Author Topic: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?  (Read 1739 times)

Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« on: February 26, 2021, 11:54:30 am »
I'm somewhat interested in the four major games shown. I thought I was done with Pokémon after seeing SwSh but maybe not?

The main problem I have with these games are their prices or what I expect their prices to be.

New Pokémon Snap is something I would like to play but I do not see where the $60 value is reflected. It's pretty much like the original game without much of a difference and not the best looking graphics. The original game is valued at about $10 in Nintendo's eyes so I don't see what makes this one $50 better...

Diamond and Pearl remakes I'm happy about since they aren't following the SwSh games but actually are in the style of the DS originals! The problem though is that it's not just a remake of Platinum and that the original games still look better. I don't hate how the remake looks, mainly just the characters in the world look ugly, but the originals just looks better overall to me. The price has not yet been revealed but I highly doubt it will be a reasonable $40 and will likely be $60 because why not right? I never got to play the originals and buying a legitimate copy nowadays is quite tricky so I may pick this up on a sale to finally experience Gen IV.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus was the last announcement. It seems to be the wild area from SwSh with better graphics and not much else going on? That isn't out until 2022 so maybe it will have more to it but right now just seems a bit empty.


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Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2021, 12:10:55 pm »
I don't know a lot about Pokemon, but I feel like it's dog fighting for kids.  ;)

Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2021, 05:02:05 pm »
Pokemon is in a weird place for me, in that I only played the series in the 90's, played none of the games after Yellow/Snap until Pokemon Go, and then played Let's Go Pikachu and found that to be a fun nostalgic romp, with a kinda lame gameplay gimmick.  Then Pokemon Sword came out and I think that's objectively kind of a bad game.  Like for one of the biggest game franchises in the world, you'd never know it from Sword with it's lack of a real good story, no voice acting even though its basically set up for that with the cinematics, it just felt really unfinished, and they proved it was, by charging for stuff in the expansion that should've been in the main game.  Let's Go had me back on Pokemon, and then Sword kicked me back off.

That being said, I think Snap looks fun, a nice casual romp.  It'll absolutely not be worth 60 bucks, Nintendo is pretty awful about this, but it does look real nice at least, which can't be said about what Pokemon usually looks like as they are definitely putting more work into the lighting and such since it's an on rails experience.

I have no nostalgia for Diamond/Pearl, but hearing about the remake likely happening, I thought they were just gonna do Let's Go visuals without the gameplay gimmick, which would've been nice.  I don't think the chibi art style is very good here, reminds me too much Link's Awakening, just without aggressive Depth of Field going on, which isn't a good comparison to have and will probably be a pretty basic release at a high price for both games.  I'll probably pass.

Pokemon Legends though has me slightly more hopeful as I've been wanting open world Pokemon for a long time now, much like I was with Zelda.  That being said, this video was not a good showing as it had some real noticeable performance issues, and while it still has at least a year of development, that has me worried, because Sword also had bad performance issues.  That this is in house for them isn't good either, as I was hoping if they did a game like this, they'd hire another dev to do it like Monolith or someone else who can actually do open world games.  We'll see though, it has potential at the very least.

Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2021, 06:16:19 pm »
not interested in snap its pretty much guaranteed that game gets dlc down the line if at some point they bring out a physicla game with patches and dlc on card I will get that one  but even then not full price  I think

pokemon arceus I dont realy know what to expect yet it could go either way so no oppinion yet on that

finaly diamondand eparl remakes

I hate them gen 4 is my all time favorite gen  I was looking forward to remakes for years till they dropped sword and shield and permanently ruined the whole mainline franchise  for me forever. now I was hoping they would never come.

I might get the physical game with dlc on card at some point  but just to play trough once and never look back while I played the older pokemon games foor hundreds or thousands of hours. get a living dex etc  with sword and shield I dont even wanna consider it  they didnt add a single new dfeature I like.

but back to the remakes  asside from the sword and shield mechanics they add ofcourse I HATE the artstyle I would argue its the worst possible generation to go chibi artstyle.

diamond and pearl feel realy industrial tough etc which is the opposite of the cutsie style from  chibi

still heavent seen a lot of it so oppinion cna still change about that   but thats how I feel at the moment

also whats up with the names for the remakes I mean shining pear is ok but brilliant diamond  has to be the worst name of a main series pokemon game ever

Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2021, 11:35:38 pm »
Shining Diamond and Sparkling Pearl would be be better names. Brilliant Diamond sounds like a mistranslated name.

Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2021, 01:29:32 am »
I've been playing Pokemon since 1998 when it first came out. I was in middle school at the time and an acquaintance of mine bought it on his Gameboy and would not stop talking about it. Eventually a good friend of mine bought it and his excitement rubbed off on me and I bought Red version a few weeks later. I was obsessed with Pokemon Red and my Pokemon fandom only got more out of control when I started watching the anime, then the card game came out, then the movies, and so on and so on. I was obsessed with Pokemon throughout the rest of the 90s and into the 2000s. Sadly I remember shortly after Gold and Silver came out and the third Pokemon movie was released in North America I started to grow out of it a bit, until I didn't really play or do anything with Pokemon for several year after that.

I tried getting back into it when Ruby and Sapphire came out, but sadly I just couldn't. It wouldn't be until Pokemon Platinum came out that I finally got back into it, but only at a fraction of how much I used to like Pokemon. Still, I got hyped for every new release during the 2010s and bought most of them on the DS and 3DS. I really enjoyed X/Y and also the remakes of Ruby and Sapphire, but other than that I've been very disappointed with Pokemon ever since Sun and Moon came out. I actually feel like disappointment isn't the right word, but rather I'm just sort of board with Pokemon now. I get it; Game Freak has a tried and true formula for the mainline Pokemon games and every time they come out they sell millions. Unfortunately the transformation of rivals into friendly competition with your childhood friend, gimmicky mechanics like Mega Evolutions and Gigantimax Pokemon, and most of all how the actual Pokemon have become dumber and dumber looking has really taken its toll on my motivation to want to play future installment. I actually didn't even buy Pokemon Sword and Shield because of how dumb it looked and how it just looked like the same old stale formula.

With all that said, however, this is probably the most optimistic I've been about the Pokemon series in a very long time, but I'm cautiously hyped about today's announcements. Here are my thoughts on what was featured in the Pokemon Direct:

New Pokemon Snap: This looks like a worthy sequel to the N64 original which I played the hell out of back in the day during my initial Pokemon obsession. The inclusion of some of the newer, more lame Pokemon is a bit of a buzzkill, but overall it seems to retain the same gameplay and charm of the original. I'll probably pick this up after the reviews confirm it isn't a shadow of the original.

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Remake: I'm actually pretty excited about these. I feel like Gen 4 was the last really good Pokemon Gen before things started getting way worse for the most part, and I can see myself buying these at some point. Maybe not right away, but I'd certainly want to replay them and these remakes look like a good opportunity.

Pokemon Legends Arceus: This was the announcement that really has my expectations high and might bring me back into Pokemon fully...maybe. It pretty much looks like if Zelda Breath of the Wild and Pokemon were combined, which is actually something I had thought about years ago and thought it sounded like an amazing idea. And I hope to god it ends up being just that. My caution comes from Game Freak and The Pokemon Company's track record with the series for the last decade and how its been a few slight hits surrounded by a sea of misses. I really, really hope this is the pokemon that breaks the old mold and sends the series into a fresh, new direction of gameplay and story. I guess we'll see, but I'll be watching this game closely as more info comes out on it.


Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2021, 08:39:47 pm »
D/P remakes

gen 3 but especially gen 4 and 5 are my favourite pokemon gens so I was kinda curious what would happen with D/P remakes.

I've got to say

D/P remakes look like hot garbage!

I absolutely hate the chibi looks. it looked cool in them 2d sprites. It's also a shame that it seems to be the base game remakes as in not the superior platinum that added a hell lot of stuff. Base D/P had an unfinished story and a less enjoyable journey aswell.

platinum has some of the best postgame in a pokemon game, I'd rank it shared 3rd with emerald only below HGSS and BW2. Postgame in a pokemon game is what seperates the godlike pokemon games from the rest. it's such a shame that it's going to be a remake of the base games since D/P are some of the weaker entries in the series.

I really don't see any reason to get this game if you don't like the art style

Platinum has the timeless 2d sprites at it's peak while having a better story more content the better characters the battle frontier etc. maybe they'll add platinum content however platinum content was during the main story aswell.  still though legit content wise these remakes might be getting less content than even oras wich was inferior to emerald aswell by a long shot.

On the otherhand maybe it's for the best looker in chibi 3d would look horrible. don't do my man dirty ilcas one of my favourite pokemon side characters.

While I absolutely hate the looks, I respect it I think plenty will love the link's awakening cutesy look. I won't get it since the art style really kills gen 4 for me but i respect the decision it's an interesting direction.

I really hope games like radiant historia or chrono trigger will never be made in cutesy 3d chibi style would be give me nightmares for at least a couple of weeks if I'm being honest. potentially a worse fate than let's go goddamm they did gen 4 remakes dirty

if only they did a remake in either gen 5 ds style grapics wich was slightly improved over gen 4 or octopath travel grapics if they where going for a stylistic choice with gen 4 remakes.

Pokemon Legends

I have to say was expecting a sword & shield esk gen 4 remakes but this game. an openworld pokemon game. sure it looks rough around the edges atm but the concept and them actually going of the original foruma Im excited. The chibi gen 4 remakes look horrible but this game makes me forget that game. like who needs gen 4 remakes with this game it doesn't even exist anymore for all that I care.

BOTW ran like garbage in the first few weeks of release. frame rate issues will most likely get fixed this seems like an early build.

Pokemon legends stole the show by far imo. Animations look far better than in sword & shield I'm really curious what the end result will be. Gamefreak is actually improving never thought I'd see the day especially considering let's go and sword & shield happened. aside from gen 6 and 7 not being to hot either.

Pokemon direct was well beyond my expectations, expected something bad yet they showed a game that goes off the regular formula with interesting looks and tons of potential. My man god arceus finally getting a notable role in a pokemon game again  :o has been forever since conquest also a feudal japan pokemon game ironicly

Props to gamefreak, pokemon had rainy days since gen 6 days but I'm finally seeing some potential rays of sunlight.

Pokemon snap is great. was a fun side game but pokemon has had far far better spinoffs than the n64 picture game I'd say

Pokemon ranger, conquest, xd gale of darkness and mystery dungeon are the stars if where talking spinoffs

I'd probably only buy legends on release I'm willing to give GF a shot, not to hungry for snap but down the line I'll try and get it. glad for the pokemon snap fans though.

New Pokémon Snap is something I would like to play but I do not see where the $60 value is reflected. It's pretty much like the original game without much of a difference and not the best looking graphics. The original game is valued at about $10 in Nintendo's eyes so I don't see what makes this one $50 better...

while it might have simular gameplay compared to the n64 game. it's made from scratch with totally different mons and enviroments lvl's. that's like saying link's awakening in chibi grapics should be 10$ aswell just because the art style is different.

Still in this case it won't have the same lvl's like link's awakening for the most part so it's actually more work in that aspect.

It's pokemon snap with new lvl's new pokemon just the same gameplay.

With that logic you could say why is the new smash or mario kart 60$ gameplay is the same with some things swapped up. just new lvl's and items

Creating a sequel from scratch costs money just because it has simular gameplay doesn't mean it's not worth it's price that's what a sequel is supposed to be after all. people play the games because they liked prior instalments. and they'd like to see sequels with improvements grapics wise and expanded gameplay.

like legit especially if where talking casuals. most won't see the differences in smash and mario kart aside from the grapics with each release. on the grander scale it is the same formula. especially in party play with items. only the core players will usually notice the differences beyond grapics new characters and stages.

Things being worth 60$ will depend on the person subjective. personally I'm of the opinion that a game doesn't need to last 50+ hours to be worth 60$ plenty of games that are shorter while enjoyable. 3d mario for example. you'll finish most of them below 50 hours but they are definitely worth 60$ I'd say. Pokemon snap will be worth 60$ for people who wanted a sequel of the originals for people who want to play more pokemon snap but in the current era with updated grapics new lvl's and the new mons.

I mean stuff like the last of us is pretty much a movie with little gameplay only 15ish hours? why should that be worth 60$. again different games are made and depending on the person the experience will be worth 60$. you can't discredit a game for having simular gameplay when it's made from scratch with new content.

are megaman X 1 2 3 4 5 6 a joke? same for classic megaman literally the same thing. having simular gameplay isn't a bad thing that's why fans buy the game again. new lvl's and challenges.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 07:25:37 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2021, 07:48:05 am »
I think it was good over all, i think its an interesting direction they are choosing to go with the Diamond and Pearl Remakes artistically, Hopefully we hear about more soon as it seems to me like it's going to be a 1:1 port which i wouldn't be a fan needs new features. Then there was the new Botw Pokemon esque game, i am not sure what i think of it at the moment and will have to wait till we get more details on the game for me to get a real opinion on it. 

Overall it was a very good Direct. :)

Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2021, 10:14:40 pm »
while it might have simular gameplay compared to the n64 game. it's made from scratch with totally different mons and enviroments lvl's. that's like saying link's awakening in chibi grapics should be 10$ aswell just because the art style is different.

Still in this case it won't have the same lvl's like link's awakening for the most part so it's actually more work in that aspect.

It's pokemon snap with new lvl's new pokemon just the same gameplay.

With that logic you could say why is the new smash or mario kart 60$ gameplay is the same with some things swapped up. just new lvl's and items

Creating a sequel from scratch costs money just because it has simular gameplay doesn't mean it's not worth it's price that's what a sequel is supposed to be after all. people play the games because they liked prior instalments. and they'd like to see sequels with improvements grapics wise and expanded gameplay.

like legit especially if where talking casuals. most won't see the differences in smash and mario kart aside from the grapics with each release. on the grander scale it is the same formula. especially in party play with items. only the core players will usually notice the differences beyond grapics new characters and stages.

Things being worth 60$ will depend on the person subjective. personally I'm of the opinion that a game doesn't need to last 50+ hours to be worth 60$ plenty of games that are shorter while enjoyable. 3d mario for example. you'll finish most of them below 50 hours but they are definitely worth 60$ I'd say. Pokemon snap will be worth 60$ for people who wanted a sequel of the originals for people who want to play more pokemon snap but in the current era with updated grapics new lvl's and the new mons.

I mean stuff like the last of us is pretty much a movie with little gameplay only 15ish hours? why should that be worth 60$. again different games are made and depending on the person the experience will be worth 60$. you can't discredit a game for having simular gameplay when it's made from scratch with new content.

are megaman X 1 2 3 4 5 6 a joke? same for classic megaman literally the same thing. having simular gameplay isn't a bad thing that's why fans buy the game again. new lvl's and challenges.
I found Link's Awakening to be overpriced too. That probably should've been about $40. Oceanhorn is a pretty similar game and that launched at a much cheaper price.

Just because it's new doesn't make it worth $60. The original Pokémon Snap is about four hours long. If this game is four hours long as well I don't see that as a $60 value.

The Last of Us is not a movie with little gameplay. The original version was worth $60 because it was a masterpiece in terms of graphics at that time on a PS3. Many would argue the game as a whole is a masterpiece with one of the best stories in gaming. It also had online multiplayer to keep people coming back to it.

If you want to bring up Mega Man.. was Mega Man 11 a $60 game? No, it wasn't. It was $30 and some (Windows Central) even argued that was too high of an asking price.


Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2021, 06:04:03 pm »
while it might have simular gameplay compared to the n64 game. it's made from scratch with totally different mons and enviroments lvl's. that's like saying link's awakening in chibi grapics should be 10$ aswell just because the art style is different.

Still in this case it won't have the same lvl's like link's awakening for the most part so it's actually more work in that aspect.

It's pokemon snap with new lvl's new pokemon just the same gameplay.

With that logic you could say why is the new smash or mario kart 60$ gameplay is the same with some things swapped up. just new lvl's and items

Creating a sequel from scratch costs money just because it has simular gameplay doesn't mean it's not worth it's price that's what a sequel is supposed to be after all. people play the games because they liked prior instalments. and they'd like to see sequels with improvements grapics wise and expanded gameplay.

like legit especially if where talking casuals. most won't see the differences in smash and mario kart aside from the grapics with each release. on the grander scale it is the same formula. especially in party play with items. only the core players will usually notice the differences beyond grapics new characters and stages.

Things being worth 60$ will depend on the person subjective. personally I'm of the opinion that a game doesn't need to last 50+ hours to be worth 60$ plenty of games that are shorter while enjoyable. 3d mario for example. you'll finish most of them below 50 hours but they are definitely worth 60$ I'd say. Pokemon snap will be worth 60$ for people who wanted a sequel of the originals for people who want to play more pokemon snap but in the current era with updated grapics new lvl's and the new mons.

I mean stuff like the last of us is pretty much a movie with little gameplay only 15ish hours? why should that be worth 60$. again different games are made and depending on the person the experience will be worth 60$. you can't discredit a game for having simular gameplay when it's made from scratch with new content.

are megaman X 1 2 3 4 5 6 a joke? same for classic megaman literally the same thing. having simular gameplay isn't a bad thing that's why fans buy the game again. new lvl's and challenges.
I found Link's Awakening to be overpriced too. That probably should've been about $40. Oceanhorn is a pretty similar game and that launched at a much cheaper price.

Just because it's new doesn't make it worth $60. The original Pokémon Snap is about four hours long. If this game is four hours long as well I don't see that as a $60 value.

The Last of Us is not a movie with little gameplay. The original version was worth $60 because it was a masterpiece in terms of graphics at that time on a PS3. Many would argue the game as a whole is a masterpiece with one of the best stories in gaming. It also had online multiplayer to keep people coming back to it.

If you want to bring up Mega Man.. was Mega Man 11 a $60 game? No, it wasn't. It was $30 and some (Windows Central) even argued that was too high of an asking price.

megaman X1 to 6 where full priced games back in the day though, and those followed the same gameplay style with each new instalment. in modern era sure classic games are usually lower priced unless they are trying to be modern games.

Still though at the very end of the day. the price of a brand new game is subjective. If a game is hitting the right spots it might be worth 60$ if it's not than it's valued less. There are no rules when a game is supposed to be 60$ or less. The people that buy the games at 60$ really liked the genre and it was probably what they where looking for.

also obviously supply and demand. link's awakening almost sold 5 million copies. Would it have been much more at a lower price to increase revenue, hard to tell really. pretty high sales for a zelda spinoff.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 06:46:16 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2021, 12:51:45 pm »
I'll give all three a try...provided I get a Switch, of course.

New Snap I feel is a few generations too late, both Pokémon- and console-wise, but the novelty of it is still endearing to many (me included), so I'm sure it will be a hit. Hopefully they won't go overboard with DLC. Or better yet, hopefully there won't be any DLC.

The DP remakes are being outsourced, and it shows, which is in all honesty a bummer seeing as these are mainline games; but even so, I think they have their appeal with how they're imitating the originals with the "chibi" overworld look. At least it doesn't appear to be a Let's Go derivative as many were fretting them to be...and hopefully stays that way. I will admit that after the last game, I wasn't expecting much.

In regards to Pokémon Legends: Arceus, it visually looks like a fanmade game, although I reckon the footage that was shown is from an alpha build, which I'm only bringing up because I remember many years ago a couple of fan projects that tried to do an open world Pokémon game that effectively ended up getting scrapped after the first trailer. A Pokémon game of this caliber is certainly a daunting task, and almost seemed like a pipe dream at one point in time, so I'm definitely optimistic about it. My kid self is going nuts over this, that's for sure.

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Re: Pokémon Presents 2.26.2021 thoughts?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2021, 02:23:44 pm »
I'll give all three a try...provided I get a Switch, of course.

The DP remakes are being outsourced, and it shows, which is in all honesty a bummer seeing as these are mainline games; but even so, I think they have their appeal with how they're imitating the originals with the "chibi" overworld look. At least it doesn't appear to be a Let's Go derivative as many were fretting them to be...and hopefully stays that way. I will admit that after the last game, I wasn't expecting much.

Ironicly the fanbase actually wanted the pokemon IP for the main series to get outsourced for better results considering the last few generations. if anything imagine the botw team and monolit working on pokemon legends instead of gamefreak who hasn't made to many home console games.

That being said ilcas has quite the resume

Yakuza zero, and the did help with nier automata and DQ XI.

 so it's kinda interesting how they went for this chibi smaller approach instead considering how they where in some impressive 3d console games.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2021, 02:32:39 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!