Author Topic: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant  (Read 1775 times)

Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« on: July 20, 2021, 09:07:46 am »
Two upcoming free games! I think both are quite promising.

Splitgate is currently in open beta and it's already one of the best free games I've played on PS4. It's quite similar to Halo but it adds Portal portals to the game for an interesting twist. I'm surprised how fun and addicting this game is and it's from a small studio but is launching with more content than some AAA games do! My referral code is 8GBYWJ if you decide to check out the game.

Tom Clancy's XDefiant was announced yesterday and it was an extremely mixed reaction. Many just want a new Splinter Cell and others feel this game isn't serious enough and is insulting to the Tom Clancy name. I understand both reactions but the game itself looks quite fun and a lot better than what they've been doing with Ghost Recon and The Division lately and is now my most anticipated Ubisoft release. PC players can start playing August 5 with other platforms sometime after.

Thoughts on these games?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 09:17:17 am by weirdfeline »


Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2021, 09:35:54 am »
I might have to try Splitgate but I'm not big into FPS games. I've never been a fan of the Tom Clancy games but I enjoy the books and the movies based on them.

Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2021, 10:11:34 am »
It's also worth noting that Splitgate has reached #1 trending on the PlayStation Store beating out Fortnite, NBA 2K22 and GTA V which just released a heavily advertised update today that I even saw watching Hulu. Game isn't even officially released until the 27th but word of mouth is clearly working!

This probably won't be the Tom Clancy game that changes your mind, it seems like it's mainly using that name because they took character groups from the other games and doesn't seem to be based off any existing book.


Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2021, 10:44:40 am »
It's also worth noting that Splitgate has reached #1 trending on the PlayStation Store beating out Fortnite, NBA 2K22 and GTA V which just released a heavily advertised update today that I even saw watching Hulu. Game isn't even officially released until the 27th but word of mouth is clearly working!

I went ahead and downloaded Splitgate. I won't have a chance to play it for a couple days but it's there now. Can't beat free.

Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2021, 06:37:14 pm »
XDefiant, from it's name, to the random Tom Clancy branding, to the art style, it just looks like a game that is so focus tested to hell and back without anything that feels unique or creative to me.  Not to try and undercut any enjoyment you might have for the game, I know this isn't a game for me at all, I just don't dig small scale pvp shooters anymore, but it still comes across as a game trying too hard to be stylish and cool.  Hopefully you enjoy it, but I think it's going to really struggle to go anywhere when there are so many other free shooters out there.


Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2021, 01:19:24 am »
I have always wonder why Ubisoft still use the name for that sir, considering he passed away years ago but I guess the answer is that his name is still a hook-up for extra sales and the family could use that extra benefit for themselves.

About the game, I don't care too much but I am interesed enough, so I signed up for test the beta.

I don't think Splinter Cell is completely dead, but I assume Ubisoft don't care about making a game that won't be a blockbuster.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.

Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2021, 08:39:04 am »
I have always wonder why Ubisoft still use the name for that sir, considering he passed away years ago but I guess the answer is that his name is still a hook-up for extra sales and the family could use that extra benefit for themselves.

About the game, I don't care too much but I am interesed enough, so I signed up for test the beta.

I don't think Splinter Cell is completely dead, but I assume Ubisoft don't care about making a game that won't be a blockbuster.
Pretty much just a brand. I think Rainbow Six is the only series that actually had a connection to his writing. There's been over a dozen Tom Clancy books released since his death that various authors have written.

Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2021, 02:38:33 pm »
Splitgate has blown up so much since this post that I haven't even been able to play it the last few days.

They went from 200 concurrent players to over 200k in less than two weeks with over two million downloads..

Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2021, 08:13:58 pm »
After watching XDefiant gameplay.. wow. This game is gonna be huge. People are gonna get over the fact that it doesn't feel like Tom Clancy quick. Any modern COD multiplayer fan should enjoy this.

Splitgate > Halo Infinite
XDefiant > COD??

Re: Splitgate & Tom Clancy's XDefiant
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2021, 10:18:29 pm »
Splitgate now has $100 MILLION in funding for future development of the game. Still independent too.