but there were a few good films I liked.  Still a movie or two I haven't watched like Pixar's new movie, but that'll be soon, so I might amend this afterwards...Can also post disappointments if you want also as I came across a few stinkers this year for sure. 

Looking at my list now, there weren't any big hits for me in particular, most all of the big movies got delayed, so Onward is probably my overall favorite.  Soul could maybe be that too, which would make my two favorite films this year Pixar films lol

Sonic The Hedgehog - This one barely counts, because while I don't think it's a particularly good movie, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected and the specific character of Sonic was done well and I liked Jim Carrey.  I still hate everything about the premise, it's a terrible premise, but I'm hoping the second film is much better.

Onward - I ended up really enjoying this movie.  It's nothing amazing, but it has that Pixar charm and I had a good time with it.  The two brothers are fun and I liked the mixture of modern and fantasy.  It's like if that awful Will Smith movie "Bright" was done right lol

Underwater - This is a weird one to add, because I don't think a lot of people saw it and not sure how many liked it, it was dumped into theaters in what is considered the worst slot of the year in January, but I like the movie.  It's very straightforward, an underwater base is falling apart and people are trying to escape while dealing with something else in the darkness, but it all worked for me.  It's basically like The Abyss meets Alien, but if you are creeped out by underwater terror, this is absolutely worth a watch.

The Vast of Night - Such a smallscale film, that is almost entirely dialogue driven, with lots of very long, one take, shots, that show some serious work on the part of the director and actors to do this.  You don't see this type of scifi film anymore, it's not big and flashy, there's little in the way of special effects, it's just people talking to people and I was engrossed in that with the 1950's era setting.

#Alive - I kinda appreciate this movie just a tad more after watching another South Korean zombie movie this year with the awful Peninsula film, not that it's great, but I like scaled zombie stuff, trapped in a specific location, and this one works pretty alright and I still like how South Korea handles their zombies.  They do some interesting physical stuff with them that makes them standout compared to what Western films tend to and makes it a little more unique.  Ending is a tad "meh", but if you like zombie movies and have already watched Train to Busan, and watched the tv show Kingdom, this is a good enough watch.

Birds of Prey - I like Margo Robbie as Harley, I think she handles the character well, I just hate everything they do with her.  This movie is just boring, only a scene or two is worth it, and I hate how none of the characters really look like their characters, and Black Mask is such a nothing villain who gets punked out.

Wonder Woman 1984 - Badly written, way too long and for being that long, Wonder Woman isn't in it a ton.  Also the action is pretty bad, it's all so floaty and most of the fights aren't that great.  I wasn't looking forward to this film at all, but it still managed to disappoint me somehow. 2 for 2 on bad DC films this year lol

Peninsula - If you watched Train to Busan, a real good South Korean zombie horror film, and liked it, don't watch Peninsula.  Everything Busan did right, Peninsula did wrong.  There's no good drama, there's so much bad CG in this, and the action comes across like they wanted to make a new Fast and the Furious film.  It's crazy that the same director made this that made Train to Busan.

Re: Favorite 2020 Movies
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2020, 02:21:23 pm »
Hubie Halloween was pretty good.

Re: Favorite 2020 Movies
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2021, 09:27:38 am »
These are my favorites
The Vast of Night.
Blow the Man Down.
The Invisible Man.
Never Rarely Sometimes Always.
Da 5 Bloods.
Bad Education.

Re: Favorite 2020 Movies
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2021, 09:31:20 am »
Just an FYI, I'm not ignoring this thread, I just haven't seen the heavy hitters from 2020 that will likely make my best of list yet.


Re: Favorite 2020 Movies
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2021, 04:26:43 pm »