Atari 2600 games were made vary simple most of them were easy to understand how to play, the controller was basically a joystick with 1 button, the major downside for me would be that you needed to sit by the game console itself and keep hitting the reset switch every single time you lost the game.
Allot of games where really hard to understand how to play thanks to the limitations. Quite some atari 2600 games in wich you needed to be quite smart to finish them withouth any help.
adventure, haunted house swords quests how did people figure this out withouth internet. you can barely recognize anything hard to see if you made any progress.
The games where really abstract tons of imagination needed
And have you seen most ending screens? In wich most people in this era would probably be confused if the game actually just crashed or frooze instead.
There is barely anything memorable about atari 2600 games
you don't have iconic tunes, no cool sound effects, the grapics are usually just lines on a screen. Even shitty flash games look better than games such as river raid or pitfall wich are some of the best looking games on the system.
Gameplay at best is space invaders or pacman however usually far far less. Considering the options that you have if you didn't grew up with it you'll probably never want to touch an atari 2600 game.
I guess the shitty sounds could be nostalgia to some. and ofcourse the really hard puzzles thanks to it's limitations experimenting with stuff in games such as adventure and sword quest to finally beat those. Had to take ages to figure stuff out withouth the internet. The hardships could probably have value to people with atari nostalgia.