it's too bad that all I get now is 1-7 listeners per day now

I play great stuff but the competitions is too high for the online radio, for some stupid reason those who do listen to online streaming radio rather pay Pandora or Sirius. But I'm FREE and COMMERCIAL and talk FREE. (edit) even when I get more I still will never advertise I promise

anyway I've gotten about 20,000 songs on one playlist for ya if your interested, still buying CD's for it hoping to be like Pandora or better then Sirius Satellite radio
Now Clementine I'll say again is also free if your interested I'm under the ICECAST and the all caps "VARIOUS" genre
my station is called "The Angel Classic Rock Mix---- Commercial Free & (live) from Taylor Michigan"
it's a long stream name but you don't need to type that in just go under ICECAST.