Welcome To Snack Astrology 
Welcome everyone to the potato chip based snack product cosmos, the caloric cosmos, the astrological make up that makes you was given from an ancient scribe and Dr. Dip and Sir Heluva Good have come together to organize what your chip preferences say about you. Do you like cool ranch or nacho cheese doritos more? See what that says about you. You can tell a lot about a human by their posture and by the bag of chips they go for first
Nacho cheese? Loyal. Tradtional. Great frends.
Cheez itz? Your mommy of the year.
Salt And Vinegar? Well ummm. You eat pizza backwards crust first and you emphatize with Bush. Or maybe the stars lied? Maybe it isn't what we see at face value.

What do you feel of your zodiac? Will you use your chip astrology for tinder bios? And if you didn't know this was made by an irreputable member of a video collection page and it was rather made by buzzfeed would you invest more in the logic of it?
Disclamier so netflix doesn't ban me
VG collect and all of it's affiliates do not sponsor nor condone any of the views express here in. The thread is made for satirical purposes only and does not help lottery chances, romantic prosperity or has been approved by the FDA or BBB. If you eat salt and vinegar chips. I of course think the world of you and love you still
Thank you for sharing.