I would try contacting someone even if it's the police, because sounds like what's happening to you is probably happening to a lot of people, and you got kids so you need to protect them, even if your own house don't burn down one of the other homes in your town might, and that could spread especially if you live near a lot of trees and woods, you are and your entire family are not safe.
If you contact some kind of authorities they should send someone out even if it has to be the FBI, but this is dangerous.
Did you know that the State of California has been burning for a number of years now? And many people died in their homes and miles have been burning for a number of summers now there. 
My town was almost taken over too, I hope you can find safety.
and if your local government don't give a shit apparently, but enough people stand up against them it might make a difference.
Surprisingly enough there have been next to no home fires due to electrical problems. That said I cannot say the same for flue fires, arson, and meth labs.
We lose more houses to people too lazy to clean their chimney than anything. The fires in Cali are a different matter entirely.
Contacting the authorities is a nice thought but it's ultimately useless. Our town has one, maybe two police officers. Most of the business is handled by the county sheriff and he's a half hour out, in a completely different town. Even if you do, their go to response is, "get a hold of city hall." "Nothing we can do."
We have a fire department but by the time they mobilize it's already too late. That's why the mottos of all the surrounding towns is. (Insert town fire dept here), they haven't lost a basement yet.
Since we live in town there isn't much in the way of foliage to worry about. Even then the climate in Missouri differs so much than that of Cali, that while we do have the occasional wildfire they never get to past the point of brush fires. It's fairly wet and oppressively humid here. There are days when you cannot even get a grill to burn well enough to do any outdoor cooking, unless it's gas.
That's rural Missouri for you. You're pretty much on your own.