Author Topic: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]  (Read 5005 times)


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Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2021, 02:41:27 pm »
If you don't like Xbox, then just move on instead of trying to crap all over this guy's post. We get it Sworddude, you don't like Xbox, point made.


Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2021, 03:25:25 pm »
The console wars are back baby!
The Benevolent and Powerful covfefe2020


Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2021, 04:18:10 pm »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2021, 10:54:00 am »
The first generation 360's diden't have an hdmi port as far my memory can tell,but i doubt you'll find one in working condition anyway.

I've always been more of an xbox guy then a playstation guy, while i do love the ps1 and ps2 to death and have a massive libary of games for them, the ps3 kinda pushed me away from sony for a good while, i bought one on launch and it crapped out on me after 2 months, despite the warranty it was apparently my fault and sony pretty much told me to pay for repairs.

I've stuck with xbox as my major gaming platform since then, don't really regret it.
The xbox one s should have been the orginal model from the start, whoever decided that including a kinect with a vcr should have their head checked.

However with the xbox one x is when microsoft finally got it right. I don't have a ps5 or xbox series x yet so for now it's my go to console for playing my games.

Also for exclusives try out state of decay 1 (and 2) and man how can i forget screamride, you almost never hear somebody talking about that game.


Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2021, 11:33:09 am »
The first generation 360's diden't have an hdmi port as far my memory can tell,but i doubt you'll find one in working condition anyway.

A budget version was missing HDMI
The Benevolent and Powerful covfefe2020


Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2021, 03:22:23 pm »
Sorry for the late answer, I just wanted to being thankful for the replies and comments for this subject.

 I dont have problems with people commenting what they want to, or people that disagree with me, about controversy... I want to believe most people from this place agree with the idea of that everyone can comment but not everyone deserve to be listened and sometimes is better just ignore,

Anyway I am happier to read some old members that I used to be with me in LRG forum.

Thank you.

I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


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Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2021, 10:09:58 pm »
If you don't like Xbox, then just move on instead of trying to crap all over this guy's post. We get it Sworddude, you don't like Xbox, point made.
I think he's from Europe and the Xbox is disliked more over seas.But yes I think he's a little prejudice against the Xbox imo. But he's welcome to have his own opinion.


Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2021, 01:21:25 am »
>sworddude using the fact that people like him have always claimed xbox has no exclusives as evidence that xbox must have no exclusives.
The Benevolent and Powerful covfefe2020


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Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2021, 12:32:10 pm »
If you don't like Xbox, then just move on instead of trying to crap all over this guy's post. We get it Sworddude, you don't like Xbox, point made.
I think he's from Europe and the Xbox is disliked more over seas.But yes I think he's a little prejudice against the Xbox imo. But he's welcome to have his own opinion.

Absolutely he is. Agreed. But he's got multiple walls of texts telling people why they're wrong for liking Xbox. Let people enjoy things, is all I meant.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 12:43:57 pm by burningdoom »


Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2021, 01:10:33 pm »
If you don't like Xbox, then just move on instead of trying to crap all over this guy's post. We get it Sworddude, you don't like Xbox, point made.
I think he's from Europe and the Xbox is disliked more over seas.But yes I think he's a little prejudice against the Xbox imo. But he's welcome to have his own opinion.

Absolutely he is. Agreed. But he's got multiple walls of texts telling people why they're wrong for liking Xbox. Let people enjoy things, is all I meant.

I play allot of the og xbox exclusives I like xbox, the sega games especially the otogi series,  voodoo vince ninja gaiden the console has good stuff. I own almost a 100 titles for the system.

I only said that I prefer ps2 and the cube allot more no hate for the console I also never said anything in wich people should change their opinion. I simply just left a reply It was a discussion topic to share opinions after all

I was just of the opinion that the xbox libraries lack exclusives compared to the competition nothing more nothing less. and the memes do exist there is definitely some truth the library of exclusives is at the very least a bit smaller than it's competition aside from also my own experiences when I come across sets and overall even when I look around the web to check out the library in general or some region exclusives for xbox, there is quite a bit less to find for my taste. kabuuki fighters and phantom dust seem like interesting imports for the system though

At the very end of the day a smaller library of exclusives don't make for a bad console.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 02:37:34 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


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Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2021, 07:36:19 pm »
If you don't like Xbox, then just move on instead of trying to crap all over this guy's post. We get it Sworddude, you don't like Xbox, point made.
I think he's from Europe and the Xbox is disliked more over seas.But yes I think he's a little prejudice against the Xbox imo. But he's welcome to have his own opinion.

Absolutely he is. Agreed. But he's got multiple walls of texts telling people why they're wrong for liking Xbox. Let people enjoy things, is all I meant.
Yes I know but no one will be able to change his perception of the xbox. His hate runs to deep im afraid.


PRO Supporter

Re: Xbox One S is kinda underrated. [Opinion]
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2021, 07:42:22 pm »
If you don't like Xbox, then just move on instead of trying to crap all over this guy's post. We get it Sworddude, you don't like Xbox, point made.
I think he's from Europe and the Xbox is disliked more over seas.But yes I think he's a little prejudice against the Xbox imo. But he's welcome to have his own opinion.

Absolutely he is. Agreed. But he's got multiple walls of texts telling people why they're wrong for liking Xbox. Let people enjoy things, is all I meant.

I play allot of the og xbox exclusives I like xbox, the sega games especially the otogi series,  voodoo vince ninja gaiden the console has good stuff. I own almost a 100 titles for the system.

I only said that I prefer ps2 and the cube allot more no hate for the console I also never said anything in wich people should change their opinion. I simply just left a reply It was a discussion topic to share opinions after all

I was just of the opinion that the xbox libraries lack exclusives compared to the competition nothing more nothing less. and the memes do exist there is definitely some truth the library of exclusives is at the very least a bit smaller than it's competition aside from also my own experiences when I come across sets and overall even when I look around the web to check out the library in general or some region exclusives for xbox, there is quite a bit less to find for my taste. kabuuki fighters and phantom dust seem like interesting imports for the system though

At the very end of the day a smaller library of exclusives don't make for a bad console.
What's this? Thier maybe hope yet!
« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 07:47:40 pm by wartoy »