From here in my territory, things seem to have stalled quite a bit, but even still, some people are not willing to let it go and start to be a bit less “eBay”-ish.
Given that I collect mostly stuff from JP regions(for example, PC games that have a 0% probabilities of existing outside Japan or maybe they get localised in Korean/Chinese, officially speaking), it’s not affecting me but I can see real cases of burnout from both sides, from people who actively collect and trade, and from people who don’t collect so much and just trades/sells more over last years.
In short, more like a bubble... seems this is just users and resellers struggling to keep things the same, thinking there is the same amount of people aiming for a “fullset” or buying like earlier days where anything was being bought with less conscience if they really wanted that game/guide/etc miscellaneous related to those games, rather than understanding that there is also now more users and buyers that are more selective with what they want in their collections.
So this so called “stalled” status is generated, with the intention to make it go back where it was, without dropping the “items” pricing. But idc as I said before, nobody forces you to buy a game for X amount, if you think is too much, then... Let it be. Let it sit there, or come up with a possibility to get it, as nobody can guarantee that it will stay, nor even if after that one another will come for higher or lower.
PS: sorry for the sudden long wall-of-text.