Author Topic: Dinosaur Planet prototype for Nintendo 64 leaked online after 20 years  (Read 813 times)



Note: Download links won't be provided and this topic is just for talk about the subject.

Yeah, it looks like this current year a lot of interesting prototypes are leaking online, this time "Forrest of Illusion" a website that attemp to preserve most of this content from videogames, actually managed to publish online the prototype of Dinosaur Planet for the Nintendo 64.

Most people will maybe know at this point that Star Fox Adventures was actually meant to be a completely different game without Star Fox input for the Nintendo 64 but Shigeru Miyamoto himself after watching the project thought the concept of the game could fit perfectly with Star Fox so he requested the change and after revamping the game it became the Star Fox Adventures that was released back then in 2002.

About this build of the game the date of the prototype is supposedly 1 of december from 2000, almost a year prior the release of the final version for Nintendo Gamecube.

This build includes a lot of placeholder stuff and is obviously unfinished, it looks like this build don't include more than 1 hour or 2 of gameplay so don't expect to enjoy the Gamecube game but with Nintendo 64 graphics.

What I can highlight about the prototype is the impressive graphics for the game and that the cutscenes feature voice acting something that was almost impossible for the console because the limited space of the cartridges.

So, I consider this one of the most interesting discoveries from the year so far, If just like me you remember watching scans of Dinosaur Planet back then in a Nintendo Magazine and feel nostalgia I recommend you try it up, it actually works with most emulators and real hardware using a flash card, I just hope Nintendo won't take it down.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


Re: Dinosaur Planet prototype for Nintendo 64 leaked online after 20 years
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2021, 12:42:15 pm »
It's a shame that starfox became involved with dinosaur planet.

I kinda wonder if that's the reason why we didn't really get any future on rail shooter games for the startfox series for quite some time until starfox command ds wich is the only other starfox game aside from starfox 64 wich was good.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2021, 12:44:50 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Dinosaur Planet prototype for Nintendo 64 leaked online after 20 years
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2021, 08:13:46 pm »
It certainly is something to behold considering the console it was meant to be released on. I personally enjoyed StarFox Adventures (at least what little I played), but it wouldn't have been a bad idea if this had been its own IP.

I kinda wonder if that's the reason why we didn't really get any future on rail shooter games for the startfox series for quite some time until starfox command ds wich is the only other starfox game aside from starfox 64 wich was good.

I'm pretty sure this is an unspoken truth. I know Zero has a bad rep, but it was kind of/sort of a return to form. All I wish for is that Nintendo took the time to make a completely new entry and stopped soft rebooting the franchise.

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