Author Topic: I Redesigned Some Popular Logos. Old Vs New Logo? Favorite Logo?  (Read 3040 times)

Hello Everyone! :) 

Today I pose the question as I was looking into the way logos were redesigned for the modern age with the era of mobile app interfaces and marketing being almost perdominantly on flat phone screens and instagram B roll ads. Companies now seem to go for a more minimalistic approach for flat 2 dimensional logos with little depth, simple and almost sleek edging and at times artsy fartsy sticking their nose up at you stripping of a logos identity as we seen with starbucks logo change. Helping them fit into app boxes and pop among your other content, we've seen wendy's font change. Burger king go back to it's older roots where it's just a red burger king with a bun among many others that took dimension out of their logo for the sake of accessability with social influencing platforms :D

Then comes the most offensively degredative change probaobly in the history of modern man :(  It is the chip equivelant of the battle of the bulge.  It is the potato purge  It is like desecrating the Lincoln monument.  And when I first laid eyes upon it I felt almost as if I was not eating the chip, but as if the pringle man had dunked his hand into me.  Making a bird bill out of 2 pringles has yet to feel the same again and I can barely believe what they have done. 

Thier will forever be two eras. The beautiful days of which the pringles man was left not assailed, and then new cruel sick reality we live in where he looks like a hardboiled egg with a jet black stach.  Monopoly man used to be a rustic brunette with charm and personality.  Now he is a hardboiled egg with a ronald reagan halloween wig glued to his face, the logo is ugly, and they botched it in every way to me. 

My Attempts At Logos

Keep in mind that I am no graphic designer or a professional, I did these all on a phone screen with some free app and didn't open any adobe photoshop or premier or anything that would make it serious :)   But I hope you guys do like at least one of them. 

In general do you consider yourself a "change is necessary" or a "if it's not broke don't fix it" type?  And do you prefer the old or new logos pictured above and for other companies like Pizza Hut and Taco Bell?   What is your favorite logo of all time?

Thanks for sharing :D


Re: I Redesigned Some Popular Logos. Old Vs New Logo? Favorite Logo?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2021, 06:03:44 pm »
Over time, overhauling one's branding—with the logo only being one aspect—is a needed change. After some time, most companies become stale or forgotten among competitors both new and old. In more recent decades, more and more franchises have become prevalent. While they often don't reach the popularity that older companies hold or obtain the same presence-heavy state that other companies exist as, each and every new competitor does gain control of some percentage of the market. Updated branding allows for companies to illustrate to consumers that they can maintain being relevant and up-to-date in a modern market. I am definitely not the "if it's not broke, don't fix it" type as you mentioned. At minimum, small changes are necessary.

Companies now seem to go for a more minimalistic approach for flat 2 dimensional logos with little depth, simple and almost sleek edging and at times artsy fartsy sticking their nose up at you stripping of a logos identity as we seen with starbucks logo change.

This is much less an "artsy fartsy" choice and more of a choice based on Starbucks knowing how in-control and dominant they are over the to-go coffee market the company is. Starbucks does not need the typographic element to their logo. Anybody, whether they are a customer of Starbucks or not, recognizes the logo instantly. This is the same for other companies such as McDonald's. Making the decision to strip away the typography allows for the illustration to shine and become larger. At the same time, "STARBUCKS COFFEE" is confined within two borders. When logos are at a much smaller size, the details become less and less legible. Omitting such confined elements from a logo greatly solves this problem. These reasons are also while many companies in general—no matter how much control over their market they dominate—have adopted a sleeker, more minimal look throughout the modern digital age. With smart devices present everywhere, people are more likely to encounter these brands on an online platform than in a physical setting, meaning that they are often viewed at a smaller size than a billboard or even a newspaper where such elements may not suffer this problem.

I don't think I have a favorite logo, necessarily. Again, the logo is only one part to the overall branding. How the logo is integrated among the remaining aspects is important, and that is what I am more attracted to.


Re: I Redesigned Some Popular Logos. Old Vs New Logo? Favorite Logo?
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2021, 04:44:25 pm »
Inspired from the recent Jon Tron episode, I presume?

Dunkin' is the dumbest rebranding ever. It was the Donuts that made the Dunkin' clever, you can't just go around Dunkin'... DUNKIN'. That's real catchy, right? They might as well just rebrand as " ' "


Re: I Redesigned Some Popular Logos. Old Vs New Logo? Favorite Logo?
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2021, 10:24:01 pm »
Carl's Jr's has become a light novel called "I can't believe this burger mascot has come to life and now spends all day eating hamburgers on my couch!"'

Taco Bell has also become Kaiwaii. You need to take your logo redesigns to some Japanese companies!
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!