Author Topic: Actors who fell off that you wish didn't? What happened to Alicia Silverstone?  (Read 3191 times)

Hello everyone :D

About a week ago on a little movie night me and my SO watched an iconic movie "clueless" which was a romcom from the 90s and her childhood I believe that pretty much revolutionized the way we look at fashion in movies. It mixed corny comedy with a pretty gooey ending that actually did manage to tug at my heart strings a bit and almost make me cry which isn't hard with anything sweet or sad in movies for me. Back when step brother, step sister mingling wasn't looked at as taboo like it is now lol.  The plot involving a socially naive, and pretentious "valley girl" type who fills the title "clueless" in more ways than one, firstly not seeing her friends ideal love interest and also not seeing how she is usually only putting her own interests above other peoples lives lol.

But it got me thinking? Why do some 80s stars seem to shine forever like Bruce Willis, Eastwood, I mean even Hasslehoff managed to get into other things like the spongebob movies and many cameos.  But John Travolta? Alicia Silverstone? Corey Feldman? It's like they were forgotten about.  Like who talks about Alicia Silverstone anymore? But between clueless and babysitter among others she was a top 10 popular actress of the early 90s. I mean I don't find her the most skilled actress ever but it feels odd how you go from clueless to movieless.

But what actors were you shocked to see fade out and who do you wish had a coming back even still till this day?

Here is a list of some actors that a missing persons report should be sent out on :)

Corey Feldman -  I mean he went from like 200 80s movies to controversies and then never seen again, could he not be on something just for gags? lol. 

Vince Vaughn -  After a few dozen comedy movies in the 2000s and even cameos, I don't think ive seen anything with him in it interview or movie in about 5 years. What happened?

Can you think of any and how do you feel about hollywood being dominated by the same 5 actors and not many others getting a slice. I can see a haunted mansion 2 starring the rock and kevin hart like I can see my left leg  ;D lol.

Thanks for sharing.


Brendan Fraser

Vince Vaughn didn't go anywhere he's still very active. He did a bunch of dramatic roles and was in the comedy horror movie Freaky inspired by Freaky Friday just last year and can be currently seen on Curb Your Enthusiasm. The mainstream theatrical comedy movies he did throughout the 2000's aren't as popular anymore with any actor and most just end up on Netflix instead of theaters.


Christopher Lambert!

Christopher Lambert!

Lambert is essentially blind, now, unfortunately.  He still works, but it isn't easy for him.


I had no idea.

Brendan Fraser

Do you reccomend Journey to the center of the earth? I love The rock as who doesn't? As a kid it was huge but I missed it but google says Brendan Fraser is in it :)


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Brenden Frasier still acts. He's Robotman on Doom Patrol. Though his face is covered so its hard to tell.

Corey Feldman was in a straight-to-DVD/blu-ray Lost Boys sequel.

Brendan Fraser

Do you reccomend Journey to the center of the earth? I love The rock as who doesn't? As a kid it was huge but I missed it but google says Brendan Fraser is in it :)

You know that was 13 years ago, right?

Anyway, the reason he doesn't act as much is because he hurt his back doing stunts for (I think) the third Mummy.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 04:05:38 pm by Cartagia »

Brendan Fraser

Do you reccomend Journey to the center of the earth? I love The rock as who doesn't? As a kid it was huge but I missed it but google says Brendan Fraser is in it :)

You know that was 13 years ago, right?

Anyway, the reason he doesn't act as much is because he hurt his back doing stunts for (I think) the third Mummy.

I don't get what you mean? I never said it was new I said it came out when I was a kid. 13 years ago I was 11 maybe 12. So definitely a child :)


 Back when step brother, step sister mingling wasn't looked at as taboo like it is now lol. 

Where did you even get this from? It's been taboo as long as I've been around, and was def taboo when this movie came out in the 90's (Though I've never seen the movie so IDK it was even in it)

I think my favorite Brendan Frazier appearance was in "Singles" even though it was just a cameo. Journey to the center is an entertaining movie. I wouldn't say particularly good, but not bad either. I enjoyed it.

 Back when step brother, step sister mingling wasn't looked at as taboo like it is now lol. 

Where did you even get this from? It's been taboo as long as I've been around, and was def taboo when this movie came out in the 90's (Though I've never seen the movie so IDK it was even in it)

I think my favorite Brendan Frazier appearance was in "Singles" even though it was just a cameo. Journey to the center is an entertaining movie. I wouldn't say particularly good, but not bad either. I enjoyed it.

I seen a few cheesy rom coms from the 90s that had it plus this movie so I guess I thought a pattern developed :)  But I was still a twinkle. In this movie she very blatantly falls for her step brother and they kiss after not liking eachother through the film. The present sybling chemistry made it odd. But I can't see why it's taboo otherwise Introducing 2 non related humans from 2 different social dwellings to be forced to live in close contact during hormonal driven teen years has natutal effects id imagine. But as someone with no step syblings id say my 2 cents are worth 0 lol.

But ill have to see Journey soon. I usually like anything the rock is in even if it is badly directed.


Anyhow, I thought JTTCOTE was a fun one. But I'm far from a critic, or even a movie buff.


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Yeah, Corey Feldman was in a number of popular movies in the 80’s and early 90’s (Gremlins, Goonies, Stand By Me) and teamed up with Corey Haim in movies like License to Drive, then seemingly dropped off the planet.
He had some major, well-documented problems with substance abuse (alongside Corey Haim, who later died of an overdose) and I believe that’s what derailed his career. He’s popped up in a few reality shows with other Z-list celebrities.

Now, there are some actors who disappear from show business for more noble reasons. Take Rick Moranis, who was big in the 80’s and 90’s in films like Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2, Spaceballs, Little Shop of Horrors, and Honey I Shrunk the Kids. After his wife passed, he quit acting to stay with his kids full-time.

Then there are some who disappear but make big comebacks. John Travolta did almost nothing for years after Saturday Night Fever and Grease, then made a huge comeback in Pulp Fiction. Sean Astin starred in Goonies, Toy Soldiers, and Rudy but only had bit parts for years before playing Sam in the Lord of the Rings movies. Another Goonies star, Josh Brolin, also had mainly bit parts until No Country for Old Men and Avengers made him a household name.