Hello everyone!
Today I got sucked into the fascinating history of the invention, mass producing and distribution of blue jeans and denim in the US which left me with 3 pioneers that not only changed the face of fashion forever but also the world
For me Levi and Lee make the best jeans on the market. I feel I get more wears and washes out of Levi but Lee is more comfortable and at times more fashionable depending on type and the dye is really nice on both
Which Jeans do any of the Jean lovers on here wear?
Jimmy Crack Corn and they said he didn't care but he cared enough to write a whole little jingle about it, cared enough to put pen to paper. Cared enough to copyright the lyrics and let a record label publish a song about Jimmy cracking said corn. His name was james he didn't like being called Jimmy. And the conch knows you put your ear to it. You didn't hear the ocean. You simply heard the absence of one in the twisted mind of a conch. You heared conch soul. You heard what a conch thinks. And you lied to yourself to pretend it was soothing but we all know it wasn't
