Author Topic: dhaabi's VGC Database Work  (Read 12676 times)


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Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2022, 04:17:37 pm »
Dhaabi being close to finishing the Japanese Playstation 2 section. Let's pop the champagne when Dhaabi finishes!
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Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2022, 09:27:29 am »
If it is like any section I've worked on, it truly never ends. You always will find some other version you didn't know existed.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2022, 11:09:19 am »
Dhaabi being close to finishing the Japanese Playstation 2 section. Let's pop the champagne when Dhaabi finishes!

Ha, well, while I finally got through to the end of the category, my intention was never to fully flesh it out. At least, not now, but it could change later on. While I initially began tidying up the existing entries, I figured that I may as well spend time on filling in the gaps throughout the category since there was less than half of the total items had been submitted at that time. When I began contributing to the category, there were 1,854 entries—now there are 2,893. Judging by GameFAQs' list, the Japanese PlayStation and PlayStation 2 category have a very close number of entries, so I imagine that PlayStation 2 [JP] is still short at least 1,500 items but probably more.

When working in PlayStation 2 [JP], I only focused on adding missing re-releases or obvious numbered entries that were missing from the database (such as Title 1 and Title 3 having being added, but not Title 2.) While the Japanese PlayStation library offers a surplus of classic strategy games like mahjong and shougi, the PlayStation 2 instead invested in a lot of visual novels. If I could guess, I'd say at least 10% of existing entries in this category are for visual novel, adventure, or dating simulator games. That being said, there are still plenty of pachinko titles, so nobody should worry about those missing.

While submitting, I was conservative in submitting items that I couldn't find clear evidence of physically existing. So, while I did go through a lot, I did also ignore a small but fair amount.

Apart from PlayStation 2 [JP], I've also done some recent work in Hardware categories:

PlayStation Hardware
After an entry for a loose SCPH-5501 console was submitted, I did a deep dive into identifying box variants using eBay as a resource. At first, I thought there were only two distinct boxes for this model (Made in Japan and Made in Mexico.) However, I realized that there are actually at least three boxes, but I haven't found sufficient information to submit the third. For this model, I've identified 19 unique console item numbers so far which relate to manufacturing location and date.

After researching SCPH-5501, I pursued the same efforts for the console model I own SCPH-9001. During that time, I identified 5 unique bundles which have been submitted.

I have a feeling that I'll come back to this type of research for the category in the future, but it's low on priority.

PlayStation 5 Hardware
There isn't much to comment here aside from that the category now boasts 63 unique entries, which is impressive for a console that has only been on the market for 18 months. The category is still missing plenty of regional releases.

Up Next
- PlayStation Demo: When working here last year, I submitted a majority of the known Japanese items, but I didn't finish for some reason.
- PlayStation Vita: The libraries for these categories are much smaller than what I've gone through before. I'm just going to focus on cleaning up the existing entries for all the categories.
- PSP UMD Video [JP]: Over a year ago, I made progress on some good research in forming a library list that I'd like to continue. What I've gathered so far is not exhaustive by any means, and it probably never will be. Regarding English-language sites at least, there doesn't seem to be a catalog of what exists definitively, although the same can be said for UMD releases across all regions. In the Japanese category in particular, there is a lot of adult content, so be prepared for plenty of new entries without artwork (and plenty of new entries with risqué artwork) and explanations for why in the Description field once I begin submitting.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2022, 01:01:37 pm by dhaabi »


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2022, 11:43:08 am »
I came across a variant for the standard Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck but can't discern any differences in the outer packaging aside from the barcode. As of now, the entry name descriptors rely on the barcode information which isn't ideal (although sometimes it can't be helped.) When comparing the two separate items, I may have missed something that would be better to use for the descriptor information, so I figured I'd share it here if anyone wants to try to find any other difference. Sometimes, it just takes another set of eyes to find that one difference. And, if there isn't any other difference between the two, then the barcode will just have to remain as the entry name descriptor.

Here are the database entries:
Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck (045496610067)
Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck (074299062940)

Here are eBay listings that show all six sides of the packaging for each item:


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Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2022, 01:24:24 pm »
I came across a variant for the standard Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck but can't discern any differences in the outer packaging aside from the barcode. As of now, the entry name descriptors rely on the barcode information which isn't ideal (although sometimes it can't be helped.) When comparing the two separate items, I may have missed something that would be better to use for the descriptor information, so I figured I'd share it here if anyone wants to try to find any other difference. Sometimes, it just takes another set of eyes to find that one difference. And, if there isn't any other difference between the two, then the barcode will just have to remain as the entry name descriptor.

Here are the database entries:
Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck (045496610067)
Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck (074299062940)

Here are eBay listings that show all six sides of the packaging for each item:

UPC 074299062940 seems to be for an Italian console.
See this eBay listing:

This image in the eBay listing shows the Front and Bottom with UPC 074299062940 all in one photograph.
(If you look at the bottom right corner of the box front you can see 6294 shown on the box front under the Mattel logo)

This image in the eBay listing shows the Side flap of the box with the Item Number shown as NES-S-CD-ITA
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 01:49:19 pm by zappman »


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2022, 02:15:53 pm »
UPC 074299062940 seems to be for an Italian console.
See this eBay listing:

This image in the eBay listing shows the Front and Bottom with UPC 074299062940 all in one photograph.
(If you look at the bottom right corner of the box front you can see 6294 shown on the box front under the Mattel logo)

This image in the eBay listing shows the Side flap of the box with the Item Number shown as NES-S-CD-ITA

Many (especially older) items feature the same barcode sequence across numerous countries and regions, so there is good reason to believe that both a US and IT version exist together with the same barcode sequence based on that information alone. With that said, the eBay listings I included were chosen just because of all six sides of the box are present that allows the visibility to easily discern any possible text differences.

I'm pretty certain that entry 219862 is a US release, as the barcode panels between the item you linked and the item in 219862 differ in many ways. Both entries 219862 and 7893 feature "Trademark of Nintendo of America Inc." text on the back panel. Perhaps 219862 is an example of a printing error.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2022, 10:32:34 am »
I'm not familiar enough with Nintendo consoles to know what typical things are different in their releases but I suspect that a difference is present but we just do not know what it is. Firstly because the one example is just a box and foam, and secondly we do not know to what degree any peicemealing has been done. It is possible that each have included something different inside. Maybe a manual change, or a change to the plastic wrap that holds a part, or a change to the foam, or where a paper item is printed, etc. Also I do not know if there are any instances where a NES came inside of an outer packaging, either an outer box or a sleeve. I ran into many boxed PS2 consoles that were just inner boxes from packs that were not released in that way on their own. They are still added to the db in any case.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2022, 12:19:36 pm »
I'm not familiar enough with Nintendo consoles to know what typical things are different in their releases but I suspect that a difference is present but we just do not know what it is. Firstly because the one example is just a box and foam, and secondly we do not know to what degree any peicemealing has been done. It is possible that each have included something different inside. Maybe a manual change, or a change to the plastic wrap that holds a part, or a change to the foam, or where a paper item is printed, etc. Also I do not know if there are any instances where a NES came inside of an outer packaging, either an outer box or a sleeve. I ran into many boxed PS2 consoles that were just inner boxes from packs that were not released in that way on their own. They are still added to the db in any case.

I was hoping that a difference could be found in the outer packaging that I had just overlooked, but I really don't think there is any aside from the barcode. My knowledge about Nintendo hardware bundles is also limited and especially concerning early generations. On that note, I suppose the two entries will just have to rely on barcode descriptors for now.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2022, 02:40:02 pm »
First, I've added two new spreadsheets to this thread's first post:
Missing Official PlayStation 5 Accessory Entries
Missing PlayStation 5 Hardware Information

Concerning the latter spreadsheet especially, adding missing information to this section would be ideal to have done.

Recent work:
PlayStation 2 [JP]
Before recent contributions, the category featured roughly 1,854 entries. I ended up submitting 1,097 new ones. I may revisit this category much later.

PlayStation Vita
I'm glad I finally took the time to clean out these categories. Because of Limited Run Games releases in particular, the NA category was a mess. Most of the Limited Run entries needed updated names and release date information, since advertising terms were often used and the pre-order dates were entered. At the same time, most of these entries were largely worked on around the time that many members thought it was ideal to include the stock art bundle images set in the cart image slot. Those types of images are not to be submitted in any image slot and have never been permitted, so they've all been removed.

With all that said, there were many online exclusive items across all categories that really made things a mess to figure out. For some items in the CN and TW categories, there is little information for some, so whether or not the items are faithful to being Limited Edition as they were advertised is uncertain.
For EU, there were plenty of franken-entries that needed correcting. Many entries were given TLDs when there was none beforehand on account of barcode information that indicates something other than a general Europe or UK release. I tried to ensure that all entries have barcode field information, although it wasn't possible for some entries.

PlayStation 5 [BR ]
Like with PlayStation 4 [BR ], I wanted to fill out this category some as there were 0 entries prior to my submitting entries.

These entries were largely placed in NA categories. From our rules, they have since been placed in either CN or JP categories.

Games Released in a Country with No Country Specific Category
Games and products are released all over the world and we do not have individual sub-categoriess for every one. So sometimes an item is put into the closest relevant category, at least temporarily. Here are some examples:

Releases in Asian or African countries can vary depending on the release. In general, for an item released in a country that has no dedicated sub-category, use this priority:
1. [CN] China
2. [JP] Japan
3. [HK] Hong Kong

PSP UMD Video [JP]
I'm still working in this category. I submitted about half of the items I had collected information for about 1.5 years ago but took a break to conduct more comprehensive research. Right now, I've gathered information for about 700 unique items in total. I'll be submitting the rest soon.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2022, 12:24:35 pm »
Recent work:
I came across Saudi Arabia Amazon and realized that the majority of product pages for games have good quality front and back cover scans. I added everything I could find from PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

Wii U
Cleaned up the categories. I focused on adding information to Item Number and Barcode fields. Like always, there were problems within the EU category, which is where I especially focused on providing barcodes.

PlayStation 5 Hardware
The category nearly doubled in size after just a few days of reviewing hardware bundles again and now nearly has 150 unique entries. I hadn't thought that so many variations in southeast Asia exist due to packaging labels, but they do.

Carrying Cases & Bags
All items have been removed from category in preparation for its pending removal. The majority of items have been moved to either: ConsoleName Accessory, Accessory, Toys/Novelties, Clothing.

Promo Videos/Movies
I quickly fell down a rabbit hole and ended up adding around 200 new VHS items. I tried focusing on actual promotional items instead of spin-off series, movie adaptation, and similar items.

Up next
- I'm slowly working again in cleaning up PlayStation [EU] since the HTML bug has recently been fixed.
- I finished collecting information for PSP UMD Video [JP] some time ago. There are surely items out there I never identified, but I reached the point where I just wasn't finding new information easily. I'll finally add entries for new items once the above category has been addressed.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2022, 11:37:41 am »
Recently, I've found myself visiting some of the GameCube database sub-sections while dealing with edit submissions. I figured I could take a little time to clean up the GameCube Hardware category. Much of the research foundation and category inventory was done by telly—I just cleaned up.

My focus wasn't to submit new entries but instead to update entry names. I began with the basic color hardware bundles which were before formatted with a hyphen instead of parentheses. Starting with these items, I decided to include the model name as part of the base entry name. Many entries already had this information as part of the field already, so I maintained that choice for all entries. I assumed there would be a more even distribution between DOL-001 and DOL-101 models, but it heavily skews to the former. There are two DOL-002 entries, as well. In hindsight, perhaps the model number should be been omitted from the base entry name, but it's fine either way. The only issue regarding the end choice is that there are now about 20 entries which I haven't been able to determine whether the model is DOL-001 or DOL-101.

Since GameCube hardware bundles don't have much variances between them, the Jet Black entries have especially been difficult in formatting their entry names. For these items, I relied on box back information that is much easier for users to identify, since that information differs across every variant.

While cleaning, I did notice that some entries seem to have incorrect information relating to item numbers and barcodes. There obviously can be variants, but it seemed incorrect enough for me to mention it. Despite that, I didn't update the few instances where I encountered this possible problem, since the information could be correct. The lack of online listings to refer to while obviously not owning the items first-hand makes verifying the information difficult, which has especially been an issue for Nintendo hardware bundles no matter the system in general. Additionally, I am pretty sure that some entries which are tagged as DE are instead EU, and EU are instead UK. I left them as is, though.

GameCube bundles seem to suffer the same problem that PlayStation Vita bundles have. A lot of the edition bundles—across Europe, at least—have a box slipcover as the outer layer which sets them apart from standard hardware bundles. Many of these slipcovers have probably been lost to time unfortunately, meaning it is a difficult aspect of the category to thoroughly research.

While there are many existing hardware entries, plenty are still absent from the database. I came across a fair amount without intentionally looking for them from US, EU, and MX.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2022, 10:42:39 am »
I had attempted to tackle this once before and got info from Telly about his work on it. But the information wasn't useful to me for what I wanted to do at the time so I didn't end up doing it at all. I had felt I would have to do a full research on the console line, like I had done with PS2 and didn't want that type of a project again so soon. So good it has been taken care of, it is one of the subcats I know had major problems but just formatting for the most part.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2022, 01:44:15 pm »
In less than two years since the PlayStation 5 released, the PlayStation 5 Hardware category now contains 200 unique entries.


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2022, 12:19:43 pm »
Google Stadia
I first brought to attention to staff how the service is ending with users receiving full refunds after being revoked access to software upon closure. Then, it was realized that Stadia software is not downloaded (ie. not owned) but instead streamed. Such content is not permitted within the database, with the category having finally been removed last week. I merged Stadia entries with PC Digital Download entries. If no entries were present in the latter category, then the Stadia entry was moved from Stadia to PC Digital Download. About 65 duplicates were removed.

Nintendo 3DS entry art
I did a quick search for "Edition" throughout all of the game categories. I removed every advertising image that is routinely submitted which showcases all of the boxed components. There were about 50 or so I found. I'm sure there are more remaining, but these kinds of images are generally submitted to LE releases and similar items.

PlayStation 3 Accessory
Other users began contributing good information for DualShock 3 controllers, so I made it a priority of mine to finally clean the category altogether. At the same time, many game + accessories entries were still placed here, although rules have changed which state that they should instead be placed in game categories, which is now the case. I know that other accessory categories are still not up-to-date regarding this rule.

PlayStation 4 Accessory
I had already cleaned this category, but I revisited it again to address DualShock 4 controllers. Full model numbers were added to entry names, which helps easily differentiate between regional releases in addition to differentiating between the two DualShock 4 models—CUH-ZCT1 and CUH-ZCT2.

Xbox variants
After working with one Xbox variant entry, I decided to contribute a fair share of known Xbox variants since I had a reliable source for reference. Many of these include some sort of added bonus, such as a soundtrack CD or movie ticket voucher. Several long-existing entries were the "variant" entry in some cases, so they have been updated with the standard game now being in the database. An example is Disney's The Haunted Mansion and the Movie Pass variant.

PlayStation EU Disney games
As I'm slowly cleaning up the PlayStation [EU] category, my focus is not on adding games to the database. However, when I come across a game that has unique local titles to account for the multitude of countries the game released in, I generally submit the missing items if information is easy to find. I became set on adding the dozens of games with "Disney" as part of their formal title since there are so many. In total, I ended up adding 225 new Disney entries, and there are now 310 official unique items without accounting for compilation releases and bundle packs. The Disney items in particular caught my attention as there are so many, and I discovered that many of these regional releases have variants relating to subsequent prints from different publishers alongside general best-selling re-releases. With that said, there was only one existing entry from Portugal that I can't verify its existence, so it remains unchanged without added details.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2022, 01:40:17 pm by dhaabi »


Re: dhaabi's VGC Database Work
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2023, 12:19:07 pm »
I'm deciding to post my PlayStation EU Disney list here so I can clear up my personal working documents. Items in red have been reported or assumed to exist but have not yet been added to the database. This list does not account for compilation items.

102 Dalmatians
DE, DE Eidos

DE Sony, DE Disney, DE Platinum
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FI, FI Platinum
FR, FR Platinum
IT, IT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK, UK Platinum

DE, DE Platinum, DE Platinum Witchtig
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FI, FI Platinum
FR, FR Platinum
IT, IT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK, UK Platinum, UK Not to Be Sold Separately

A Bug's Life
DE Sony, DE Disney, DE Das Grosse Krabbeln, DE Platinum
DK, DK Platinum
ES Sony, ES Disney, ES Platinum
FI, FI Platinum
FR, FR Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
SE, SE Platinum

A Bug's Life: Activity Centre

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

DE Ubi Soft, DE Buena Vista
ES Ubi Soft, ES Disney
FR Ubi Soft, FR Disney, FR Platinum
IT Ubi Soft, IT Buena Vista
UK Ubi Soft, UK Buena Vista, UK Platinum

Disney's Learning: Winnie the Pooh
FR, FR Pack Exclusif

Disney's Learning with Mickey
FR, FR Pack Exclusif

Donald Duck: Quack Attack
DE Ubi Soft, DE Disney, DE Platinum white USK, DE Platinum yellow USK
DK/FI/NO/SE Ubi Soft, DK/FI/NO/SE Disney
ES Ubi Soft, ES Disney
FR Ubi Soft, FR Disney, FR Platinum
IT Ubi Soft, IT Disney, IT Platinum
NL Ubi Soft, NL Buena Vista, NL Platinum
UK Ubi Soft, UK Disney, UK Platinum

The Emperor's New Groove
DE, DE Platinum
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FI, FI Platinum
FR, FR Platinum
IT, IT Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK, UK Platinum

Goofy's Fun House
DE yellow USK, DE white USK

DE, DE Platinum
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FR, FR Platinum
IT, IT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK, UK Platinum

The Jungle Book
UK, UK Platinum, UK Not to Be Sold Separately

Lilo & Stitch
DE Sony, DE Buena Vista, DE Platinum
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FR, FR Platinum, FR Pack Exclusif
IT, IT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
PT, PT Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK, UK Platinum

The Lion King
DE Activision, DE Disney
ES Activision, ES Disney
FR Activision, FR Disney
IT Activision, IT Disney
NL Activision, NL Disney
UK Activision, UK Disney

The Little Mermaid
DE Sony, DE Disney
ES Sony, ES Disney
IT Sony, IT Disney

Monsters, Inc. Scare Island
DE Sony, DE Buena Vista, DE Platinum yellow USK, DE Platinum white USK
DK, DK Platinum
ES Sony, ES Disney, ES Platinum, ES Not to Be Sold Separately
FI, FI Platinum
FR, FR Platinum
IT Sony, IT Disney, IT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK, UK Platinum

Party Time with Winnie the Pooh
DE Sony, DE Disney
ES Sony, ES Disney

Peter Pan
DE Sony, DE Buena Vista, DE Platinum
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FI, FI Platinum
FR, FR Platinum, FR Pack Exclusif
IT, IT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
PT, PT Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK, UK Platinum

Story Studio: Mulan
DE yellow USK, DE white USK

DE Sony yellow USK, DE Sony white USK, DE Disney, DE Plat
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FI, FI Platinum
FR 711719870722, FR 711719848523, FR Platinum
IT Sony, IT Disney, IT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK ELSPA, UK PEGI, UK Platinum, UK Not to Be Sold Separately, UK Combo Pack

Tigger's Honey Hunt
DE, DE Platinum yellow USK, DE Platinum white USK
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FR, FR Platinum
IT, IT Platinum
PT, PT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
UK, UK Platinum

Toy Story 2
DE Activision, DE Disney, DE Platinum
DK/FI/NO Activision, DK/FI/NO Disney
ES, ES Platinum
FR Activision, FR Disney, FR Platinum
IT Activision, IT Disney
UK Activision, UK Disney, UK Platinum

Toy Story Racer

Treasure Planet
DE, DE Platinum
DK, DK Platinum
ES, ES Platinum
FI, FI Platinum
FR, FR Platinum, FR Pack Exclusif
IT, IT Platinum
NL, NL Platinum
NO, NO Platinum
SE, SE Platinum
UK, UK Platinum

Thanks to nathan776 for helping me identify many of the more difficult to find items!
« Last Edit: October 26, 2024, 02:49:18 pm by dhaabi »