Got enough goodies to fill a table and its time to show everyone my latest pick ups.
Went out on a all day game hunt hitting several used game stores and picked up quite a bit.
Did some garage sales and only had one find, still not enough sales in my area to find much.
Also got what might be the second rarest game on PS4, hard to say due to its still too early to tell.
PS5Saw this was a Best Buy exclusive and was only $15.
- Rainbow Six Siege - Deluxe Edition
XB1/XBSXThey also had some XB games on clearance for just under $10.
- The Lego Movie 2 Video Game
- One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows
PS4They did it again. Limited Rare games returned last Halloween and only took pre-orders on their sketchy web site for two hours.
They claim over 90 copies where sold but that could mean there's a thousand copies out there. Right now Ebay sellers want close to a grand for a copy.
I don't think this game will be as rare as Poop Slinger and still more copies could show up down the road. Just glad I was able to get a copy.
- Tamashii
WiiMy First game sale pickup of 2021. A Wii with eight games, two remotes, A microphone, all the hookups and a bunch of sport accessories all for $15.
Here's the games it came with.
- Wii Sports
- Wii Sports Resort
- Animal Crossing City Folk (Loose disc)
- Just Dance
- Just Dance 2
- Karaoke Revolution: Glee
- Karaoke Revolution: Glee Vol. 2
- Karaoke Revolution: Glee Vol. 3
Also while out game hunting I found this for $11. Online this game is going for $30.
- Grey's Anatomy The Video Game
XBOut game hunting I found a rarer XB game for a decent price.
- Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green
N64While out I was checking out all the N64 games, Inow down to only missing 18 games for a complete set.
- Extreme-G 2
- Hydro Thunder
SATAt one of the stores I stopped at they had a bunch of Saturn games for under $10. This was the only one I didn't have. Got it for $6.
- College Hoops
PCEDon't see PC Engine games often in the wild, I saw this for a good price and hat to get it.
- Dead Moon
SNESOf course I was looking for SNES games, looking for most anything I was missing. I found two.
- Capcom Soccer Shootout
- Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Crossroads of Time
At one store I see a stack of games hidden behind a bunch of other stuff. I asked to see what they where and they where well made repros of games never released in the US. They where only $20 a piece and there where made with donated carts not cheap China plastic. I picked out five of them.
- King of Demons
- Burning Heroes
- Der Langrisser
- The Adventures of Hourai High School
- Syvalion
GEN/MDAnytime I see boxed Genesis games I look for any in good shape to add to my collection.
- Blockout
- P.T.O.
- Viewpoint
This last one was an odd find, I see a Mega Drive game and I looked up the game, it looked kinda cool and cute to play and it was priced at $30.
I look online and see a Complete copy goes for $70+, so ya I grabbed it.
- Wani Wani World
Atari 5200Last a guy on FB makes analog control pads for the Atari 5200, as you may know the 5200 controllers suck and break easy.
So I bought one to see if it made playing on the 5200 better, It works quite well. The number pad could look better and the buttons are a little clicky but its better that what came with the console.