Author Topic: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?  (Read 3290 times)

Hello everyone :)

The era of the STIMMY

As we all know, last year millions of Americans were simoultaneosly flooded with thousands of dollars in trump lumps, mortgage forgiveness and bursts of unemployment retroactive backpay and had stimmy swimmies on the great big web of games. This combined with at least a 3rd of the country being forced to stay at home with nothing but a TV, a plastic childhood friend and pockets bigger than inhabitions.  We seen games like MarvelVsCapcom 2 selling for upwards of 200 dollars after being 65 CIB for years. PS2s in working condition closing in on near 100 dollars when you could walk outside and trip on one getting the mail in 2013 :(   During this time I unloaded much of my PS2 collection because to me PS2 is still accessible and common.  But is it? Is my question.

My main question is do you think that games like say that 15 dollar PS2 game that is now 200 dollars go back down or do you think once they are high up they are just going to stay that way forever?  Do you think the ones selling to semi rich people with all the leisure time in the world during a global crisis are the smart ones? Or do you think that the ones buying are smart? Seeing a surge of video games from their childhood and getting while the getting was good :) 


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Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2021, 09:59:35 pm »
I think prices will cool off over the next couple years, for two reasons:

First, once the “unspecified virus of unknown origin” finally passes, demand will go down.

Second, it’s recently come out that Heritage Auctions and WATA have likely been colluding to artificially increase market prices (hence that ridiculous $2 million price on a WATA-graded SMB, which was bought partially by someone with ties to both the auction company that sold it and the company that graded it). Hopefully all that BS will be stopped and game prices will come down closer to actual market value.


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Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2021, 12:47:50 am »
I hope these things will cause prices to go down. But I'm not betting on it. I've been collecting since the late 90s, and I've only seen prices go up for retro, not down.

Not talking about recent-gen stuff that goes on clearance sales, either, but actual retro. Speaking of that, though, that's the way to go. Right now Xbox 360, XBox One, PS3, PS4, Wii, and Wii U are the systems to be scooping up games for at bottom-dollar prices.

Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2021, 02:44:14 am »
I think we'll be seeing a steady increase for a while. Right now, the biggest problem is that the speculators and scalpers have turned their gaze to video game collecting, so there's plenty of people trying to flip for profit rather than getting stuff to play and collect. And similarly, with the average Joe unable to get their hands on a PS5 or a Series X, they're turning more to the older games and systems, also increasing the prices because of the higher demand.


Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2021, 09:13:54 am »
I think prices will cool off over the next couple years, for two reasons:

First, once the “unspecified virus of unknown origin” finally passes, demand will go down.

Second, it’s recently come out that Heritage Auctions and WATA have likely been colluding to artificially increase market prices (hence that ridiculous $2 million price on a WATA-graded SMB, which was bought partially by someone with ties to both the auction company that sold it and the company that graded it). Hopefully all that BS will be stopped and game prices will come down closer to actual market value.

first part I agree

2nd part I'm not to sure since sealed games have always been in a totally different ball park than used.

For the sealed market sure, but if that affects the used market?

That's kinda comparing apples with oranges.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2021, 10:23:09 am »
I think prices will cool off over the next couple years, for two reasons:

First, once the “unspecified virus of unknown origin” finally passes, demand will go down.

Second, it’s recently come out that Heritage Auctions and WATA have likely been colluding to artificially increase market prices (hence that ridiculous $2 million price on a WATA-graded SMB, which was bought partially by someone with ties to both the auction company that sold it and the company that graded it). Hopefully all that BS will be stopped and game prices will come down closer to actual market value.

First, I'm no longer confidant it will pass due to so many morons passing it around, so that point becomes moot.  (I have friends in Australia, and I live in America, we've lost hope in humanity ;))

Second, yes, but don't underestimate collectors.  They will always try to sell for more than something is worth.  I've seen Pawn Stars and American Pickers, so I'm an expert on that subject. (j/k, don't hate :p)

But all that said, I do think video game collecting will eventually even out to a more manageable, if not cheap, price.  For most newcomers that are spending thousands for a copy of Kiwi Kraze and jackin up the price god bless em, this "vidyuh game collectin thang" is just a new fad for a quick buck.  Like Beanie Babies or Pogs.  Us real collectors are still gonna be around after the posers move on to the next big thing.

I have to believe that, or I'll lose my mind.  And then who'll look after my Tick pogs?

Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2021, 11:35:56 pm »
I've been trying to predict where the market would go for years and every time I'm sure it's going to do one thing, it starts doing another. One thing I do know is prior to the lockdowns and stimulus checks some retro game platforms were seeing a plateau or decrease in overall prices, mostly as a result of more common, desirable games losing value. Of course there were several older consoles that were gaining before all this too and did so even more afterwards along with everything else.

At this point I'm inclined to believe prices will steadily fall back down to earth a little, but who knows. At this point I can see prices going back to being around what they were pre pandemic in a year or two, but I could also see them being worth 20-50% more due to how much the dollar has lost its value. I guess we'll see.


Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2021, 09:20:12 am »

  Like Beanie Babies or Pogs.  Us real collectors are still gonna be around after the posers move on to the next big thing.

I have to believe that, or I'll lose my mind.  And then who'll look after my Tick pogs?

Can we really compare it to those fads

beanie babies or pogs have no substance it's pretty much only to collect. aside from the looks what's so memorable about them. What are you going to do with those aside from looking at them. With games you can play them, gaming in general is one more fun passing times. Looking at pogs and beanie babies gotto be near the bottom of the list of having a fun time aside from collecting them.

Games have music fun gameplay multiplayer in some occasions excellent stories wich result in pretty in nice memories. Heck 2d games today are even playable among the younger generations that didn't even grow up with it.

I don't think there is a comparison because games where never there to be a collectable. It ain't even their main thing. Games have to much going for them to be compared to actual fads like beanie babies. Iconic mascots from Nintendo definitely help aswell.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 09:21:45 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2021, 09:46:12 am »
Pretty sure your average joe is more resposible for scalpers making a small fortune on ps5/xbox series x consoles then they are responsible for the crazy retro game prices. But as always with these threads you're just looking at the north american market where eveybody is after the same stuff it seems.

I think wheter pricing will go down or not is how much people will stay into collecting over the years, collectors come and go and i've seen even the biggest collectors sell up and move on towards something else, changes are in few years time many games that are peaking now may be avaible fairly easy therefore drop a lot in price.

also a factor would be that Most of the generation that is 20 years old and under are used to digital content so can't see many of those people suddenly getting into collecting physical games.

Also i've never understood those crazy prices for vga / wata graded games what makes it suddenly worth 5 times more then the actual market price if a console manufactor like nintendo would do it, i could see the value. But in the end it's just a third party grading games, adds zero extra value for me to be honest

Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2021, 10:20:02 am »
Also i've never understood those crazy prices for vga / wata graded games what makes it suddenly worth 5 times more then the actual market price if a console manufactor like nintendo would do it, i could see the value. But in the end it's just a third party grading games, adds zero extra value for me to be honest

Eh, it's the same with graded cards or comics.  It doesn't really make them more valuable, it's all just opinion of the buyer.  You can buy Bionic Commando on the NES right now for around $40 bucks.  Get it graded, and suddenly it's a $300 item.  It never made sense, but that's how it is.

Personally, I don't care how mint or poor the condition of the box is, as long as the game still plays.  But I'm not above buying some cheap games to be graded to make a cool profit (and spend it on more games to play!)


Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2021, 10:49:44 am »
Also i've never understood those crazy prices for vga / wata graded games what makes it suddenly worth 5 times more then the actual market price if a console manufactor like nintendo would do it, i could see the value. But in the end it's just a third party grading games, adds zero extra value for me to be honest

Eh, it's the same with graded cards or comics.  It doesn't really make them more valuable, it's all just opinion of the buyer.  You can buy Bionic Commando on the NES right now for around $40 bucks.  Get it graded, and suddenly it's a $300 item.  It never made sense, but that's how it is.

Personally, I don't care how mint or poor the condition of the box is, as long as the game still plays.  But I'm not above buying some cheap games to be graded to make a cool profit (and spend it on more games to play!)

I've seen wata graded used games sell for 3 or 4 times the money of a used copy

The most crazy thing ever is that allot of these copies are missing flaps wich lowers a used cib copy by allot or worthless in an ungraded scenario to a ton of people.

USA market sure is crazy :o
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 02:42:16 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2021, 04:23:59 pm »
I expect it to last forever, and forever gone retro games forever unaffordable unless we are talking 8-bit multi-carts in that case plenty of games to play, in my backlog, I have literally 450+ 8 bit homebrew games on one like new cartridge that have like 10+ difficult levels of gameplay a piece, I never beat.

PS1, N64, GameCube, PS2, PS3, I don't will ever come down unless they let you keep modern games instead of renting them out for 60USD a pop, plus 100GB on a 600GB harddrive console, your luckly to hold and play 10 games at a time on a PS4, I'm sure the PS5 will be the same way too. AND the Xbox One Seies X. Same way. I could care less about 4k graphics I just want a console that can hold more then 100 games at a time on it's harddrive, that's reallly not much to ask considering Modern technology, it would seem technology has only gotten worse not better as time went on.

What is the differnece between a 4k TV and a supped up CRT with HDMI?
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Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2021, 04:35:39 pm »
PS1, N64, GameCube, PS2, PS3, I don't will ever come down unless they let you keep modern games instead of renting them out for 60USD a pop, plus 100GB on a 600GB harddrive console, your luckly to hold and play 10 games at a time on a PS4, I'm sure the PS5 will be the same way too. AND the Xbox One Seies X. Same way. I could care less about 4k graphics I just want a console that can hold more then 100 games at a time on it's harddrive, that's reallly not much to ask considering Modern technology, it would seem technology has only gotten worse not better as time went on.

Well you are in luck, because every one of those console is capable of doing that. Especially with the 8bit games you are talking about.  The one Wii have hooked up has about 2000 games on it, and it has far less storage than a PS4, PS5 or any Xbox.  Find the way to jailbreak the system and you can play every game you are talking about - and still have space for a couple of modern games.  Additionally, the HD space on modern consoles has nothing to do wit the price of retro games, but I'm not surprised that you managed to find some way to bring it up here.

What is the differnece between a 4k TV and a supped up CRT with HDMI?

The aspect ratio, for starters.

Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2021, 09:04:33 pm »

  Like Beanie Babies or Pogs.  Us real collectors are still gonna be around after the posers move on to the next big thing.

I have to believe that, or I'll lose my mind.  And then who'll look after my Tick pogs?

Can we really compare it to those fads

beanie babies or pogs have no substance it's pretty much only to collect. aside from the looks what's so memorable about them. What are you going to do with those aside from looking at them. With games you can play them, gaming in general is one more fun passing times. Looking at pogs and beanie babies gotto be near the bottom of the list of having a fun time aside from collecting them.

Games have music fun gameplay multiplayer in some occasions excellent stories wich result in pretty in nice memories. Heck 2d games today are even playable among the younger generations that didn't even grow up with it.

I don't think there is a comparison because games where never there to be a collectable. It ain't even their main thing. Games have to much going for them to be compared to actual fads like beanie babies. Iconic mascots from Nintendo definitely help aswell.

Agreed. I get the sentiment of people who say this but the "Funko pops and Video Games are the next beanie baby" argument I always hear doesn't hold weight. I mean beanie babies were heavily commercialized and pointless stuffed animals that have already existed for millenia. Once the intial fun wore off you were left with nothing. Video games fall more into the comics and vinyl territory. When they become less desirable in collectibility like you said their will always be a old man wanting to listen to a vinyl for sound alone, a geek wanting to relive his childhood through comics and a e reader just wont do :)  If not for money or collecting. Video games have a physical significance and can be played. Pogs were literally cardboard circles lol. Although pogs have gone up in desirability so I wouldn't sleep on their nostalgia factor.


Re: Will the surge in prices cool off or do you expect it to last years?
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2021, 03:25:28 am »
Even without the pandemic playing a role in things, the prices for certain systems would have surged regardless. You've got some people hitting that spot where they're nostalgic for the systems they grew up on, in this case the DC/PS2/Xbox/GC era, and they now possess the disposable income to pick those fondly remembered titles up...even if it comes at a premium.  :o

The other problem that's been steadily increasing is the amount of speculators/flippers/scalpers on the scene trying to dictate how the market goes and how they can best profiteer from it. I saw a post on Reddit the other day where a collector was sent a message from someone asking them to raise the price of their auction on a game because a sale at a lower value would affect the prices of all copies overall. There's NO getting those bastards out of the industry at this point though and it's mildly infuriating to see the graded scene becoming bonkers and affecting non-graded games as a result.  >:(

If anything, I expect every generation going forward to become even more nonsensical than the previous one until the hardware makers manage to successfully make digital-only the de-facto standard. We're already seeing some PS4/Switch games attaining nosebleed prices because of smaller print runs and limited availability.  :-\

Now that I've got a house, I can't collect like I used to and even when I did have more disposable income it was already a huge PITA trying to keep up. I've halfway resigned myself at this point to accepting that I won't be able to going forward though.  ;)