Author Topic: Noitce about recent rejected edits for Description or Box Text  (Read 1809 times)


Noitce about recent rejected edits for Description or Box Text
« on: December 09, 2021, 09:44:32 am »
As you may have noticed, we have been working on making some small changes to the site. A few of which should be not noticable but may end up being so because they effect the edit process, resulting in edits being rejected and sometimes for things you didn't edit.

Rejects on Descriptions or Box Text when you did not change these fields

We had noticed that some symbols were not appearing when they were typed into Box Text and slight changes were made in how the site recognizes some other non-alphanumeric characters that may sometimes be entered. While we are ironing out this slight change, sometimes the field in the edit view will change a character into something else, and when you submit, the page will send the (now) incorrect edit for that field to the approval queue. When we see this type of edit to Description or Box Text, we will be rejected it. The primary character that is doing this is the center point or symbol we use for lists. It looks like this: •

Re: Noitce about recent rejected edits for Description or Box Text
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2021, 11:22:13 am »
I'd been wondering why I was getting Box text rejects when I wasn't filling the fields but assumed it must of been something on my end.