Author Topic: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New  (Read 7965 times)


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Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2021, 08:12:32 pm »
I just bought 2 3DO consoles, the first console has arrived, with a batch of games. Try to guess what model the second one will be.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2021, 08:14:30 pm by leonefamily »
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


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Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2021, 10:26:31 pm »
Here are a few more

Xbox One

Jump Force
Mass Effect Legendary edition


Deadly Premonition Origins
Assassin's Creed III Remasterd•Remasterise
NBA 2k19
GI Joe Operation Black Out
Jump Force Deluxe Edition


Splinter Cell Essentials
Socom U.S. Navy Seals Tactical Strike
Mx vs. Atv on the edge


Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2021, 11:32:17 pm »
I just bought 2 3DO consoles, the first console has arrived, with a batch of games. Try to guess what model the second one will be.

Nice score! Super jealous of some of those titles...and boxed to boot!  ;D The PC version of the CH Flightstick Pro was one of my favorite accessories. I used to play Descent with that thing for hours on end. I have to imagine the other model you're going to be getting is the FZ-10?  :P


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Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2021, 11:48:55 pm »
I just bought 2 3DO consoles, the first console has arrived, with a batch of games. Try to guess what model the second one will be.

One console I've always wanted and have never owned. Congrats!


Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2021, 02:45:28 am »
Time for another pickups update, picked up a few rarer titles and of course the game everyone is picking up in the last week.

Picked up my 5th PS5 game, it was on clearance for $15.
- Planet Coaster

- Desperados III (Walmart $3)
- Death By Daylight (Walmart $7)
- The Golf Club 2 (Amazon $8)
And I of course had to get this...
- Resident Evil 8: Village (I've already beat this game into the ground.)

- Billion Road
- Panzer Paladin
- Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack
- Raiden IV + Mikado Remix
- Fight'n Rage

- Story of a Gladiator
- Complex
- Art of Fighting Anthology
- Art of Fighting Anthology - Classic Edition
- Fight'n Rage
- Neverending Nightmares
- Darkwood
- Taxi Chaos (Amazon $15)
- Code: Realize: Wintertide Miracles (Amazon $16)
- Omen of Sorrow (Amazon $12)
- Kyurinaga's Revenge
This las title I was watching on Ebay and the seller sent me an offer. I countered and asked $100 off the price he offered me... To my shock he excepted.  :o
- Gryphon Knight Epic

Was looking at 3DS games I might wanna grab that are kinda obscure or rare but not expensive and saw this and picked up a copy.
- Moco Moco Friends

- 88 Heroes - Limited Edition

My local used game store had just the case and manual for a game I need. I bought the case for cheap so if I buy a cart later it will be cheaper.
- Dragon Quest VI

I've been looking for this embarrassment of a game for awhile. Its hard to find an english copy not going for $200+, found a Australian copy for under $100 and had to grab it. (worst cover art ever) lol
- Show White and the Seven Clever Boys

Picked up another N64 game I'm missing, down to under 20 games for a complete.
- California Speed

My local used game store got in a large stack of boxed Genesis games and I picked out four I was missing for $10-$15.
- Power Monger
- The Incredible Crash Dummies
- Zany Golf
- Cyber-Cop

A nice gentleman on FB was selling a bunch of games he found in a garbage bin. I make an offer for one of the games I need and he sold it to me and shipped it.
- Sumo Fighter

- Dead Tomb

I found out Ebay was removing Adult games from being sold, I think a lot still go under the radar so I bought one that's not to badly priced.
Kinda F'D up content, So I got a copy before Ebay made it harder to get.
- Beautiful Girl Alien Battle

« Last Edit: May 20, 2021, 02:48:21 am by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


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Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2021, 05:09:59 pm »
Nice score! Super jealous of some of those titles...and boxed to boot!  ;D The PC version of the CH Flightstick Pro was one of my favorite accessories. I used to play Descent with that thing for hours on end. I have to imagine the other model you're going to be getting is the FZ-10?  :P

Thanks! Not only that, but also the console + games (except for Twisted) are in excellent condition, the boxes are just mint and the console has no scratches at all. I'm actually going to sell some of those games, I'm only keeping about half of it. No the other model is not an FZ-10, it's something much more saught after.

One console I've always wanted and have never owned. Congrats!

Thank you!
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2021, 12:47:29 am »
Thanks! Not only that, but also the console + games (except for Twisted) are in excellent condition, the boxes are just mint and the console has no scratches at all. I'm actually going to sell some of those games, I'm only keeping about half of it. No the other model is not an FZ-10, it's something much more sought after.

Selling eh?  8)

As for the sought after...hmmm...maybe a Goldstar or Sanyo unit? I always wanted the 3DO Blaster card for my computer but that was a pipe dream back then.  :P


Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #37 on: May 21, 2021, 11:12:53 am »
@leonefamily Quite the hall 3D0 stuff is quite rare but for all games to have the cardboard boxes aswell  :o

Had quite allot deals in recent times It's been a while since I got so many adds in a short amount of time.

10 euro loss each all cib

barnyard blast factory sealed
maestro jump factory sealed
pikmin 3ds
amazing island gamecube one of the last usa exclusives i was looking for with cube.
dokapon kingdom wii  ;D
mario kart wii guide sealed
pokemon xd gale of darkness guide
kirby epic yarn guide
graffiti kingdom english boxed version finally found one always

5 euro loss each

enchanted arms ps3
ico shadow of the collosus hd
super monkey ball ds
flash gba
let's tap wii
pk gamecube
fighter maker
fire heroes english boxed version always italian or some other language.
fishing fantasy
shadow of the collosus hard case version
7 blades
space channel 5

Lone ranger Nes 50 euro loss. quite a bit but it was an ntc exclusive hard to find in europe and a pretty interesting game at that plus cib

Free deals

wii freeloader
yu gi oh eternal duelist ntc exclusive box and manual only no cart but I'll find that someday
Blast corps n64
animal crossing with vip points
dk jungle beat with vip points
tactics ogre psp

Game gear

factory panic
ecco the dolphin
crystal warriors

Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2021, 01:13:19 pm »
Picked-up Animal Crossing: New Leaf at Walmart for $10.


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Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #39 on: May 21, 2021, 05:47:31 pm »
Thanks! Not only that, but also the console + games (except for Twisted) are in excellent condition, the boxes are just mint and the console has no scratches at all. I'm actually going to sell some of those games, I'm only keeping about half of it. No the other model is not an FZ-10, it's something much more sought after.

Selling eh?  8)

As for the sought after...hmmm...maybe a Goldstar or Sanyo unit? I always wanted the 3DO Blaster card for my computer but that was a pipe dream back then.  :P

The Goldstar is not sought after at all, it is genrally the least desirable 3DO and the cheapest of them all. Except for the mythical Goldstar Alive II which is insanely rare and sell on EBay at over 3k. So it's either a Sanyo IMP-2J, a Panasonic N-1005, a 3DO Blaster card or even a Goldstar GDO-203P. Take another guess.  8)

@leonefamily Quite the hall 3D0 stuff is quite rare but for all games to have the cardboard boxes aswell  :o

EBay prices are ridiculous. There is some guy selling a CIB copy of Zhadnost and he wants 150$ for it. According to gamevaluenow and pricecharting it's worth around 25$. I made an offer of 40$ explaining to him that I think it's a very fair price but he just turned down the offer with no reply or counteroffer whatsoever. Like, wtf. I'm glad to have found this lot!
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2021, 11:43:14 pm »
In the last couple of days:

Midway Arcade Treasures 1
MLB Slugfest 2003
MLB Slugfest 2004
Friends: The One With All The Trivia

Persona 5 Strikers
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memories
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Samurai Shodown: Neogeo Collection(Added 5/23/21)

Nioh Collection

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

« Last Edit: May 23, 2021, 04:58:02 pm by droaa »


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Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #41 on: May 25, 2021, 07:02:19 pm »
For those wondering what that mystery 3DO console was, I just got it today.
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


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Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2021, 12:43:38 pm »
Picked up:
- Jade Empire [xbox]
- God of War - Playstation Hits [PS4]
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2021, 10:07:17 pm »
Got enough goodies to fill a table and its time to show everyone my latest pick ups.
Went out on a all day game hunt hitting several used game stores and picked up quite a bit.
Did some garage sales and only had one find, still not enough sales in my area to find much.
Also got what might be the second rarest game on PS4, hard to say due to its still too early to tell.

Saw this was a Best Buy exclusive and was only $15.
- Rainbow Six Siege - Deluxe Edition

They also had some XB games on clearance for just under $10.
- The Lego Movie 2 Video Game
- One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows

They did it again. Limited Rare games returned last Halloween and only took pre-orders on their sketchy web site for two hours.
They claim over 90 copies where sold but that could mean there's a thousand copies out there. Right now Ebay sellers want close to a grand for a copy.
I don't think this game will be as rare as Poop Slinger and still more copies could show up down the road. Just glad I was able to get a copy.
- Tamashii 

My First game sale pickup of 2021. A Wii with eight games, two remotes, A microphone, all the hookups and a bunch of sport accessories all for $15.
Here's the games it came with.
- Wii Sports
- Wii Sports Resort
- Animal Crossing City Folk (Loose disc)
- Just Dance
- Just Dance 2
- Karaoke Revolution: Glee
- Karaoke Revolution: Glee Vol. 2
- Karaoke Revolution: Glee Vol. 3
Also while out game hunting I found this for $11. Online this game is going for $30.
- Grey's Anatomy The Video Game

Out game hunting I found a rarer XB game for a decent price.
- Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green

While out I was checking out all the N64 games, Inow down to only missing 18 games for a complete set.
- Extreme-G 2
- Hydro Thunder

At one of the stores I stopped at they had a bunch of Saturn games for under $10. This was the only one I didn't have. Got it for $6.
- College Hoops

Don't see PC Engine games often in the wild, I saw this for a good price and hat to get it.
- Dead Moon

Of course I was looking for SNES games, looking for most anything I was missing. I found two.
- Capcom Soccer Shootout
- Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Crossroads of Time
At one store I see a stack of games hidden behind a bunch of other stuff. I asked to see what they where and they where well made repros of games never released in the US. They where only $20 a piece and there where made with donated carts not cheap China plastic. I picked out five of them.
- King of Demons
- Burning Heroes
- Der Langrisser
- The Adventures of Hourai High School
- Syvalion

Anytime I see boxed Genesis games I look for any in good shape to add to my collection.
- Blockout
- P.T.O.
- Viewpoint
This last one was an odd find, I see a Mega Drive game and I looked up the game, it looked kinda cool and cute to play and it was priced at $30.
I look online and see a Complete copy goes for $70+, so ya I grabbed it.
- Wani Wani World

Atari 5200
Last a guy on FB makes analog control pads for the Atari 5200, as you may know the 5200 controllers suck and break easy.
So I bought one to see if it made playing on the 5200 better, It works quite well. The number pad could look better and the buttons are a little clicky but its better that what came with the console.

"Happy game hunting!!!"

Re: May 2021 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased New
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2021, 01:54:25 am »
Resident Evil Village - Steelbook Edition

Crash Team Racing / Spyro Re-Ignited Trilogy Bundle - Has all Spyro games on the disc!
Samurai Showdown VI (PSN)

Resident Evil 4 - Steelbook Edition
Resident Evil: Dead Aim

The Word Ends With You REMIX - Waiting for a PS4 port still...