Sega Mega Drive [EU] that have UK/England specific releases, where there also is a general EU release (the standard fare of multiple languages being on the back cover) can have the [UK] TLD in the item title.
PackagingThere are two main designs for games released in Europe: the grid cover and the blue or purple border.

There are a few different types of re-releases: Classic, Console Classics, Kixx

The most common multi-pack to find is the Telstar Double Value Games packs but Codemasters also had their own called Double Hits.

You may come across an oval, blue and white Sega label on European releases. This label is used to "seal" the plastic case games and is put on the side of the case where the two halves of the case close. Often this label is not present on used games, or sometimes it has been moved to the front, back or elsewhere.

The 24 Meg logo is sometimes printed as part of a cover and other times is a label. As with most labels, the location on the packaging can vary greatly.

A few games were released with a white "Smoking - Who Needs It?" label with Knuckles punching a pack of cigarettes. This would be found on the front cover of the game case.

Accolade releases are mostly identical to the US versions with the exception of a different manual, and 1 or 2 labels on the front of the box. These labels are one that notes which language instructions are included and another that mentions "Mega Drive"

FranceMany games sold in France will have a red Attention label on the front or back cover.

GermanySome games released in Germany may have a white label with text
Aus der TV-Werbung Sony on the cover. This is an equivalent to "As seen on TV" and so far this particular version is known to be found on two MD games (Lemmings 2 and Tiny Toon Adventures) however other versions are known to exist for (at least) Tiny Toon games on other platforms.
ItalySome games distributed in Italy (common on some Disney titles) have a
Distribuito da Halifax label on the front cover.

Other games distributed by Halifax may not have their logo on the front, rather will have a white label on the back with the CE logo and text
Importado da Halifax SRL.

Others were imported by CiDi Verte and will have a CiDi Verte Italia label on the front cover.

Some games were released with an S/I/D label and often these are found in Italy. It can be inferred that the S = Sweden or Svensk, the I = Italian or Italy, but the D could be Denmark or something else. These releases are the same as the regular EU release (besides this label) and they come with a manual that has text Svensk•Italiano•Nederlands. Games with this label should have the [SE][IT][NL] TLDs in the title.
SpainGames imported to Spain have a variety of different labels. A more common one would be a label to indicate that a Spanish manual is included. The typical one that is seens is the
Contiene Instrucciones en Castellano label.

However, there are two others that are known and while it is uncertainly to what extent these are
officially, we will consider Spanish games with these labels to be "Official Release" until it can be determined otherwise.

The yellow
Manual en Castellano label can be found on Japanese Mega Drive games in Spain. They include a black and white, printed, instruction booklet or card and has the Sega Mega Drive logos from both Japan and Europe.

The yellow
Contiene manual de instrucciones en Castellano label has only been found (so far) on copies of Alien 3.
As with other countries, there are some distributors that had imported games and just put their label on them. One such example is New Software Center which has text
Distribuido para España por: New Software Center Company, S.L. or Bandai with text
Importador: BANDAI Ctra. de Torrelaguna, s/n.

Some releases can be found with a
Sega Juego Estrella label on the front cover.

Some releases can be found with a
Lamee Software S.L. label on the back cover.
BeneluxGames imported to the Benelux Region (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) have a "Info-Sega Hot-Line" label on the front cover.
Czech RepublicDatArt International distributed games in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic and will have a labe on the cover with text:
DatArt International vat dodavatel výrobků Sega
PortugalGames sold in Portugal should have the Sega Garantia Portugal label.

They may also have an Ecofilmes label on the back. This label will have a part number and this number should be used on the item entry for item number.
GreeceSega items sold in Greece have a Zegetron A.E. label on them with text: ΧΡΥΣΗ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ 90 HMEPΩN SEGA ΓΕΝΙΚΟΙ ANTI ΠPOΣΩΠOY ZEGETRON A.E.
South AfricaEuropean boxed Mega Drive games with a blue and white "Genuine Sega Product, Distributed by Consumer Electronics (Pty) Ltd" are actually releases from South Africa.
SwedenThere are very few Swedish version releases and most of the games were available as official Sega game rentals. As a result, most of the Swedish game listings in the database are of the rental cases. They are large VHS sized clamshells.
CartridgesMost games come on carts with a grid label or with a blue type.

The square Electronic Arts carts are the same as the US versions (and usually only 1 label type) but may have revision labels not found on US releases. The common way to determine a cart from a EU release vs a US release is the presence of a CE label, although this label is often missing on EU copies making them (presently) identical to US carts. The EA carts are region free.

The unlicensed Accolade carts are the same as in the US release, as well as the Codemasters carts. The licensed Accolade releases will have the European Mega Drive logo on the label.
ManualsFirst party horizontal manuals: color cover grid style, color cover blue style, grayscale blue style

Spanish Japanese-Import manual: