Author Topic: rare/weird ps3 item need information about it  (Read 3853 times)

Re: rare/weird ps3 item need information about it
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2021, 04:47:52 am »
ok I reached out to gamerave and he had some good ideas.

first off the ebay poster  turns out to be part of a set there are actualy 10 different ones. no idea if they have to do with my thing but it has to do with the campaign so there is an decent chance its related.

another idea he had was that I download the iso from  that black disc  some people and me find and look trough that  maybe I learn something from that. I dont have high hopes since that one is from australia but you never know

I am gonna do that later today when i have some more time if I learn something new I will be sure to update

Re: rare/weird ps3 item need information about it
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2021, 04:06:14 pm »
wel final update

thanks for the tips and advice everyone I realy mean it sadly  it didnt realy help to learn anything new so this time I have to close this for real

Re: rare/weird ps3 item need information about it
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2022, 03:10:49 pm »
dang it has been this long already?  oh wel I was asked to put an update on gamefaqs but couldnt find the topic back so itold him I would do it here.

not much of an update though

I didnt find anything more out.

also I dont own it anymore.  this thing was realy special to me  and I would never sell it I gave it away instead.  probatly better in his hands anyway because I never realy deserved an special and unique item like that anyway.

so thats how it is the update I promissed  sorry its nothing usefull

have a nice day everyone