Author Topic: GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games  (Read 1189 times)

GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games
« on: September 08, 2021, 09:46:18 am »

Elite Force rules, and I can't wait until Armada comes out - I couldn't get my discs to play quite right a year or so ago.

There have been lots of Trek games over the years, but they have only been sporadically available on modern PCs.  Hopefully this leads to a few more releases.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 09:49:23 am by Cartagia »


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Re: GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2021, 12:45:58 pm »
Besides Elite Force, do you have any recommendations for good ones?

Re: GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2021, 12:55:10 pm »
Those are the only ones of this current GOG batch that I've played, but people love Bridge Commander.

There are some on Steam that are pretty good - Starfleet Academy is a fun flight sim, 25th Anniversary is a classic point and click style.

What I'm actually waiting on are Klingon and Borg, which are two FMV point and clicks with characters from the show.  Klingon Honor Guard is a FPS that I really liked as well.


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Re: GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2021, 01:12:18 pm »
Those are the only ones of this current GOG batch that I've played, but people love Bridge Commander.

There are some on Steam that are pretty good - Starfleet Academy is a fun flight sim, 25th Anniversary is a classic point and click style.

What I'm actually waiting on are Klingon and Borg, which are two FMV point and clicks with characters from the show.  Klingon Honor Guard is a FPS that I really liked as well.

Cool, thanks.

Re: GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2021, 01:45:50 pm »
I wish they could have kept making more of the Elite Force series.


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Re: GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2021, 10:23:17 pm »
Not sure if anyone cares about star trek legacy on xbox360 but I figured I would mention it because I loved this game

Re: GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2021, 03:04:08 pm »
Super stoked that both Elite Force games are getting rereleased on there :D


Re: GOG Getting Several Classic Star Trek Games
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2021, 04:05:23 pm »
I still have the Elite Force games for my PC... probably the most high end games my PC can run. lol.

As a huge Star Trek next gen era fan, I've been playing Star Trek games for quite a bit. Here's a list of my favorites outside Elite Force because... well those were damn near the best.

 - Star Trek TNG: Advanced Holodeck Tutorial (Game Gear)
 - Star Trek TNG: Echos from the Past (Genesis)
 - Star Trek Encounters (PS2)
 - Star Trek Conquest (PS2)
 - Star Trek Online (PC/PS4/5)

Ok... so the PS2 games listed... those are probably the only Bethesda games I've ever enjoyed. Odd, I know... maybe even sacrilege to some. Conquest is a strategy based game. Encounters is more story driven exploratory and action but only within the confines of the ship.

My favorite Star Trek game is Star Trek Online. I played the beta back in the day and was hooked. I preorderd the PC game from Amazon to get the Borg officer for my crew. I regret that purchase as it's now a free-to-play game, but wow. Fantastic game. The dev eventually ported it to PS4 and that's where I played ever since. I had to rebuy my Borg officer, but the game is still a lot of fun so many years later.