Author Topic: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!  (Read 4052 times)


Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2021, 03:31:59 pm »
Taking a look at the more than likely box art (first image in this thread), I'm not a big fan of it. I was going to make my own box art as I occasionally do, but most of the images for the series are incredibly low res and definitely not print quality. Sad to say the least. Hopefully BestBuy will have an exclusive steelbook or something where the artist gave a damn. Time will tell.


Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2021, 05:30:13 pm »
Alright folks... we are only 9 days away from the release. EA just gave us some specs and confirmed that PS5 and XSX will be able to play the trilogy at 60fps in 4k. I'm guessing that's going to be the biggest advantage of playing the games on next gen.

Aside from that, EA just put a large (1.7GB) file out there for all the fans to download for free. What's in the file:
 - 88 track soundtrack from the trilogy
 - 2 PDF Art Books
 - 2 PDF Comics
 - Digital Normandy Lithograph.  <-- That's just part of the art book isn't it?  ???

Anyway, it's only free until the end of May or "until download capacity is reached"... whatever that means.

Check it out in the LINK and enjoy:


Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2021, 06:07:39 pm »
Only two days left until this is officially released. As this is a favorite series of mine, I've got the PS4 edition preordered and will pick it up day one. I don't like the new cover art though, so I've designed a new cover art focusing on my favorite characters in the series and as I'll be playing only on PS5, I've given it the PS5 banner at the top and spine. Waiting to see what the back looks like for some detail work to finish it up before getting it printed.

Are any of you planning on getting this at launch or in the future?

Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2021, 12:48:40 am »
I'll definitely be picking it up in the near future.
I will say I'm already a bit disappointed with how they're handling achievements/trophies for the collection. Rather than keeping the achievements of the original games, they reduced them down heavily, with now things only primarily covering a few plot-important missions and every DLC being reduced to a solitary achievement (except Arrival, which doesn't get any). They did make the ally achievements for ME1 super easy now, but I never really considered them terrible to begin with. What's really annoying is that for the Playstation, the collection is divided into the separate games, each with their own platinum, and then some miscellaneous trophies not tied to any of the games, but for the Xbox, they went the lazy route; They took the playstation list, and gave every achievement a point value based off of the trophy level, but then removed the platinums without rebalancing the points.  This means that the collection has rather than a nice even 3,000 GS, it sits at an awkward 2915 GS. I do know this is a piddly little thing  to be upset about and it's not going to stop me from playing it, but it makes me think that if they're going to be sloppy on this, where else are they going to be sloppy on?


Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2021, 08:20:19 am »
FINALLY! EA and Bioware have released a Mass Effect Legendary Edition cover art CREATOR! That's right folks! You can now arrange your favorite characters on the cover art the way you would want and get rid of the red or the blue entirely. I was in the midst of creating my own cover art because I didn't see all my favorite characters on the cover and now I can have just that! Fantastic!

You can download the finished version you like as a wallpaper or as a printable replacement box art cover for your copy of the game.


Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2021, 08:36:28 am »
I've got it pre-ordered for my partner's birthday which is in a couple of weeks.  I'm excited to watch her play it again.


Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2021, 10:03:53 am »
Now that I think about it it kinda makes sense not to include the game in a helmet set. Anyone buying it either is going to keep it in box or already has another copy.
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Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2021, 02:22:30 pm »
I finished up my PS5 box art for this using their box art creator for the character placement followed by some Photoshop work to make it look like a PS5 game. I had to create the PS5 info bubbles on the back so I included a zoomed in screen capture of them. Wish the PS5 template had been included in the EA box art creator but I was able to do it myself.

Sorry for the links guys, it won't let me host the image addresses from Flickr.

Full box art:

Info Bubbles:


Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2021, 05:14:49 am »
[...] or "until download capacity is reached"... whatever that means.

It essentially means that downloads are limited in that there's a threshold that they set for the number of times the file can be downloaded. The download "capacity" will be reached once that limit is capped.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Official & New ME in the works!
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2021, 12:41:27 am »
Heard of this series for years, but never played it. I think I will pick this version up at some point.