Author Topic: PlayStation Vita turns 10 years old.  (Read 1240 times)


PlayStation Vita turns 10 years old.
« on: February 25, 2022, 12:03:30 am »

PlayStation Vita it's 10 years old, sincerely I can't tell almost anything about the device because I never had one and I am almost completely uninterested on it.

I remember that 10 years ago I tried to find some for sale just to find the local stores asked some ridiculous prices for the cheaper one... so I went with a Nintendo 3DS and called it a day.

The life for Vita was quite unfortunate and a common discussion theme in Forums or similar was the failure of the console in sales and how Sony quickly cut all the support for just focusing on PS4.

Still if there something clear is that the console had a strong niche support and while sales were never spectacular in NA/Europe, the console actually used to sell an important number of copies in Japan that convinced Sony to still manufacturing it for at least a half decade.

From there I can't say much more about the Vita.

I admire the great support that it had from fans and while 3DS sold much more, Vita still has new games coming soon while that 3DS stopped receiving more a long time ago.

In the homebrew community, Vita is a good emulation device and it's pretty useful if you want to use it for play PSP games.

While limited, Vita had some success and possibly is still the favorite console for a respectable number of users.

Happy 10th anniversary.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


Re: PlayStation Vita turns 10 years old.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2022, 10:10:09 am »
Ah the PSV... the biggest nut kick from Sony for any of their devices.

I've been a huge Playstation fan since the start. Been a fan since the first Playstation was shown at its E3 reveal and in the camp since Christmas '95. I've owned every Playstation since then buying at or near launch with the exception of PSVR which took me a couple years to get.

Background out of the way... I picked up the PSV at launch with Uncharted and the biggest memory card that released with it. I even opted to pay $50 more for the 3G version in case I wanted that functionality on the handheld later down the road. I think for the system the game and the accessories, I spent around $500. I consider it the biggest waste of money I've ever spent for gaming... and I had bought a Virtual Boy ($25 new when it was on the way out).

The promise displayed by Sony is that the PSV would be the improved PSP. That second analog stick made all the difference. Hardware wise... the PSV was phenomenal. It was everything that I believe anyone wanted in handheld hardware and then some. The first couple years of games were pretty damn good. It was amazing getting Uncharted at launch and that it played and felt like the PS3 Uncharted games. Graphics obviously took a hit, but still... it was very impressive. We got a good Assassin's Creed game relatively quickly as well. The first couple years are what I expected for the lifespan of the system. That's not what we got though.

After the first two years, the entire industry decided to take a fat dump on the PSV system and thus early adopters of the hardware. Development of AAA titles all but stopped and we were left with Japanese imports and cell phone games. If you don't care for either of those... you were left with nothing. I had at least expected something more from Sony first party studios but even they gave early adopters the middle finger. It's due to the way Sony handled the PSV that I'll never buy another handheld focused device from Sony again. I don't care what they claim it will have.

If I had the ability to do it over, I'd have waited until the PSV was $150 used and got Uncharted and a handful of other decent titles that I have for it and called it good. Would have saved me hundreds for what has essentially been a paperweight since 2015.

Re: PlayStation Vita turns 10 years old.
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2022, 07:20:13 pm »
1 of my favorite systems of all time  and feeling wise it might be the most important system in my life.

trough the vita I met my best friend  and back then only one.
its also the only system I will ever own a complete set for  every physicla english release I own. asside from the 3 nicalis games but they are so expensive I couldnt even afford them if I saved my whole budget for a year

vita is also special because the fans kept it alive for so long.

vita means life

so the vita will never die  at least not in my lifetime.


Re: PlayStation Vita turns 10 years old.
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2022, 01:05:30 am »
I'm actually going through my backlog of PS Vita games right now. I notice as I get older it is harder for me to sit and look at such a small screen, but I do love the system. A good portion of my Vita games are imports or stuff from places like Limited Run Games, and Play Asia.


Re: PlayStation Vita turns 10 years old.
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2022, 02:36:55 am »
I have a single memory attached to the Vita. The day it launched I wound up with appendicitis. That may not seem like a big deal, but I didn't realize it until two days later when I went septic and nearly died in the hospital. I thought I just had a bad flu and waited it out for two days. My family and girlfriend noticed I wasn't getting up anymore and stopped going to the bathroom and was weak. They took me to the ER and I wound up staying for 3 days puking my guts out trying to recover. I had my family bring my Vita because I thought I would play it, but every time I looked at the screen I started puking. Not a fun way to spend the weekend of a console launch.