Got enough to show off my latest pick ups...
So lets get this show on the road.
First my patch came in the mail from when I bought Circus Convoy.
PS5I saw that this game was a bomb in sales and noticed I didn't see as many copies of the PS5 and NSW versions.
- Balan Wonderworld
NSWI haven't ordered from Super Rare Games in a while so I ordered everything that was available. lol
- Monster Prom XXL
- Unrailed
- Creaks
- Lonely Mountains Downhill
- Chroma Squad
- Yes, Your Grace
- Old School Musical
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Also picked these up...
- Aggelos
- Creature in the Well (Best Buy Cover)
- Later Alligator
- Balan Wonderworld
- Ion Fury
XB1/XBSX- Just Dance 2015 (Meijer's $7.50)
- It Takes Two
PS4- Destroy All Humans! (LRG version)
- Ion Fury
- Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 2
- Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 2 - Classic Edition
- Slide Stars (Amazon $11)
- Bibi & Tina at the Horse Farm (Amazon $11)
- Nippon Marathon
- Train Sim World 2 - Collector's Edition
- The Yakuza Remastered Collection
- Sairento VR
PS2A couple more from the simple series over in Japan, the original two games.
- The Onechanbara
- The Onechanbara 2
N64Another one of the harder to find games I needed, picked it up for a good price.
- International Superstar Soccer 2000
COLECOI finally got this in the mail, I ordered it almost a year ago.
- Collector Vision Phoenix
It came with one game cart and 10 more on a Memory Card.
- Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death