Author Topic: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?  (Read 5090 times)


Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2021, 11:33:55 am »
I would say that right now as a collector, I'm only out for what I know I enjoy or have enjoyed. I'm not out to buy full collections of anything. I spent quite a bit of last gen (PS4) buying remakes or remasters of games from systems I no longer have anymore. As an example, I rebought every numbered Resident Evil game for PS4 (except 7 and now 8) that became available as the last purchase I make for the series. Then the Shenmue games. Then Burnout Paradise. It started with Tomb Raider DE.

As for gaming in general, I have little time. I'm actually on here more than I have time to game which is kinda sad. Between family and work, gaming comes in dead last to spend time on. At least gaming on the games I enjoy more. I spend time in Disney Infinity or the Lego games with the kids. Sometimes something on the Switch with them. But when it comes to gaming just for me, it took me more than a month to replay Uncharted 4 as an example.

I feel old.


Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2021, 08:58:59 pm »
I dont think I ever knew anyone when I was younger who actually played disney infinity for more than a week
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Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2021, 07:17:27 pm »
As a collector im really not very interested in buying for modern consoles except Nintendo Switch I like carts over disc based consoles.Im still looking for the reto stuff though.

As a gamer I still play every day but I get tied to one or two games and play little else. I've been playing the Disgaea games and Call of Duty for years and it needs to stop im going to pick somthing new and stick with it.

Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2021, 12:05:19 am »
I tend to go in and out of forums- plus lately general life stress has been ridiculous- since March I have lost my main source of income, moved, and dealt with a slew of medical issues (still working on that end, actually).

Game collecting has not been a priority, not surprisingly! Things are starting to settle though, so I'm getting back into the swing of things. I have a lot less space now though, so I'm gonna really have to fight my love of weird peripherals since I've nowhere to put most of them! Also ready to start more actively seeking a PS5... there's enough games out/coming out in the next 2 months to warrant the purchase, & I kept space for it. I imagine by the time I can actually get one I'll have lots of options to play!


Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2021, 08:08:29 am »
It's nice to see you around; I hope everything sorts out for you as soon as possible.

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Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #35 on: May 21, 2021, 09:37:44 am »
I tend to go in and out of forums- plus lately general life stress has been ridiculous- since March I have lost my main source of income, moved, and dealt with a slew of medical issues (still working on that end, actually).

Game collecting has not been a priority, not surprisingly! Things are starting to settle though, so I'm getting back into the swing of things. I have a lot less space now though, so I'm gonna really have to fight my love of weird peripherals since I've nowhere to put most of them! Also ready to start more actively seeking a PS5... there's enough games out/coming out in the next 2 months to warrant the purchase, & I kept space for it. I imagine by the time I can actually get one I'll have lots of options to play!

Hope things are going okay! Glad to see you around :)
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Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2021, 11:22:11 am »
Sorry to hear that hoshichiri, but it's good to see you nonetheless, stay safe.

Since Covid hit things have changed for me massively. I've been unable to go out and bargain hunt (which in turn gives me swappies to actually get games with), money has been extremely tight, my health has been poor and I'm primary carer for my 2 year old. So stuff coming in has been pretty lightweight beyond some Switch games obtained by swapping my existing stuff.

I've embraced Steam through necessity, got tired of trying to get my PC CD-ROMs to work on a Windows 8 machine, I won't be paying 'proper' money for games, on sale or GTFO, since not owning a physical copy goes against the grain, but the horror games and titles under genres like tower defence and metroidvania are a sight for sore eyes.

Collecting-wise this year I've designated PS1 and before as being an actual collection - stuff I like the look of etc. but nonetheless it's stuff I don't have set up to actually play. PS2 onwards are a different matter - I either like them or I don't, slowly been picking through a few games from this era and will continue to try them and see if they're to keep or to trade. I've sold most of the valuable PS2 games in my collection now anyhow, so no point in holding onto anything except what I really want to keep.


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Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2021, 12:44:26 am »
I tend to go in and out of forums- plus lately general life stress has been ridiculous- since March I have lost my main source of income, moved, and dealt with a slew of medical issues (still working on that end, actually).

Game collecting has not been a priority, not surprisingly! Things are starting to settle though, so I'm getting back into the swing of things. I have a lot less space now though, so I'm gonna really have to fight my love of weird peripherals since I've nowhere to put most of them! Also ready to start more actively seeking a PS5... there's enough games out/coming out in the next 2 months to warrant the purchase, & I kept space for it. I imagine by the time I can actually get one I'll have lots of options to play!
Glad to hear things are getting better.


Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2021, 01:09:11 pm »
I think the reason for less activity on sites is because most people moved on to discuss stuff on reddit or Discord.

As far as collecting goes. Have been doing that less over the years slowly crossing titles of my list. Slow and steady wins the race.

As far as modern stuff goes if prices are low enough I'm alright with digital I don't really feel the need to have a physical item for modern stuff if the price is actually allot lower. It's not really the same as older generations for my taste. But I'm super picky with modern

Personally as far as modding and console repair goes. I avoid that stuff like the plague. In some occasions replacing some caps but otherwise I'd much rather play games. It's really time consuming and I don't really enjoy doing that kinda stuff. It's good to see people having a passion for it though but it's a really different side of the hobby.

I said to take it slow in 2021 as far as collecting retro stuff goes but retro deals have actually been quite Amazing over the past few weeks I'm losing my shit atm over some amazing steals that just came in today

I'm not to sure if this is short term but 2021 is definitely a collecting succes for me definitely enjoying the ride atm. can't believe I'm still finding bargains wich includes stuff that I still didn't have in the collection at a decent pace ;D

« Last Edit: June 10, 2021, 02:26:32 pm by sworddude »
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Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2021, 11:27:57 pm »
I don't really collect at all; everything is so scalped to hell that you have to lowball/haggle people to get anything at a decent price.

As for gaming, that hasn't dropped off at all thanks to emulation 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8). Playing shmups & doing game challenges, especially for community events, eats up most of my time but it is extremely fun & satisifying imo.

Re: 2021: where are you as a collector and/or gamer right now?
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2021, 12:29:55 am »
Well.... I think it's my first post here, since I usually stay at vgcollect to have some kind of crontrol of my collection without using the forum.

At my 40s, and with a daughter, I don't have much time to play, but i'm still buying new and old games, retaking my MSX collection (to honor my father, who introduce me to the video games world with that computer) and increasing my PS4 collection with games i'll like to play but I know I'm not gonna have time for them.

Damn, adulthood.

I wanted to say a belated welcome to the forums! Hope you visit again soon :)