Author Topic: BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek  (Read 2144 times)


BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:47:17 pm »
what do you think


Re: BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2012, 01:50:17 am »
Balckberry is going to be long gone in a few years. i just don't see it sticking around. Their platform is so hard to develop on, no one wants to develop on it because of such a small consumer base.

With iOS, Android and now Windows phones. Blackberry just doesn't have room in the market.


Re: BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2012, 03:14:05 am »
RIM might actually have a chance if they announced something.. I dunno, maybe a month before they launch it? But instead they ALWAYS have at least a six month wait. They did it with BB6, they did it with BB7, they did it with the Playbook, they're doing it with BB10. It's insane.

And this is AFTER they've tried to get rid of Crazy-ass Mike (remember that trainwreck interview?) as best they could. Hell, their stock took a nosedive after "unveiling" BB10. They'll be able to survive on what cash they have and BES/BIS licenses for a little bit, but it won't be long until RIM is gone.

Re: BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2012, 08:58:16 am »
If RIM wants to survive they need to makes some product moves quickly and aim them straight at the business crowd. They have already lost their large hold on that market but they are still a player. I really can't seem them lasting more than another 4 years.


Re: BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2012, 09:14:55 am »
I'm surprised they've lasted this long. Now that the iPhone is available on carriers other than AT&T, I think their days are numbered. If the sale of this phone doesn't draw a very big crowed they're toast. The company has been hemorrhaging money for several years and I think this phone could be their last.

I know many business people all over the country - not one of which still uses a Blackberry product. Everyone has an iPhone or an Android. I'm not talking about people in their 20's and 30's either, I'm talking about guys as old as 70 that tossed Blackberry for Apple.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 09:17:59 am by darko »


Re: BlackBerry 10 Sneak Peek
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2012, 09:30:19 pm »

I know many business people all over the country - not one of which still uses a Blackberry product. Everyone has an iPhone or an Android. I'm not talking about people in their 20's and 30's either, I'm talking about guys as old as 70 that tossed Blackberry for Apple.

A business that an acquaintance owns has changed all of the employees phones to androids. The only thing Blackberry had for it was secure networks (which they are selling) and BBM (which iOS and android apps have emulated).