Author Topic: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)  (Read 1716 times)


"What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« on: April 15, 2021, 01:59:45 pm »
Hey, I have a question...

First though, I recently started playing through the God of War series again, and I decided to play them in order on Hard mode. Playing the 1st game, I got to the 2nd part of the end where you have to "save" Kratos' family and fight through a horde of enemies, and after about the 10th try, I became increasingly frustrated, and I got to wondering if the developers had tested it and I questioned what they were thinking with this section.

Now my question is: have you ever played a section in a game that made you question the developers decision and ask, "what were they thinking?!"
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 08:56:36 am by purdon »


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Re: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2021, 07:14:29 pm »
LOL, yeah that part is notorious for being unfairly hard. Just imagine it on God mode... All the time I play games where I think aloud- who possibly thought this was an good idea. Usually I eventually get through the section but there's been a few times where I just give up and move on to something else.


Re: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2021, 08:02:39 pm »
it's called Lazy game design when that kind of stuff happens. I know because I've made  Duke Nukem 3D mod myself in my life but never finished it, Or tested it's durability when running on a higher difficulty than easy. I had worked on about 7 levels (I think) and tested each one from the beginning on easy mode.

I was making this Duke Nukem 3D mod all by myself, and tested all the levels I think and completed each and every level starting off with no guns  keys or god mode. The mod is playable but I never finished it, I uploaded it to Duke Nukem forever forums ( long time ago. And  other people downloaded it. but I just lost interest and never finished it. I was planning on making it a full tested game mod with over 40 levels in it, but after working on about 7 levels and testing them as best as I could. I just left it behind and hoping someday another gamer will finish it for the sake of how good I think this mod is to play. the levels were difficult but I managed to beat all of them as far as I know on easy.

but this mod is difficult but still possible, for even a single player with my skills to beat. Each and every level without any cheats, and starting off each level off with the pistil, I tested all the triggers and even changed the original Duke Nukem menu text to my own writing. and made new levels all the levels and made my own game pretty much. However the reason why I abandoned it was because, I just didn't have the skills to upload my own sound or my own sprites or even my own music. I just basically used a map editor to make a custom game out of the textures and options of the original Duke Nukem 3D Atomic edition grp file. Since I don't know how to program, only know how to make funny and amusing triggers.

It was called Duke Nukem 2 I think. I wanted this mod to be a full 3D version. Of the platform video game called Duke Nukem II, aka the prequel to Duke Nukem 3D

all you need is an official copy of Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition Grp file. to play this mod, right out of the box I from what I remember. This is not pirated software because you will need a steam copy of Duke Nukem3D atomic edition to play this game the easy way.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 09:02:30 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2021, 08:22:19 pm »
In general...
  • introducing a new mechanic for a one time use (Yakuza Kiwami's shooting)  bonus points if it happens during the final boss or after
  • out of nowhere Inverted controls
  • Sudden deaths (Bad Girl's faint in No More Heroes)

Specific games...
  • Shadow the Hedgehog-hero and evil missions usually involved killing a certain amount of enemies in other words all of them. Leading to levels taking a ridiculous amount of time to complete especially when you miss that obe enemy that happenedtobe off screen while the side that you'resuppose to be helping is still trying to kill you
  • Batman Arkham Knight-okay two thing with this one. The Batmobile felt way overused. Quite often it felt like the car was a heavy weight would have to drag around especially with riddler trophies. The other was the Joker's return. Honestly he was feeling overused in the games to me. It would have been neat as a small bit but he's with you until the final battle which is against the joker...again...when he's suppose to be dead.


Re: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2021, 08:33:36 pm »
In general...
  • introducing a new mechanic for a one time use (Yakuza Kiwami's shooting)  bonus points if it happens during the final boss or after
  • out of nowhere Inverted controls
  • Sudden deaths (Bad Girl's faint in No More Heroes)

Specific games...
  • Shadow the Hedgehog-hero and evil missions usually involved killing a certain amount of enemies in other words all of them. Leading to levels taking a ridiculous amount of time to complete especially when you miss that obe enemy that happenedtobe off screen while the side that you'resuppose to be helping is still trying to kill you
  • Batman Arkham Knight-okay two thing with this one. The Batmobile felt way overused. Quite often it felt like the car was a heavy weight would have to drag around especially with riddler trophies. The other was the Joker's return. Honestly he was feeling overused in the games to me. It would have been neat as a small bit but he's with you until the final battle which is against the joker...again...when he's suppose to be dead.

Sometimes it's a case of (Lack Of communication) when games story is  not being put together properly. it's better to have a team willing to help you on a project. then to do everything yourself. Sometimes developers design a portion of a game, themselves and don't tell the other game designers what they did, in which is why I believe so many games can be unfinished a lot of the time.  and have bugs in them on release.

other times I wonder if the gaming field hires video Game testers anymore. the people at the bottom who play games and report bugs for a living
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 08:35:47 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2021, 01:12:05 am »
The most recent one I had was with Tales of Vesperia - Definitive Edition, namely the Bunny Guild Achievement. The achievement sounds grindy, but decent at first: Have 4 specific characters wear bunny ear accessories for 5 hours straight, which is still feasible when you consider that the game is a 100+ hour game. Where the problem occurs is how you get the items: An NPC gives them to you based off of how many titles you've earned (which you basically get by doing everything else in the game). In the original, you needed about 75% of all the titles, but in the remaster, you need all but one (which you can't get until you get that last bunny ears). This means that when you get that last item, you're 99.99% done with the game. There's nothing left to do, as you've cleared the bonus dungeons, beat the secret bosses, completed all the minigames, maxed out your skills and levels and so on. So, the only thing to really do is to just let the game run idle for 5 hours. Certainly a way to end the completion with a whimper instead of a bang.

As for other, more recent games, I really question the Balan Wonderworld Team's idea to remove most of the game's plot and story from the game itself, and instead putting it into a tie-in novelization.


Re: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2021, 02:30:36 am »
[...] I recently started playing through the God of War series again, and I decided to play them in order on Hard mode. Playing the 1st game, I got to the 2nd part of the end where you have to "save" Kratos' family and fight through a horde of enemies, and after about the 10th try, it began to really frustrate me and I got to wondering if the developers had tested it and I questioned what they were thinking with this section.

That section of the game really isn't that hard, even on God Mode. This video shows the best strategy to use - make sure Poseidon's Rage and Army of Hades are maxed and avoid grappling the clones, as well as using the Blade of Artemis. Trust me, that part is a walk in the park compared to what comes after. God of War II on Titan that's a challenge.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 02:39:06 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2021, 08:54:19 am »
[...] I recently started playing through the God of War series again, and I decided to play them in order on Hard mode. Playing the 1st game, I got to the 2nd part of the end where you have to "save" Kratos' family and fight through a horde of enemies, and after about the 10th try, it began to really frustrate me and I got to wondering if the developers had tested it and I questioned what they were thinking with this section.

That section of the game really isn't that hard, even on God Mode. This video shows the best strategy to use - make sure Poseidon's Rage and Army of Hades are maxed and avoid grappling the clones, as well as using the Blade of Artemis. Trust me, that part is a walk in the park compared to what comes after. God of War II on Titan that's a challenge.
Yeah, after finishing it and thinking about it, it really isn't that difficult given what needs to be done. I think my problem was that my mana was relatively low from spamming 'Army of Hades' during the Ares fight lol.

I don't think I have the skill to take on the hardest difficulties on any of the games in the series  :-\


Re: "What were they thinking?!" (Spoilers for God of War)
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2021, 07:33:06 pm »
[...] I recently started playing through the God of War series again, and I decided to play them in order on Hard mode. Playing the 1st game, I got to the 2nd part of the end where you have to "save" Kratos' family and fight through a horde of enemies, and after about the 10th try, it began to really frustrate me and I got to wondering if the developers had tested it and I questioned what they were thinking with this section.

That section of the game really isn't that hard, even on God Mode. This video shows the best strategy to use - make sure Poseidon's Rage and Army of Hades are maxed and avoid grappling the clones, as well as using the Blade of Artemis. Trust me, that part is a walk in the park compared to what comes after. God of War II on Titan that's a challenge.
Yeah, after finishing it and thinking about it, it really isn't that difficult given what needs to be done. I think my problem was that my mana was relatively low from spamming 'Army of Hades' during the Ares fight lol.

I don't think I have the skill to take on the hardest difficulties on any of the games in the series  :-\

Dude  You don't need to be ashamed to not be a master at any video game, Take me for example. 99% of the games I ever played without cheating was on the easiest difficulty setting the games have to offer. The only games I ever considered or even played on a higher difficulty are the games I have gone back to and wanted to face a new challenge. I only play on hard or medium mode for games that I REALLY LOVE and enjoy the most. that is only a select few video games that for me were too easy.

However when I used to play video games when I was younger, I almost always cheated, now I don't. Sometimes it's fun to just put on God/Invincibility mode and release all of your life's aggression on video game bad guys. Like on the game Duke Nukem 3D I used to put on God mode as well as other cheats so I could feel powerful and just blow up my virtual foes, or do funny and sometimes somewhat perverted things on the game like throwing pipe bombs under the lizard men and bosses laughing as I cook their rear ends lol ::)

it's a game play how you want to, please don't hate me now you know what I used to do as a teen ::)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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