I'll definitely be picking it up in the near future.
I will say I'm already a bit disappointed with how they're handling achievements/trophies for the collection. Rather than keeping the achievements of the original games, they reduced them down heavily, with now things only primarily covering a few plot-important missions and every DLC being reduced to a solitary achievement (except Arrival, which doesn't get any). They did make the ally achievements for ME1 super easy now, but I never really considered them terrible to begin with. What's really annoying is that for the Playstation, the collection is divided into the separate games, each with their own platinum, and then some miscellaneous trophies not tied to any of the games, but for the Xbox, they went the lazy route; They took the playstation list, and gave every achievement a point value based off of the trophy level, but then removed the platinums without rebalancing the points. This means that the collection has rather than a nice even 3,000 GS, it sits at an awkward 2915 GS. I do know this is a piddly little thing to be upset about and it's not going to stop me from playing it, but it makes me think that if they're going to be sloppy on this, where else are they going to be sloppy on?